Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Santorum Romney paul - A Comparision

So now that the Iowa caucus is officially over, the eyes of the nation turn to Rick Santorum Mitt Romney and Ron Paul. So lets compare the three candidates and you can decide who you want to run against Barack Obama.





Claim to be conservative

Against A Federal Medical Plan

Voted against the Bank Bailout

Never Voted to expand Government Programs

Says the Government should stay out of ones bedroom

Wants to end the unconstitutional failed drug war

The Government should get a declaration of war before going to war

Has never voted to raise taxes

Will cut the Federal Deficit

Wants to end the Unconstitutional Federal Reserve

Wants ZERO Income Tax

Will bring the troops home immediately

Wants to continue status quo Federal spending

Wants to Invade Iran and continue the four other Unconstitutional police actions (wars)

Wants to keep Israel on a leash and not let them run their own country

Wants to continue to send Billions of dollars overseas

Voted for the NDAA and the overturn of the 4th amendment to the Constitution

Voted in Favor of the Patriot Act

Believes in open borders

Will vote for amnesty for illegal aliens

Has taken millions from lobbyist

Will continue do nothing to help America but will keep the status quo

I could add all of the voting records to this list to cite where all this information has come from but I will save you the nauseating task of sifting through the piles of voting records...

We need to redesign, reform, adjust...

different, alteration make an about-face, adjustment, advance, break, compression, contraction, conversion, correction, development, difference, distortion, diversity, innovation, metamorphosis, modification, modulation, mutation, novelty, reconstruction, refinement, remodeling, reversal, revision, revolution, shift, surrogate, switch, tempering, transformation, transition, turn, transmutation, turnover, variance, variation, variety, vicissitude... and any other synonym for CHANGE that you can think of.

There is only one candidate that will actually reform our country back to the way it was originally intended to be, the way our forefathers dreamed it would be, the way the U.S. Constitution outlines it should be...Ron Paul

Ron Paul 2012

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