I am eternally curious why the religious portions of our great country do not support Ron Paul across the board?
These religious groups include:
1 Perduian Way
2 Buddhism
2.1 Chinese Buddhists
2.2 Japanese Mahayana Buddhism
2.2.1 Miscellaneous
2.2.2 Nichiren groups
2.2.3 Shin groups
2.3 Theraveda Buddhism
2.4 Tibetan Buddhism
2.5 Western Buddhism
2.6 Zen Buddhism
2.6.1 Nakagawa groups
2.6.2 Neo-Japanese Zen
2.6.3 Rinzai Zen
2.6.4 Soto Zen
3 Christianity
3.1 Adventist and related churches
3.1.1 Sunday-keeping William Miller churches
3.1.2 Sabbath-keeping William Miller churches
3.1.3 Church of God Movement
3.1.4 Sacred Name Movement
3.1.5 Charles Taze Russell’s Bible Students
3.1.6 Southcotties
3.1.7 Other Adventists
3.2 Anglicanism
3.3 Baptists
3.3.1 Missionary Baptist-Calvinists Conservative Baptist Movement Ethnic Calvinist Baptists
3.3.2 Calvinistic Anti-Mission Baptists Primitive Baptists
3.3.3 Independent Primitive Baptist Associations
3.3.4 Black Baptists
3.3.5 General Baptists
3.3.6 Seventh-Day Baptists
3.3.7 Church of Christ, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and Related
3.3.8 Christadelphians
3.4 Communals
3.4.1 Pre-1960s Communes Hutterites
3.4.2 Post-1960's Communes
3.5 Eastern Orthodox
3.5.1 Russian Orthodox
3.5.2 Greek Orthodox
3.5.3 Albanian Churches
3.5.4 Bulgarian Churches
3.5.5 Romanian Churches
3.5.6 Serbian Churches
3.5.7 Syrian (Antiochan) Churches
3.5.8 Ukrainian Churches
3.5.9 Belarusan Churches
3.5.10 Other
3.6 European Free-Church Family
3.6.1 Mennonites and the Amish Swiss and Dutch Mennonites Amish Russian Mennonites
3.6.2 Brethren
3.6.3 Quakers
3.6.4 Free Church Brethren
3.7 Holiness
3.7.1 19th Century Holiness Churches and Related
3.7.2 Black Holiness Churches
3.7.3 20th Century White Holiness Churches
3.7.4 Glenn Griffith Movement Bible Methodism
3.8 Independent Fundamentalist Church
3.8.1 Plymouth Brethren
3.8.2 Fundamentalism
3.8.3 Grace Gospel Movement
3.8.4 Other Bible Student Bodies
3.8.5 Alternate Bible Students
3.9 Latter Day Saints movement
3.9.1 Utah Mormons
3.9.2 Missouri Mormons
3.9.3 Polygamy-practicing groups
3.9.4 Variant revelations
3.10 Liberal
3.11 Lutheran
3.11.1 Apostolic Lutheran
3.12 Metaphysicals
3.12.1 New Thought groups
3.12.2 Christian Science Independent Christian Scientists
3.13 Non-Chalcedonian Orthodox
3.13.1 Copts
3.13.2 Monphysites
3.14 Pentecostal
3.14.1 Holiness/Pentecostal Churches
3.14.2 "Two-Experience" churches
3.14.3 Deliverance (Healing) Movement
3.14.4 Apostolic, Oneness, or "Jesus Only" Movement
3.14.5 Black Pentecostal Church
3.14.6 Snake Handlers
3.14.7 Latin American Pentecostals
3.14.8 Miscellaneous Pentecostal churches
3.15 Pietist/Methodist
3.15.1 Methodism Episcopal Methodism Non-Episcopal Methodism Congregational Methodist Methodist Protestants Other Black Methodists British Methodism German Methodists
3.15.2 Moravians
3.15.3 Scandinavian Pietists
3.16 Reformed/Presbyterian
3.16.1 Congregational
3.16.2 Presbyterian
3.16.3 Reformed
3.17 Roman Catholicism
4 Gurdjieff
5 Hinduism
5.1 Disciples of Sivananda
5.2 Siddha Yoga
6 Islam
6.1 Black Muslims
7 Jainism
8 Judaism
8.1 Black Jews
8.2 Hasidism
8.3 Havurat communities
8.4 Mainstream Judaism
8.5 Miscellaneous
9 Left Hand Path
9.1 Luciferianism
9.2 Satanism
9.3 Setianism
10 Magick
10.1 Ritual magick
10.1.1 Ordo Templi Orientis
10.2 Witchcraft
10.2.1 African Witchcraft
10.2.2 Traditional witchcraft
10.2.3 Gardnerian Witchcraft
10.2.4 Miscellaneous
11 Neopaganism
11.1 Reconstructionalist Paganism
11.1.1 Celtic Reconstructionalist Paganism
11.1.2 Dievturîba
11.1.3 Egyptian paganism
11.1.4 European paganism
11.1.5 Germanic neopaganism
11.1.6 Hellenic polytheism
11.1.7 Judeo-Paganism
11.1.8 Kemetic polytheism
11.1.9 Romuva
11.1.10 Stregheria
11.1.11 Nontraditional paganism
11.2 Syncretic and eclectic Paganism
11.2.1 Wicca
11.2.2 Other
11.3 Wiccan churches
12 New Religious Movements
12.1 Gay Religion
12.2 Hawaiian
12.3 Jesus People
12.4 Mail-order
12.5 Miscellaneous
12.6 Politically & socially oriented groups
13 Psychic & New Age
13.1 Alice Bailey Movement
13.2 Churches involved with UFOs
13.3 Churches using controlled substances
13.4 I AM movement
13.5 Liberal Catholicism
13.6 Miscellaneous
13.7 Occult
13.8 Rosicrucians
13.9 Spiritualism
13.10 Swedenborg & the New Jerusalem
13.11 Teaching Spiritualism
13.11.1 Universal Link
13.11.2 Cosmic Awareness
13.12 Theosophy
13.12.1 Miscellaneous theosophical groups
13.12.2 New Angelus
14 Shinto
15 Sikhism
16 Sufism
17 Thelema
18 Zoroastrianism
Please comment and let me know the reasoning. Thanks
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