I feel that this website is an excellent place to start your research especially for those in the advance stages of cancer. The ICRF researchers are well aware of what causes cancer, and all of its "research treatments" (which are linked to on their website) are based on defeating the real cause of cancer.
"We at the ICRF already know how to cure cancer (and we have made these cures public information), so why in the world are we still looking? The reason is the media. Because of the media almost all cancer patients begin their cancer treatment with orthodox treatments. This means that by the time a few of them seek out alternative medicine, they have already had massive orthodox treatments, they are dead broke and they have been sent home to die!! "
So if you are in the search for cures for cancer check out a few of these sites:
- http://itsonlynatural.me/
- http://www.miraclemineral.org/
- http://www.new-cancer-treatments.org/
- drleonardcoldwell.com
- instinctbasedmedicine.com
- worldhealthnation.com
- drcoldwellopinion.tv
- cancertruth.info
- cancertruth.net
- doctorapsley.com
- doctormarysmonkey.com
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