The United States Federal Government is a lot like the alien plant "Audrey" from the movie The Little Shop of Horrors.
The Little Shop of Horrors opens with an alien plant named Audrey drops from space as a small delicate plant. As in the picture on the left.
Rick Moranis finds Audrey and soon discovers Audre's has an insatiable hunger and her food of choice, human blood. Soon Audrey grows huge and out of control as pictured in the photo on the right.
Finally Rich Moranis is forces to feed Audrey more and more to the point he is forced to kill a human. Eventually the movie climaxes as Audrey attempts to eat Moranis.
So how does this relate to the Federal Government and why should you care?!
The government started out as a small plant, so cute, so loveable... But soon you find out the government eats only one thing, blood. Not just any blood but human blood and it wants your blood. In this case human blood is your money. The Fed starts out eating small amounts of your money but as the Fed grows it wants to eat more and more of you money.
You see, as the Government monster grows it deceives you into thinking you need the Government, can't live without the Government, will; starve, go naked, and die without the Government. Soon you start to believe that you need the Government and you will even fight to keep yourself hooked on the Government. So eventually you will fight tooth and nail to keep feeding this monster your very life blood, your money. I know sounds insane but it is a great analogy.
In the end this Government monster will eat all of your blood, your money, until you are tapped out then this monster will move on to the next victim. The only answer is to reduce the size of Government to a manageable size.
Think of the 1920's did the world fall in on itself because the Government was not huge? No, it did not. Not then not anytime in history. In fact all Governments that have failed, throughout history, have failed because they got to big sucked all the people dry and eventually fizzled out...
Let's not let Audrey suck all our blood and leave us dead. Let's fight to elect Ron Paul to the office of the President of the United States of America. The only candidate that is truly a Republican, conservative, or even a Constitutional candidate.
Ron Paul for President 2012!
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