Among the many broken promises, and there are maaaannnnyyyy, the most recent broken promise is the closing of Guantanamo Bay detention center (prison) in Cuba.
Weather you think it should be open or not is not the issue in this blog posting today.
The point today is simple.
Obama promised, hand on heart, that he would close Guantanamo and he has not. He made pomp and circumstance around closing Guantanamo yet it not only remains open he recently signed the NDAA which keeps Guantanamo open it allows for American citizens to be detained, locked up, indefinitely up "suspicion" of being "connected" (read having ties) to any terrorist group.
That's right President Obama or any President that is after him can detain indefinitely an American, without trial, without being charged, without the right to a lawyer, for simply being "suspected" of having "ties" to "terrorist groups".
Here are the questions I have...
What defines "ties" to terrorist groups?
What defines "terrorist group"?
Why is there not rioting in the streets over this new bill?
In the words of my Italian Uncle... What-the-friggin-heck is going on?
Of all the candidates there is only one that voted against the NDAA (one of only 7 that voted against the bill at all) and that candidate is Ron Paul. If for no other reason vote Ron Paul so we can repeal the NDAA immediately!
Video of Obama and his broken Guantanamo promises...
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