Friday, December 30, 2011

Is Ron Paul an Isolationist - What is his foreign Policy

The main reason some Republicans do not like Ron Paul is first, because Rush Limbaugh does not want Ron Paul to win and the reason Rush Limbaugh doesn't support Ron Paul is because Rush calls him an isolationist. So I will explain what an isolationist is and see how this lines up with Ron Paul's foreign policy...

Isolationism as defined by Wikipedia

Isolationism is the policy or doctrine of isolating one's country from the affairs of other nations by declining to enter into alliances, foreign economic commitments, international agreements, etc., seeking to devote the entire efforts of one's country to its own advancement and remain at peace by avoiding foreign entanglements and responsibilities.

So while there are many countries i.e. Switzerland that many call an isolationist country. However, look at the definition "by declining to enter into alliances, foreign economic commitments, international agreements, etc". Switzerland DOES enter into economic commitments DOES make international agreements etc etc so Switzerland IS NOT truly an isolationist country, rather they are "politically neutral" meaning they do not take sides either for or against any one particular country, group, people etc.

So if the U.S. became an isolationist country we would sever every tie with every country in the world. We would do no trade. We have no allies. No enemies. We would not be able to import or export anything etc etc.

So how does his relate to Ron Paul's foreign policy... THIS IS NOT RON PAUL'S FOREIGN POLICY IN ANY WAY! I do not know how more plainly to s ay this.

Ron Paul is a Constitutionalists meaning he follows the United States Constitution, he uses this great document to provide for the actions he would do as President. The Constitution limits government, it does not limit the public, that is not the reason nor the purpose of the Constitution, but I digress...

Many people call Ron Paul a non-interventionist and this is more correct. A non-interventionist again as defined by Wikipedia...

Nonintervention or non-interventionism is a foreign policy which holds that political rulers should avoid alliances with other nations, but still retain diplomacy, and avoid all wars not related to direct self-defense. This is based on the grounds that a state should not interfere in the internal politics of another state, based upon the principles of state sovereignty and self-determination. A similar phrase is "strategic independence". Historical examples of supporters of non-interventionism are US Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, who both favored nonintervention in European Wars while maintaining free trade.

So there is nothing in any statement anywhere on the internet or in print to prove or show that Ron Paul is an isolationist, again he is not an isolationist in anyway.

In short Ron Paul does not believe, because the Constitution does not give the right for the Government to do so, that the Federal Government should go into any country and put our armed forces into that country.

Some ask the question "But JJ what if their is a perceived threat from some country like Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan etc". My answer is simple: first the U.S. Government has NO RIGHT, under the Constitution, to put our armed forces in any other country UNLESS a declaration of war by the Congress is voted on and passed.

So if we have a threat we should start by talking and when and if they declare war on us and are attacking us we should defend our own country. I think we would see a drastic reduction is "threats" when and if we, as the U.S. got out of other countries.

I use the word "threat" in quotes because the very people that want us to go to war are the very ones saying "there is a threat, there is a threat". You always have to consider the source when listening to people and what they say regarding threats.

Others say "But JJ what about the Muslims that want to kill us?" To which I answer as long as Muslims have existed they have wanted to take out the great satan, which is what they call our great country. I think if we left their country, left them alone, didn't prop up fake coo's, didn't overthrow their leaders etc etc, they may still hate us, which is fine, but sabre rattling from some desert somewhere is not really a threat.

If by some chance one of these Muslim countries hops on a boat and putts its armed forces across the pond and lands at our doorstep, Ron Paul's reaction is simple, blow them out of the water!

Ron Paul's view on war...

If a country attacks us and after war has been declared by the congress then...
We engage the enemy, We kill the enemy, we win the war, we come home.
Or in the words of my Italian uncle " Badda-ing badda-boom".

I hope this clears up the idea Rush Limbaugh and others are false putting out that Ron Paul is an isolationist and I hope you will read the issues study the candidates and vote Ron Paul 2012!

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