With the kind of support Mitt Romney is drumming up from the American "sheeple" (combo of sheep and people) I thought it important to talk about the implications of a Mormon as President.
I think it is important to note that no Mormon has ever been elected to the office of President. There is good reason for that.
- Mormons do not believe in the same God as Christians, Catholics etc.
- Mormons are really Satan worshipers masked as "God fearing people"
- Mormons believe Jesus is Satan's brother.
- Mormons believe God was once a man.
- Mormons believe in 3 levels of Heaven and only good Mormons go to the top level of Heaven.
- Mormons believe in Polygamy (having more than one wife).
- Mormons believe when a good Mormon man dies they will get their own planet and become the God of that planet.
- Mormons wear magic underwear. Everything you ever wanted to know about this magic underwear HERE.
Do we really want a Satan worshiper as Commander and Chief in charge of our once great country? No we do not!
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