The premise is simple; what would the world look like if Hitler and the Nazi's never lost the war but in fact won the war and took over the world.
Hitler found a secret piece of technology, a cell phone to be exact, and that simple piece of technology allows Hitler to win the war and all of the word. Fast-forward to present day; Hitler dies of natural causes and unless you are a Nazi the world is a very very dark place.
Imagine check points every few miles where armed guard look for the slightest infraction of the new draconian law. Maybe you have a Bible or a Koran or even a children's book that has not been approved. Perhaps you do not like the idea of the new taxes that the Nazi's have placed on everyone. Sure it is only a 45% tax on consumption (aka everything you buy or use) but the leadership needs the money to keep you safe. You get the point.
Maybe you don't get the point. The Nazi's have taken over everything. I mean everything right down to your very thoughts. Sure it is great if you are a Nazi; you live in lavish conditions, have all the food, shelter, clothing and luxuries of life. Again, great if you are a Nazi.
But what if you are not a Nazi. I mean, let's say you don't agree with the new leadership. You don't want anything from the new Government, you just want to be left alone so you can live and let live. What happened to the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I am sorry my friend those are antiquated ideas that died when Hitler took over. Now the world is simple; submit or die. Conform or be terminated.
As I said, this is a great episode of Misfits. As Andy Warhol, in a drug induced moment of brilliance, wisely spoke "Does art imitate life or does life imitate art?" Truer words were never spoken.
I find the whole idea very interesting especially in light of the facts of today's world. No there are no swastikas but there is a Nazi like force who seeks to take over the world and control every aspect of you life and mine. The power elite, world bankers, big government, dictators aka New World Order. Call them what you will their existence is none the less as real.
"They" seek to run and control every aspect of your life and admittedly are doing a very good job. Try to think of any one area of your life that Government does not have a say in?
No literally I mean try to think of just one area? If you can think of one area post it in the comment section and win a big big prize. (no prize sorry).
The moral of the story is we must stand up to Government and vote out those who seek to control the masses!
In short Vote Ron Paul 2012!
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