Sunday, January 22, 2012
SOPA and PIPA are Nothing Compared to ACTA - The real Freedom Killer
By now everyone knows about SOPA and PIPA and we have effectively put those on hold, for now. But just when you thought it was safe to get back on the internet "ACTA" the Anti-counterfeiting Trade Agreement comes along and has everyone running for the hills...
So what is ACTA the short version is; imagine the copyright laws of the U.S. now pump them up on steroids, subtract all forms of democracy and input from every country in the world, add more steroids, more fines, more jail-time all under the watchful eye of European Union suits. And that is just the sort version, yea it looks like it's going to be that bad...
To read the complete proposed law go to or click HERE.
5 Reasons Why Ron Paul is the ONLY National Security Candidate
Ron Paul is not simply the anti-war candidate. He is also the national security candidate. This is an important truth that is overlooked.
The wars in the Middle East have been sold to the American people as “national security” wars, but this is a big lie. The wars have nothing to do with America’s national security interests. So, the anti-war position is the same as the pro-national security position.
Washington’s Blog shined a light on the real reasons for America’s endless wars in the article, “Are The Middle East Wars Really About Forcing the World Into Dollars and Private Central Banking?”
Ron Paul is the world’s biggest opponent of private central banking, the fiat dollar system, and the endless war on terror. His resistance has a moral dimension for sure, but his main argument is that America has not benefited from the wars either economically, militarily, or politically.
Throughout his presidential campaign Dr. Paul has repeated the point that America’s national security and economic health are being ruined by Washington’s multiple unsustainable and costly wars.
But Dr. Paul’s rejection of the war on terror mythos is not the only reason why he should be considered as the national security candidate. He puts the national security of America ahead of politics and party every single time, no matter the issue. Whether the issue is a war against Iran or indefinite detention in America, Dr. Paul is consistently for the defense of America’s national security.
It is clear that Dr. Paul is the only serious national security candidate in the 2012 presidential race. Below I’ve listed five issues which showcase Dr. Paul’s national security credentials.
1. Dr. Paul agrees with senior members of the U.S. Military that a war against Iran is a bad idea, and with the U.S. intelligence community that Iran does not have a nuclear bomb. His political foes in his party are confusing America’s national security interests with Israel’s national security interests. And in doing so, they are severely undermining the economic health and security of the United States.
2. Dr. Paul’s opposition to the indefinite detention provisions in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) are grounded in the belief that unconstitutional laws threaten America’s national security. Earlier this week, he introduced legislation to repeal the section of the NDAA that allows the military to snatch up American citizens in the night and keep them hostage in secret prisons without trial. This government power will be abused and the social fabric of America will be destroyed. As Washington’s Blog stated in an article headline,“Indefinite Detention Hurts Our National Security and Increases the Risk of Terrorism.”
3. In August 2010, Admiral Mike Mullen, the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said U.S. national debt poses the biggest threat to America’s national security.
Dr. Paul has done the most among political leaders in raising public awareness about the rapidly growing U.S. national debt and the risks of U.S. bankruptcy. He is the only true anti-debt candidate, which proves that he truly cares about the economic security and social well-being of America, unlike every other Republican candidate and President Obama.
On January 18, 2012, Senator Jim DeMint endorsed Ron Paul’s views on foreign policy and national debt, saying:
“If we spread ourselves too thin around the world were not gonna be able to defend the homeland, particularly with the level of debt that we have right now. It’s foolish for us to think that we can have military bases all over the world, spend billions of dollars when we’re going broke back home. It just isn’t gonna happen.”
4. Ron Paul’s defense of America’s national security begins at the borders. He says as President he will protect America’s borders and restore the legal paths to citizenship in the United States. His pro-legal immigration/pro-border security platform is in line with the true values and national security interests of America.
5. The foundations of America’s national security are the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, especially the first amendment and the second amendment. They are currently under attack by the hijacked government, which is an attack on America’s national security. Dr. Paul will restore the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, which would significantly improve the security of the United States.
America would not be America without a free press and an armed citizenry. If both were destroyed, which is a very real possibility if internet censorship and police state legislation are not resisted, then the fire of liberty that is America will be extinguished forever.
Saman Mohammadi is the writer and editor at The Excavator Blog
Thank you
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Hillary Clinton joins U.N. World Gun Ban

Never heard of the United Nations push to confiscate every gun on the planet, including every United States citizens guns? Well that is not surprising those in power have been trying quite hard to keep this under wraps. None the less it is very real and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton is supporting the world gun ban with full force!
The United Nations and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are moving forward with their plan to confiscate your guns.
The United States joined 152 other countries in support of the Arms Trade Treaty Resolution, which establishes the dates for the 2012 UN conference intended to attack American sovereignty by stripping Americans of the right to keep and bear arms.
Working groups of anti-gun countries will begin scripting language for the conference this year, creating a blueprint for other countries when they meet at the full conference.
The stakes couldn’t be higher.
Former United Nation’s ambassador John Bolton has cautioned gun owners about the Arms Trade Treaty and says the UN “is trying to act as though this is really just a treaty about international arms trade between nation states, but there’s no doubt that the real agenda here is domestic firearms control.”
Establishing the dates for the Arms Trade Treaty Conference is just the first step toward their plans for total gun confiscation.
The worldwide gun control mob will ensure the passage of an egregious, anti-gun treaty…
. . .and that’s where Secretary of State Hillary Clinton steps in.
Once the UN Gun Ban is passed by the General Assembly of the United Nations it must be ratified by each nation, including the United States.
As an arch enemy of gun owners, Clinton has pledged to push the U.S. Senate to ratify the treaty. She will push for passage of this outrageous treaty designed to register, ban and CONFISCATE firearms owned by private citizens like YOU.
So far, the gun-grabbers have successfully kept the exact wording of their new scheme under wraps.
But looking at previous versions of the UN “Small Arms Treaty,” you and I can get a good idea of what’s likely in the works.
Don’t let any of the “experts” lull you to sleep by saying “Oh, we have it handled” or “Until you know exactly what’s in the treaty you can’t fight against it.”
Judging by Ambassador Bolton’s comments — who certainly knows what to expect from the American-freedom-hating international crowd that infests the U.N. — we are certain the treaty’s going to address the private ownership of firearms.
If passed by the UN and ratified by the U.S. Senate (which is where we must ultimately make our stand), the UN “Small Arms Treaty” would almost certainly FORCE national governments to:
*** Enact tougher licensing requirements, making law-abiding citizens cut through even more bureaucratic red tape just to own a firearm legally;
*** CONFISCATE and DESTROY ALL “unauthorized” civilian firearms (all firearms owned by the government are excluded, of course);
*** BAN the trade, sale and private ownership of ALL semi-automatic weapons;
*** Create an INTERNATIONAL gun registry, setting the stage for full-scale gun CONFISCATION. So please click here to sign the petition to your U.S. Senators before it’s too late!
You see, this is NOT a fight we can afford to lose.
Forget the Iran Debate We Are Now at War With Libya

While Presidential candidates debate each other about how fast to go to war with Iran all citing the nuclear threat and all forgetting every other country that has nukes and is hostile toward the U.S. (read the complete list and more HERE)
On January 12, 2012 President Obama officially sent more than 12,000 troops into Libya. Yes Libya!
The troop deployment is said to help stabilize and add security to the region, the troops will be taking control of strategic sea ports and oil fields.
In my opinion this is just getting ridiculous. The U.S. sending troops to any country at will. With no regard for the will of the people of the U.S. to declaration of war no-nothing.
What right do we have to drop troops in on another sovereign country? National Security? Oil rights? Democracy? Peace?
When in history has an in-peaceful act like sending troops ever brought about peace, the answer is... Never.
We, as voting Americans, need to stop this warmongering, Military Industrial Complex touting, nation building system that we have currently devouring our once great nation.
Vote Ron Paul 2012 and let's get our own country in order and end this wold tyranny we are imposing.
Do not believe the lies that bring about fear. Remember "Perfect love casts out all fear". Every candidate is spewing fear to get the voters to do their will. We do not need to be in Libya, Iran, Iraq or any other country except at home building our own country.!
Vote Ron Paul 2012!
Curent Nuclear Weapon Count Around the World

With all the talk of Iran and a nuclear program I thought it important to list the current nuclear weapons tally sheet...
Are we going to preemptively go to war with every country that has nuclear weapons and is hostile toward the U.S.?
Country | Nuke Count | Hostile to U.S. |
China | 240 | * |
France | 300 | *± |
Russia | 1566 | * |
United Kingdom | 385 | *± |
United States | 5113 |
India | 100 | *± |
Israel | 250 |
Pakistan | 90 | *± |
North Korea | 12 | * |
As we can see from the chart there are many countries that have nuclear weapons most of which are hostile to the United States.
The * symbol means the country is hostile to the U.S.
The ± symbol means that the country has possible hostilities toward the U.S.
- France, United Kingdom, India, Pakistan have an increasingly greater hostility toward the U.S. given the amount of growing Muslim influence.
- China, Russia, North Korea make their hostilities toward the U.S.
Friday, January 20, 2012
"Jabba the Newt Gingrich" Cancels Campaign Event Due No Attendance

"Jabba the Newt" Gingrich has cancelled a campaign appearance in South Carolina because of poor attendance.
The Republican presidential candidate was scheduled to speak to the Southern Republican Leadership on Friday. A campaign spokesman told reporters that he would no longer be appearing due to poor attendance.
There were just a few dozen people in the audience at the College of Charleston's arena, where the event was taking place. The conference has suffered from low attendance all week.
Conversely Ron Paul is gaining huge support in South Carolina! Yup, and we're supposed to believe that Gingrich is the front runner? Don't believe the mainstream media fabrications...
Thursday, January 19, 2012
What is the Romney Book - and Who Cares?
If you think you’ve already heard everything there is to know about Mitt Romney, think again. A 200-page document that appears to be Sen. John McCain’s entire 2008 election-year opposition research file on the former Massachusetts governor hit the Internet with a vengeance Tuesday evening. And it’s an eye-opener.
The file explores everything from the assessed value of Romney’s house (“$3.162 million”) to his views on the Boy Scouts’ ban of homosexuals (“publicly opposed … in 1994 and 2002 campaigns”). It was made public Tuesday on the social media website Buzzfeed, although it appears to have been accessible online for two months.
The document, given the name “The Romney Book,” was viewed less than 100 times on the page where it was originally uploaded by its anonymous leaker on November 11.
If you do decided to read "The Romney Book" do so without having to give out your information as I have it on Also look at some of the "gotcha" items McCain has listed, because it really shows insights into what McCain really believes and what he thinks is good and bad, it is quite scarey to see into McCain's mind compared to what McCain tried paint himself to be in the 2004 election.
We as American's need to wake up and realize that the men trying to run this country want to take it over. They need to be stopped - we need to vote Ron Paul in 2012.
Read "The Romney Book" and see if Mitt Romney is the best candidate for President.
The Romney Book Part 4 of 4
Included In Stream’s Expansion Plans: 600 New Jobs In Mumbai, India. “New sites will include buildings
in Montana, New Mexico, Canada, and northern Spain, among other places. Stream also said it will hire 600
workers in Bombay, to provide support via e-mail. In Canton, Stream plans to upgrade its infrastructure and
add about 55 corporate staff employees, 100 software support workers, and 100 employees for hardware
support.” (Ross Kerber, “Canton, Mass.-Based Tech Support Company To Announce Major Expansion,” The Boston Globe, 6/27/00)
Stream’s “Outsourcing” Business Was Described As “Booming.” “Stream’s call-center business is booming
as hardware and software companies hire outsiders to answer questions about their products. The business is
known as ‘outsourcing,’ and it spares companies from having to talk to live customers.” (Ross Kerber, “Canton, Mass.-
Based Tech Support Company To Announce Major Expansion,” The Boston Globe, 6/27/00)
Under Bain Management, Stream Declined To Open Call Centers In Idaho And Wyoming As It Opened Or
Expanded Facilities In Canada, Spain, France, Ireland And India
In April 2000, Stream Decided Not To Open Call Facility In Gillette, Wyoming Because Local
Unemployment Was Too Low And Workers Were Too Skilled. “The city will not be the location of a call center
for Internet service providers because residents tend to be overqualified and want more pay than Stream
International intended to provide. Susan Bigelow, executive director of the Campbell County Economic
Development Corp., told the city council the news Wednesday. … ‘Not many of the applicants at the open house
indicated a willingness to work for less than $10 per hour, which is consistent with the high skill level that was
represented,’ she said.” (“Call Center No Longer Considering Gillette,” The Associated Press, 4/13/00)
“In April, Stream International Decided Against Opening A Computer Service Call Center In Gillette
Because Workers Wanted Too Much Pay And The Local Economy Was Too Healthy.” (“Two
Telecommunications Companies Now Considering Gillette,” The Associated Press, 7/12/00)
Later That Summer, Stream Declined To Open Call Center In Twin Falls, Idaho. “Twin Falls had the
telecommunications upgrades on the way. It pulled together a handsome package of incentives. And it had a site
all picked out. But the city’s unemployment news was just too good to land a certain call center’s jobs for Twin
Falls, which lost out to cities with higher jobless rates. Now that Dave McAlindin has a definitive ‘no’ from Stream
International Inc., he consented recently to talk about the one that got away.” (Virginia Hutchins, “Low Unemployment
Rates Doom Idaho Town’s Quest To Land Telecom Call Center,” Times-News [Twin Falls, ID], 9/19/00)
Stream’s Reasoning: Local Unemployment “Just Wasn’t High Enough.” “[S]tream itself on Monday
granted its first brief interview to The Times-News. ‘We were looking at the demographics of locating a
contact center in your area,’ said Kathleen Nordgren, Stream’s director of public relations. ‘But I guess the
good news for you is that one of the demographics that we look at is unemployment, and unemployment just
wasn’t high enough to justify the size of contact center that we would be looking to open.’” (Virginia Hutchins, “Low
Unemployment Rates Doom Idaho Town’s Quest To Land Telecom Call Center,” Times-News [Twin Falls, ID], 9/19/00)
Local Chamber Official Said Stream Officials Were “Pretty Aloof The Whole Time, Pretty Tough To
Talk To.” “Though Stream seemed satisfied with the location package, [Twin Falls chamber executive Kent]
Just said he thinks an immediately ready building could have made a difference. But he never got to talk to
Stream about it. ‘They were pretty aloof the whole time, pretty tough to talk to,’ Just said. ‘We talked to them
through consultants, mostly.’” (Virginia Hutchins, “Low Unemployment Rates Doom Idaho Town’s Quest To Land Telecom Call
Center,” Times-News [Twin Falls, ID], 9/19/00)
Later That Year, Stream Announced It Would Open New Facility In La Coruna, Spain. “To respond to the
need for additional Spanish capabilities, Stream will open a customer interaction center in La Coruna, Spain, in
the fourth quarter of this year. La Coruna was chosen due to the availability of customer service and technical
skills in the labor force, the quality of the data and telecommunications infrastructure, and the proximity to local
universities. Because La Coruna is near the Portuguese border, the site will also be able to enhance Stream’s
Portuguese capabilities in Europe.” (Stream International, Press Release, 10/12/00)
“[I]n The Second Half Of 2000, Stream Will Have Opened A Total Of 6 New Customer Interaction
Centers Worldwide, In The U.S., Canada, Spain, And India.” (Stream International, Press Release, 10/12/00)
September 2000: Stream Launched New E-Service Facility In India, Offering “Cost-Efficient” Services To
Worldwide Client Base. “Stream International … today launched its expanded e-service offering through its new
Virtual Interaction Center in India. The e-services will be offered by Stream Tracmail India Ltd, a joint venture
formed to provide 24x7 electronic customer service and technical support solutions to Stream’s world-class client
base. … The Virtual Interaction Center in Mumbai will provide high quality, cost-efficient eCRM services initially
via e-mail, and in the future, chat, collaboration and knowledge authoring.” (Stream International, Press Release, 9/14/00)
President And COO Scott Murray: “Our decision to expand our services to India provides clients with
access to a unique labor market, which is not only highly skilled, but also has a strong work ethic. Customers
will benefit from our guaranteed timely 24 hours response even though their questions are being answered
from half way around the globe.” (Stream International, Press Release, 9/14/00)
India Facility “Will Be Managed By Stream’s North American Operations.” “Stream Tracmail India Ltd.
will be managed by Stream’s North American Operations. This structure will provide Stream’s clients with the
same dependable high quality services that they experience from existing operations.” (Stream International, Press
Release, 9/14/00)
March 2001: Stream Announced It Would Add Up To 300 Jobs – On Top Of 1,000 Existing Jobs – At Its
Facility In Ontario, Canada. “Stream International, Inc. … announced it will expand its operations in Belleville,
Ontario, by adding capacity for up to 300 additional employees. Belleville currently hosts more than 950
employees who provide customer care and technical support using voice and Internet technologies. … According
to the company, Canada is a critical component of Stream’s North American expansion plans.” (“Canadian Expansion
For Stream International,” Customer Interaction Solutions, 3/1/01)
In July 2001, Stream Selected Angers, France As Location For 200-Person Call Center. “Stream
International, a global Customer Relationship Management (CRM) outsourcing and support services provider for
leading technology companies and e-businesses, today announced that it has selected Angers, France, as the
location of its newest European Customer Interaction Center. Stream’s second French Center will host 200 new
workstations for customer care and technical support agents using leading edge voice and Internet-based
technologies.” (Stream International, Press Release, 7/17/01)
An Existing Call Center Located Near Paris Already Employed 400 People. “The move to Angers is a key
component of Stream’s French expansion strategy. The first French center located in Velizy, near Paris,
employs 400 support agents and is near capacity.” (Stream International, Press Release, 7/17/01)
August 2001: Stream Announced Opening Of New Facility In Nova Scotia, Expected To Create Up To 900
Canadian Jobs. “Stream International … announced today that Stream has selected Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, for
its next Canadian Customer Interaction Center. Once fully operational, Stream expects the Customer Interaction
Center to employ up to 900 employees. Stream has begun recruiting for all levels of employment positions,
including customer interaction agents, mentors, team managers and service delivery managers. The company
expects to be able to fill its site management positions primarily from the local Cape Breton Region.” (Stream
International, Press Release, 8/10/01)
September 2001: Stream Opened Call Center In British Columbia, Creating Roughly 900 New Canadian
Jobs. “CRM outsourcing and support services provider Stream International opened its third Canadian customer
interaction center in Chilliwack, British Columbia. At full capacity, the company expects to employ approximately
900 people. … Stream expects to fill its site management positions primarily from the local Chilliwack area.”
(“Stream Online In British Columbia,” Customer Interaction Solutions, 9/1/01)
October 2001: Stream Announced It Would Expand Its Derry Facility In Ireland, Which Already Employed
More Than 600 People Providing Support For Dell And H-P Product Users. “Stream International has
announced plans to expand its workforce in Londonderry. The company is currently recruiting technical support
representatives and is also looking for team managers. … The Derry operation started in January 1996 and now
employs over 600 people making it the third largest employer in the city. Each day around 14,000 customer
service and technical support issues are handled by telephone and e-mail for the end user customers of
companies such as Dell or Hewlett Packard. Steve Moore, CEO Stream, views the Derry operation as one of the
company’s key worldwide reference sites in terms of the quality of the local workforce and the world-class
reputation the Derry site has developed with its clients.” (Joe Harkin, “Northwest Focus,” Belfast Telegraph [Ireland], 10/16/01)
October 2001: Stream Formed New Business Structure To Manage Canadian Operations In Wake Of New
Facilities In British Columbia, Nova Scotia And Ontario. “Stream International, a global Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) outsourcing and support services provider for leading technology companies
and e-businesses, today announced a new organizational structure to lead its Canadian Management Team. …
This success has resulted in the opening of two additional Canadian sites in Chilliwack, British Columbia, and
Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, in the past year.” (Stream International, Press Release, 10/10/2001)
President And COO Scott Murray Praised Company’s Plans To Expand In Canada. “We are very excited
about the success we’ve had in Canada, which has prompted the formation of this new management
structure for our Canadian Operations … With over 1,000 employees currently working in Belleville and a
combined 1,600 positions set to be filled in Chilliwack and Cape Breton, we felt it was necessary to put a
dedicated team in place that would work to manage the day-to-day Canadian Operations.” (Stream International,
Press Release, 10/10/2001)
November 2001: Stream Announced It Would Expand Its Facility In Mumbai, India To Include Voice
Support Services In Addition To Existing E-Mail Services. “Stream International … today announced that the
company will expand its capabilities to provide voice support at its Mumbai, India, site. … Stream opened its
Mumbai contact center in October 2000 to handle e-mail-based customer care. In only one year, the site reached
a significant milestone by handling more than one million e-mail support requests. Based on this success and an
increased demand for voice services from clients, Stream has expanded its telecommunications infrastructure in
India and expects to handle voice-based support by December 2001.” (Stream International, Press Release, 11/12/01)
Stream President And COO Scott Murray: “We work closely with our clients to understand their needs,
which is why we have developed a cost-effective way to deliver voice support via our Mumbai location … The
success of our off-shore customer care solution in India illustrates our ability to use a global infrastructure to
develop cost-effective solutions that also meet our clients’ needs for high-quality support.” (Stream International,
Press Release, 11/12/01)
Stream Provided Its Indian Workers With “Three Weeks Of Training On American English And
Culture.” “Stream provides each agent with three weeks of training on American English and culture, in
addition to client-specific training that they receive. Stream India is linked to Stream’s North American IT
infrastructure with both dedicated and virtual network connections for speed, quality, reliability and
redundancy.” (Stream International, Press Release, 11/12/01)
After Bain Capital Sold Stream International To Solectron In 2001, Company Proceeded To Shed
Thousands Of American Jobs
Stream Once Employed More Than 3,000 People In Dallas, TX Area – By 2003 That Number Had Fallen To
350. “While under the Solectron umbrella, Stream had a huge Metroplex presence, at one time employing more
than 3,000 in a 250,000-squarefoot building in Carrollton. That number had dropped to about 350 workers by
October 2003, when the company shuttered its local operations and shipped the jobs offshore. During fiscal 2003,
Stream generated an estimated $400 million in revenue for Solectron.” (Jeff Bounds and Christine Perez, “Stream Picks
Richardson For Consolidated Offices,” Dallas Business Journal, 7/16/04)
In July 2003, Stream Closed Call Center In Silver City, New Mexico And Laid Off Nearly 800 People. “A new
call center here expects to have hired 100 people by February and will employ more than 500 once the center is
in full operation. Teleperformance USA of Salt Lake City, one of the largest contact center outsourcers in the
country, said its call center will provide customer services for telecommunications giant Sprint. …
Teleperformance will take over a building vacated when Stream International shut down its call center in July
2003 after less than three years in Silver City. That shutdown cost 770 jobs.” (“Silver City Getting New Call Center,” The
Associated Press, 12/29/05)
Three Years Earlier – Under Bain Management – Stream Officials Trumpeted Possibility Of Providing
Up To 1,100 New Jobs For Local Residents. “The new call center here will triple the number of jobs it
originally promised, said Michael Padilla, director of New Mexico operations for Stream International. The
company said it would hire 300 when it applied for and received $1.8 million of state in-plant training funds
this summer. But Padilla told the Journal on Tuesday night that Stream expects to employ 620 by the end of
October and could employ 900 to 1,100 by the end of December. ‘This will be a huge diamond in the rough
for Silver City,’ he said.” (Diane Velasco, “Stream Tripling Its Hiring,” Albuquerque Journal, 9/29/00)
In August 2003, Stream Closed Call Center In Kalispell, Montana, Laying Off 330 People. “Montana’s
numbers for call centers appear decidedly in decline after suffering a huge blow when a Stream International Inc.
call center in Kalispell closed last year, putting 330 people out of work.” (Frank Jossi, “Dialing Up Call Centers,” Fedgazette,
Three Years Earlier – Under Bain Management – Stream Official Boasted That Company Would Create
Between 500 And 650 Jobs At Kalispell Facility. “Renovation work on Stream International’s 60,000
square-foot call center is scheduled to be completed in late June, but already the company may have a space
problem. Stream promised to provide 500 full-time jobs within three years, but it appears the firm will create
substantially more jobs within months, officials said. ‘Certainly there’s a likelihood that we’ll employ more than
500 people,’ said Reed Garrett, a company vice president. Stream currently employs 225 people in Kalispell,
and Garrett said hiring between 500 and 650 employees by the end of the year is reasonable.” (“Stream May Hire
Between 500 And 650,” The Associated Press, 6/14/00)
Stream’s Jobs Leaving Montana Were Likely To Head “To Foreign Lands.” “Wages might be low in
Montana’s Flathead Valley, but for the folks managing Stream International, they still aren’t low enough. ‘The
entire industry is moving toward lower-cost locations,’ said Bob Kula. ‘It’s the reality of the marketplace. We’re
definitely restructuring our business and adding capacity outside the United States and North America.’ That
is to say, when 330 Stream International jobs leave Kalispell next month, they’ll likely head to foreign lands.”
(Michael Jamison, “Stream Jobs Flow Overseas,” Missoulian [Missoula, MT], 7/11/03)
“The Shutdown Comes Just Three Years After City Leaders Granted Stream A $4 Million Incentive
Package To Entice The Company To Town.” (Michael Jamison, “Stream Jobs Flow Overseas,” Missoulian [Missoula, MT],
In October 2003, Stream Shuttered Its Facility In Suburban Dallas, Firing 354 People As Local Official
Lamented Industry’s Move “Offshore.” “Massachusetts-based Stream International is apparently riding the
wave of technology support companies relocating jobs overseas, as the giant customer service supplier exits the
Metroplex, closing its Carrollton center and laying off 354 people. … ‘I’ve been aware they were downsizing,’
[Carrollton, TX economic development official Brad] Mink said. ‘That industry is moving offshore. It’s very
commonplace nowadays.’” (Margaret Allen, “Stream International Closes, Lays Off 354,” Dallas Business Journal, 10/3/03)
Stream Had Been Major Employer In Metroplex Area For At Least Five Years. “Mink said Stream had
been in the 250,000-square foot building, formerly occupied by Texas Instruments, for five years or more.
During that time, the company had consolidated and downsized its other Metroplex operations into the
center.” (Margaret Allen, “Stream International Closes, Lays Off 354,” Dallas Business Journal, 10/3/03)
In 2004, Stream Shuffled Between 100 And 200 Jobs From Oregon Into Canada. “Stream International plans
to move between 100 and 200 Beaverton call-center jobs out of the United States. … Between now and July,
Stream will move 100 to 200 jobs from Beaverton to Chilliwack, B.C., company officials said Tuesday. Stream,
which employs about 800 people in Beaverton, will move technical support work that it handles for Hewlett-
Packard.” (Jeff Kosseff, “Beaverton Jobs Bound For B.C.,” The Oregonian, 4/7/04)
Former Stream Employee Wade Padgett: “Their Tactics, In My Mind, Are Very Predatory, Taking
Advantage Of Towns That Are Really Hurting.” PADGETT: “They continue to look for somewhere cheaper. If
the benefit of leaving outweighs the penalties, they cut and run for the next cheap labor pool. Their tactics, in my
mind, are very predatory, taking advantage of towns that are really hurting. … It’s like a shell game. It lets them
say they aren’t moving jobs overseas, but all the new jobs are created overseas while the jobs here are
eliminated.” (Michael Jamison, “Stream Jobs Flow Overseas,” Missoulian [Missoula, MT], 7/11/03)
Bain Capital Held Controlling Stake In Outsourced Manufacturing Services Provider Modus Media, Inc.
(Formerly Known As Modus Media International, Inc.) From Early 1998 Through Mid-2004
In 1997, Outsourcing Services Company Stream International – Also A Bain Capital Investment –
Announced It Would Split Into Three Separate Entities, One Of Which Was Modus Media. “But by April of
1997, Stream announced it was reorganizing into three independent businesses, citing ‘marketplace assumptions
that … unfolded in ways different than originally envisioned.’ While its Outsource Technical Support division would
retain the Stream International name, its Outsource Manufacturing Services division would become Modus Media,
a global manufacturing and fulfillment business. Its Corporate Technologies group would revert back to Corporate
Software and Technology to concentrate on software resale and technology services.” (Christa Degnan, “Net
Technology Yields Midstream Split For Donnelley,” Mass High Tech, 1/5/98)
Bain Capital Assumed Full Ownership Stake In Early 1998. “Modus spokeswoman Donna Tolley said the
company is investing heavily in new facilities to fuel worldwide expansion, including operations in Ireland,
Scotland and the Netherlands. … She said in the next few weeks the company will be fully-owned by Bain
Capital, an original minority investor in Stream.” (Christa Degnan, “Net Technology Yields Midstream Split For Donnelley,” Mass
High Tech, 1/5/98)
Bain Capital Had Taken Control Of Modus By February 1998. “Modus Media International, headquartered in
Westwood, MA, recently completed its incorporation as an independent company. Following the ownership
restructuring of Stream International Holdings Inc., a unit of R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company, Modus Media
International Inc. is now a privately held corporation owned by private equity investment firm Bain Capital, Inc.,
Modus Media management and certain other stockholders.” (“Modus Media Now Independent,” Tape-Disc Business, 2/98)
In March 2004, CMGI Announced It Would Purchase Modus For $230 Million In Cash/Stock. “Former high-
tech highflier CMGI Inc., now based in Charlestown, leaped back into the limelight yesterday by acquiring Modus
Media Inc., a Westwood supply-chain management company, for $230 million in cash and stock. It’s a significant
comeback for CMGI, a marketing company once based in Andover whose Internet venture capital business
became one of the most spectacular stars of the 1990s Internet boom and a major victim of the ensuing bust.”
(Hiawatha Bray, “CMGI Buy Marks A Comeback,” The Boston Globe, 3/25/04)
Bain Capital Was “Largest Shareholder” In Modus Media. “CMGI Inc. scraped off the dust left from the
dot-com bust yesterday, unveiling a $230.5 million deal to buy rival Modus Media International Inc. that will
essentially double CMGI’s revenue. … The future of the top managers at Modus, whose largest shareholder
is Boston private equity firm Bain Capital, also remains unclear.” (Jon Chesto, “CMGI Says Buy-Buy To Sidelines,”
Boston Herald, 3/25/04)
CMGI’s Acquisition Of Modus Media Was Completed By August 2004. “CMGI, Inc. (CMGI) has completed the
acquisition of Modus Media, Inc. Following the acquisition, CMGI will combine the supply chain management
businesses of SalesLink Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CMGI, with that of Modus Media, and the
combined business will operate as ModusLink Corporation.” (“CMGI: Completes Acquisition Of Modus Media Inc.,”, 8/2/04)
Modus Media Operated Outsourced Manufacturing Support Centers For Clients In The Technology Space
Modus Provided “Outsourcing Services” To Tech Companies. “Modus Media provides outsourcing services
like customer order and fulfillment, packaging and hardware assembly to high-tech companies like Dell Computer
Corp., Hewlett-Packard Co., IBM and Sun Microsystems Inc. It also offers e-commerce transaction processing
services.” (Kelly Holman, “Modus Media Withdraws IPO,” The Daily Deal, 8/15/00)
Modus Had “Complex” Corporate History, Originally Part Of Larger Company Also Owned By Bain Capital
Before Being Spun Off As Independent Firm In 1997. “Modus Media has a complex history. It was the
documentation services division of R.R. Donnelley & Sons and in 1993 it was merged with Corporate Software
Inc., a company that Bain Capital owned, to create Stream International Holdings Inc. In 1997, Stream was
recapitalized instead as Modus Media International Holdings Inc. Bain earned a $1.7 million advisory fee in
connection with the recapitalization, and Modus Media paid Bain $3 million in fees between 1998 and 1999.
During that time, the company’s growth was minimal. Its Ebitda increased only 2.6% to $36.8 million in 1999 from
$35.9 million in 1998.” (Kelly Holman, “Modus Media Withdraws IPO,” The Daily Deal, 8/15/00)
Bain Capital Worked Closely With Modus Media On Strategic Business Planning Throughout Period Of Its
Ownership Stake
December 1997: Modus Chairman And CEO Terry Leahy Said He Would Be “Working Closely With Bain”
On Strategic Expansion Plan. LEAHY: “Today marks an exciting beginning for Modus Media as a well-financed,
independent corporation with a strong balance sheet and a leading market position … Working closely with Bain,
we move into 1998 with a clear strategic direction and capital investment plans that will continue to enhance the
scope of our global supply chain management solutions for customers.” (Modus Media International, Press Release,
August 2000: “Bain Capital Managing Directors Jonathan Lavine, Mark Nunnelly And Robert White Sit On
Modus Media’s Board Of Directors.” (Kelly Holman, “Modus Media Withdraws IPO,” The Daily Deal, 8/15/00)
In August 2002, Modus Hired Former Stream International President Scott Murray As CEO. “Modus Media
International, Inc. (MMI) announced today the appointment of R. Scott Murray as Chief Executive Officer. … Prior
to joining MMI, Murray was President and COO of Stream International of Canton, Mass, a leading outsourcer of
technical support, formerly affiliated with Modus Media. … From 1994 to 1999, Murray served as Executive Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer of The Learning Company (TLC), a public company that, at the time, was
one of the largest consumer software companies in the world.” (Modus Media International, Inc., Press Release, 8/19/02)
Murray Held Senior Positions For At Least Three Bain Capital Portfolio Companies By The Age Of Forty –
Including His Stint At Stream. “Before Murray, 40, joined Modus two years ago, he was president and COO of
Stream International Holdings Inc., a call center company and Bain investment that in the mid-’90s included
Modus. … Prior to Stream, Murray was chief financial officer of Learning Co., an educational software company
and an investment of Thomas H. Lee Co., Bain and Centre Partners Management LLC.” (Dennis Fitzgerald and Heidi
Moore, “Movers & Shakers,” The Deal, 4/5/04)
The Deal Called Murray “A Point Person” For Bain Capital “As It Deals With Its Portfolio Companies.”
“Knowing that private equity firms like to operate privately, Scott Murray, CEO of Modus Media International Inc.,
doesn’t want to say too much about Bain Capital LLC. But over the past several years he has emerged as a point
person for the Boston-based private equity firm as it deals with its portfolio companies.” (Dennis Fitzgerald and Heidi
Moore, “Movers & Shakers,” The Deal, 4/5/04)
1997-1999: Bain Capital Received Payments Of At Least $6.2 Million From Modus Media For Services
Management Agreements Resulted In Bain Capital Receiving Sum Payment Of $1.7 Million In 1999 And
Annual Payments Totaling $4.5 Million From 1997-99 For “Certain Financial And Managerial Services.”
“Management Agreement: In connection with the reorganization, Modus Media paid to Bain Capital, Inc., for prior
services, the sum of $1.7 million, of which $710,000 was paid in cash and $1.0 million was paid by issuance of
1,722,514 shares of our common stock. Also in 1997 we entered into a management agreement with an affiliate
of Bain which required us to pay a fee of $1.5 million in each of 1997, 1998 and 1999 in exchange for certain
financial and managerial services. This agreement terminates upon the closing of this offering.” (Modus Media
International Holdings, Inc., SEC Form S-1, Filed 12/10/99)
Bain Capital Held Roughly 39% Of Modus’ Common Stock At Time Of IPO Filing In Dec. 1999. “Bain Capital
is an affiliate of the Bain Capital Funds, which hold approximately 39% of our common stock. Three of our
directors, Jonathan Lavine, Mark Nunnelly and Robert White, are Managing Directors of Bain Capital.” (Modus
Media International Holdings, Inc., SEC Form S-1, Filed 12/10/99)
As Of Dec. 1999, Bain Was Invested In Modus Through Bain Capital Funds IV And V. Bain Capital Funds
owned 5,024,402 shares of Modus Media’s common stock at the time of its 1999 IPO filing, including “956,826
shares held by Bain Capital Fund IV, L.P., 1,094,993 shares held by Bain Capital Fund IV-B, L.P., 143,514 shares
held by BCIP Associates, 85,220 shares held by BCIP Trust Associates, 1,021,335 shares held by Information
Partners Capital Fund, L.P., and 1,722,514 shares of non-voting common stock held by Bain Capital Fund V,
L.P.” (Modus Media International Holdings, Inc., SEC Form S-1, Filed 12/10/99)
Bain Planned On Taking Modus Public, But Company Withdrew IPO Without Comment In August 2000
On August 14, 2000, Modus Media Withdrew Its Planned Initial Public Offering, Giving No Explanation. “On
Monday, Modus Media, a portfolio company of Bain Capital, Inc., the Boston private equity firm, informed the
Securities and Exchange Commission that it was withdrawing its eight-million-share initial public offering. The
deal had been expected to price between $11 and $13 a share. The Westwood, Mass., company did not offer an
explanation for the withdrawal, nor did it return calls for comment. Bain Capital, which has a 39% stake in the
company, did not return calls, either.” (Kelly Holman, “Modus Media Withdraws IPO,” The Daily Deal, 8/15/00)
Months Earlier, Modus Had Decreased Price Of Its IPO From $14-16 Per Share To $11-13 Per Share. “With
the sell-off on the Nasdaq continuing Tuesday, several IPOs that had been scheduled to price may now be
delayed. … Modus Media International, a global provider of supply-chain management services for the technology
industry, postponed its initial public offering until further notice. Last month, the company decreased its price from
$14 to $16 down to $11 to $13 per share.” (“MetLife, Krispy Kreme Price Shares To Tempt Non-Tech Investors,”, 4/4/00)
Had IPO Gone Through, Bain Capital’s Stake In Modus Would Have Been Worth Up To $130 Million. “Had
the offering been brought, Modus Media stood to raise between $88 million and $104 million. Although Bain
Capital did not plan to sell any shares in the offering, its stake would be worth even more – between $110.5
million and $130 million.” (Kelly Holman, “Modus Media Withdraws IPO,” The Daily Deal, 8/15/00)
Modus Media’s Total Workforce Declined By 27 Percent Between 2000 And 2004, When Bain Capital
Owned Majority Stake In Company
In July 2000, Modus Reported Having 4,800 Employees. “Headquartered in Westwood, Massachusetts (USA),
MMI is a privately held corporation with 4,800 employees and 25 Solution Centers in 13 countries.” (Modus Media,
Inc., Press Release, 7/5/00)
In March 2004, Modus Reported Employing 3,500 People – Roughly 1,300 Fewer Jobs Than Four Years
Earlier. “Modus services include end-user order management, product packaging and assembly, process and
systems integration services, fulfillment and reverse logistics. Modus is headquartered in Westwood, MA and
employs 3,500 people across its operations in 13 countries.” (CMGI, Inc., Press Release, 4/24/04)
Boston Herald: “About 3,500 Employees” At Time Of 2004 Sale To CMGI. “CMGI Inc. scraped off the dust left
from the dot-com bust yesterday, unveiling a $230.5 million deal to buy rival Modus Media International Inc. that
will essentially double CMGI’s revenue. … Modus has about 3,500 employees, with 50 locally.” (Jon Chesto, “CMGI
Says Buy-Buy To Sidelines,” Boston Herald, 3/25/04)
Modus Media Ran Majority Of Its Facilities In China, France, Singapore And Elsewhere Around The World
As Of December 1999, Modus Operated 20 “Solution Centers,” At Least 13 Of Which Were Located
Abroad. “We operate 20 solution centers worldwide with an aggregate square footage of approximately 2.0
million. All of our solution centers are leased, other than Singapore and Kildare, Ireland, which are owned.” (Modus
Media International Holdings, Inc., SEC Form S-1, Filed 12/10/99)
Modus Media Facilities (As Of Dec. 1999) *
Overseas North America
Dublin, Ireland Fremont, CA
Kildare, Ireland Raleigh, NC
Apeldoorn, Netherlands Lindon, UT
Cumbernauld, Scotland Salt Lake City, UT
Singapore Boise, ID
Angers, France Preston, WA
Orleans, France
Limerick, Ireland
Willsborough, Ireland
Sydney, Australia
Shenzhen, China
Ochiai, Japan
Taipei, Taiwan
* Source: Modus Media International Holdings, Inc., SEC Form S-1, Filed 12/10/99
In 1999, Modus Also Disclosed It Served As Minority Partner In Centers In Japan And Korea. “In addition,
we are party to two minority owned joint ventures located in Ebina, Japan and KeyHeung, Korea. In addition, we
maintain approximately 550 seats in our response centers within these solution centers for the resolution of
questions regarding shipping, billing and technical support as well as a variety of other questions.” (Modus Media
International Holdings, Inc., SEC Form S-1, Filed 12/10/99)
Modus Media’s Business Model Was Contingent Upon Expanding Operations Outside The United States –
Under Bain Capital’s Management, Overseas Revenues Grew To Account For Nearly 70% Of Company’s
In 1997, Modus Made Investments To Expand Facilities In Ireland, Scotland And The Netherlands, Launch
New Management Center In Ireland And Open Sales Office In Malaysia. “In the last six months of 1997,
Modus Media completed several major investments to expand and strengthen its global operations including:
Facility expansions in Ireland, Scotland and The Netherlands; Technology enhancements to enhance on-demand
manufacturing capabilities in Europe and the United States; Start-up of an in-house CD-ROM manufacturing
facility in the United States; Launch of a multi-lingual response management center in Ireland; Opening of a sales
office in Malaysia.” (Modus Media International, Press Release, 12/16/97)
From Fiscal 1997–1999, Sales Outside North America Accounted For Roughly 55% Of Modus Media’s
Total Revenue. “We currently conduct business in Taiwan, Singapore, Ireland, the United Kingdom, the
Netherlands and other foreign locations, in addition to our North American operations. Sales outside North
America accounted for 54%, 55% and 54% of our total revenue for 1997, 1998 and 1999.” (Modus Media, Inc., SEC
Form S-1/A, Filed 3/8/00)
In 2000 SEC Filing, Modus Said “Our Success Depends On Our Ability To Manage And Expand Our
International Operations.” “Our growth could be limited if we are unable to manage and expand our
international operations. Our success depends on our ability to manage and expand our international
operations. We currently expect international revenue to account for a significant percentage of our total
revenue in the future. Failure to expand our international sales and fulfillment activities could limit our ability to
grow.” (Modus Media, Inc., SEC Form S-1/A, Filed 3/8/00)
From Fiscal 2001–2003, Overseas Operations Respectively Accounted For 60%, 66% And 68% Of Modus
Media’s Revenues. “With the completion of the Modus acquisition, we currently conduct business in Mexico,
China, Taiwan, Singapore, Ireland, France, The Netherlands and certain other foreign locations, in addition to our
United States operations. … [S]ales outside the United States accounted for 68%, 66% and 60% of Modus’ total
revenue for fiscal 2003, 2002, and 2001, respectively.” (CMGI, Inc., Form POS AM, Filed 8/2/04)
While Under Bain Capital’s Control, Modus Closed At Least Two U.S. Facilities, Laying Off More Than 250
In June 2000, Modus Closed Its Fremont, CA Facility – Cutting 200 Jobs – While Simultaneously Opening
New Facility In Guadalajara, Mexico. “Modus Media Inc., which handles customer services and manages
inventories for clients, including Microsoft Corp., said it plans to cut 200 jobs, or 4% of its work force, as it closes a
plant in Fremont, Calif., to consolidate its North American operations. … The closely held company said it’s also
opening a plant in Guadalajara, Mexico.” (“Modus Media To Close Plant, Cut 200 Jobs,” Bloomberg, 6/2/00)
Modus Explained Decision To Put 200 California Workers Out Of A Job: “We Believe We Can Deliver
More Cost-Effective Fulfillment Solutions For Our Clients” Elsewhere. “As part of optimizing capacity in
North America, the company will cease its Fremont, California fulfillment operations by September 1, 2000.
The decision affects approximately 200 full-time and part-time employees. … ‘It is always extremely difficult
from an employee perspective to close a facility, but we believe we can deliver more cost-effective fulfillment
solutions for our clients through one or a combination of our other Solution Centers,’ explains [Modus COO
Pat] Donnellan.” (Modus Media, Inc., Press Release, 6/1/00)
In December 2002, Modus Announced It Would Close Its Facility In Preston, WA, Eliminating Roughly 70
Jobs. “Modus Media International, which builds and assembles technology products for companies such as
Adobe, Dell Computer and Microsoft Corp., will close a 110,000-square-foot facility in Preston next year. About 70
employees at the east King County site will lose their jobs in February, according to company spokeswoman
Donna Tolley. The work -- primarily software package assembly -- will be transferred to the company’s operations
in Raleigh, N.C.; Austin, Texas; and Lindon, Utah.” (“Recent Layoffs At Area Technology Companies,” Seattle Post-Intelligencer,
Modus Media’s Expansive Operations In China Were Called “Key Attraction” After Company Was
Purchased By CMGI In 2004
Modus’ Chinese Presence Called “Key Attraction” In 2004 Buyout By CMGI. “[I]n late March, CMGI was a
buyer rather than a seller, agreeing to acquire Modus Media International Inc., a supply-chain rival, for $230.5
million in stock and cash. … A key attraction of Westwood, Mass.-based Modus, which is slated to merge with
SalesLink, is its presence in China.” (Dennis Fitzgerald, “Fire Sale,” The Deal, 4/5/04)
At Time Of Sale, Modus Had Five Active Facilities In China. “Privately held Modus, which had 2003 revenues
of $534 million, has 3,500 full-time workers in 25 facilities worldwide, including five in China.” (Hiawatha Bray, “CMGI
Buy Marks A Comeback,” The Boston Globe, 3/25/04)
Modus Called “Especially Attractive” Buyout Candidate “Because Of Its Success In The Chinese Market.”
“Modus … was especially attractive to CMGI because of its success in the Chinese market. Five of Modus’s
facilities are in China, where most of the world’s laptop computers are made. Modus performs supply-chain work
for a number of Chinese manufacturers, including Quanta, a major producer of laptops for American computer
firms. … ‘We are the largest player in China; nobody else is anywhere near the market share and footprint we
have in China,’ said [Modus CEO Scott] Murray.” (Hiawatha Bray, “CMGI Buy Marks A Comeback,” The Boston Globe, 3/25/04)
While Under Bain Control, Modus Focused On Growing Operations In Asia – Launching Major 2001
Initiative To Expand Facilities In Singapore And China While Planning New Ventures In Malaysia
As Of August 1998, Modus Employed 400 Workers At Its Singapore Facility. “Global software leader
Microsoft Corp has selected Singapore as its operations centre for the Asia-Pacific region … For Modus Media
International, whose plant is responsible for the finished packages and documentation for much of the Microsoft
software sold in Singapore, the latest development comes as a welcome respite, given the economic slowdown.
‘It’s good news for us,’ its MD and vice-president for South Asia, S K Ramadas Naidu, told BT. The 400
employees of the company’s Singapore plant could now rest a little easier, he added.” (Kenneth James, “Microsoft Picks
S’pore To Be Its Asia-Pacific Ops Centre,” Business Times [Singapore], 8/15/98)
In April 2000, Modus “Expanded Its Operations In Taiwan.” “Massachusetts-based info-tech company Modus
Media Inc has expanded its operations in Taiwan by establishing a joint venture called MMI Taiwan CD Services.
The venture, in which Modus has a majority stake, will function as a CD production facility and currently has two
CD replication lines with an annual production capacity of 12m CD units. Later this year MMI Taiwan plans to
increase the capacity to four lines providing full premastering, mastering, replication, printing and packaging
capabilities.” (“Modus Media To Produce CDs In Taiwan, Telecom World Wire, 4/25/00)
February 2001: Modus Launched $100 Million Expansion Initiative In Asia, Creating Region Hub In
Singapore Announcing It Would Employ Up To 350 New Workers. “US-based Modus Media Inc (MMI), that
offers outsourced SCM solutions for the IT industry, last week launched its Asian eFulfillment Solution Centre in
Singapore. This $100 million initiative – located at the Chai Chee TechnoPark – will provide a central Asia-Pacific
hub to service the region with integrated supply chain solutions and will officially open in April. … The Westwood,
Massachusetts-based MMI will make investments in infrastructure, technology, call centre deployment and
people. ‘We expect to hire up to 350 new knowledge workers as a result of this initiative,’ [Modus spokesman
Nick] Jackson said.” (Raju Chellam, “MMI Launches $100m E-Fulfillment Centre Here,” Business Times [Singapore] 2/26/01)
“The Singapore Hub Will Be Supported By MMI’s Physical Fulfillment Centres In Penang, Shenzhen
And Shanghai.” (Raju Chellam, “MMI Launches $100m E-Fulfillment Centre Here,” Business Times [Singapore] 2/26/01)
Plan Included $5 Million Investment In Malaysian Operations. US-based supplier of outsourced supply chain
management solutions, Modus Media Inc, plans to invest US$5 million in Malaysia over the next five years. Its
senior vice-president for Asia-Pacific Ramadas Naidu said the investment will be used to expand the company’s
existing fulfilment centre in Penang and to set up a sales office in Kuala Lumpur by the end of this year.” (I-Mei Low,
“Modus Media To Expand Operations,” New Straits Times [Malaysia], 2/19/01)
Modus Executive Ramadas Naidu: “Malaysia is a high-growth zone for us and we are committed to
investing a substantial amount there.” (I-Mei Low, “Modus Media To Expand Operations,” New Straits Times [Malaysia],
Company Officials Said Regional Hub In Singapore Would Be Supported By “Additional Expansion” Of
Facilities In China. “According to MMI Asia-Pacific’s marketing director Nick Jackson, the new eFulfillment
Solution Centre will provide fully Web-enabled, end-to-end integrated supply chain management solutions. …
Jackson said the Singapore eFulfillment hub will be supported by MMI’s regional presence across Asean and
greater China as well as additional expansion in MMI’s physical fulfilment centres in Penang, Shenzhen and
Shanghai.” (I-Mei Low, “Modus Media To Expand Operations,” New Straits Times [Malaysia], 2/19/01)
As Of February 2001, Modus Reportedly Employed More Than 1,100 Workers In Asia. “MMI’s Asian
resources include over 560,000 square feet of facilities and over 1,100 employees. According to Jackson, the
company also invested US$500 million in the Asia-Pacific on new facilities, automation and technology (designed
to build on its supply chain management platform).” (I-Mei Low, “Modus Media To Expand Operations,” New Straits Times
[Malaysia], 2/19/01)
Modus Also Had Significant Operations In Ireland, Employing Over 1,000 Local Workers There
July 1999: Modus Opened New Facility In Ireland, Expanding Number Of Employees In That Country To
More Than 1,000. “Modus Media International, a global provider of supply chain management solutions to the
high technology industry, recently expanded its Ireland Operations with the opening of a new Solution Center in
National Technology Park in Limerick. … The opening of the Limerick Solution Center creates 200 local jobs
making Modus Media one of the Top 20 employers in Ireland. The company now employs more than 1,000
people across its facilities in Limerick; Willsborough; Clonshaugh; Kildare; and Eastpoint, Ireland.” (Modus Media
International, Inc., Press Release, 7/23/99)
Bain Capital Was “Biggest” Investor In Anaheim-Based Electronics Maker DDi, Which Saw Its Stock Price
Soar – Then Crash – During Dot-Com Bubble
Venture Capitalists Made A Killing Off California-Based Electronics Maker DDi Corp. In 2000 And 2001
Before Its Stock Price Crashed. “The fall of Orange County electronics maker DDi Corp. hurt employees,
investors and creditors but not the venture capitalists who helped bring the company public. At least $2 billion in
stock value and money owed to creditors has been wiped out as a slump in the electronics industry and price-
slashing by competitors in Asia helped force DDi to seek bankruptcy protection last week. But the company’s
venture capitalists profited because they provided financial backing before the maker of printed circuit boards
went public in April 2000, then sold their shares when the company’s outlook was still positive.” (Jim Finkle,
“Dissecting DDi,” The Orange County Register, 8/26/03)
Bain Capital Was “Biggest” Financial Backer Of DDi – Doubling Its Money By Cashing Out At Inflated
Prices, Making Nearly $50 Million Profit. “DDi is one of dozens of companies in which the early investors knew
enough to bail out before the stocks crashed even as investment banks that they helped hire issued glowing
forecasts about the prospects of those companies. In the case of DDi, the biggest venture capitalist was Bain
Capital, a Boston firm that invested $46 million in DDi before its IPO. Bain more than doubled its money on DDI,
pulling out $93 million by selling shares in two secondary stock offerings made before DDi’s finances
deteriorated.” (Jim Finkle, “Dissecting DDi,” The Orange County Register, 8/26/03)
Bain Was Largest Investor In DDi. “Bain, which led an investment team of other venture capitalists, owned
about 21 percent of DDi’s total shares. Five of the eight DDi directors in 2000 and 2001 were current or past
principals of Bain Capital, according to DDi documents filed with the SEC. DDi noted the Bain dominance in
its prospectus for its public offering of stock.” (Frank Phillips, “Romney Says Profit Unknown In DDi Sale,” The Boston Globe,
DDi’s Story: 2,100 Jobs Lost, Billions In Shareholder Value Gone. “DDi … has posted more than $400 million
in losses over the past two years. That dismal performance has cost: 2,100 jobs. DDi had 3,800 employees when
its payroll peaked three years ago. That number is now just shy of 1,700, including 300 at its headquarters in
Anaheim; $1.8 billion in stock value. DDi’s stock fell to a record low of one cent Thursday, down from a peak of
almost $46 in September 2000; $194 million in debt to banks and bondholders. These creditors agreed to forget
about all but $91 million of the $285 million that the company owed them during negotiations leading up to the
bankruptcy filing.” (Jim Finkle, “Dissecting DDi,” The Orange County Register, 8/26/03)
Romney And His Bain Capital Partners Turned Huge Profit Before Exiting DDi Position As Price Crashed
Romney And His Firm Bailed Out Before Share Prices Plummeted. “Both Romney and Bain sold their stakes
in DDi by 2001, and the stock collapsed in the two years since as the economy slumped. The sales netted Bain
what appears to be a $36 million profit, nearly doubling its investment in about three years.” (Frank Phillips, “Romney
Investment Surfaces In Probe,” The Boston Globe, 8/19/03)
Romney Spokesman Claimed He Had “No Knowledge” Of Bain-DDi Dealings. “Romney spokeswoman
Shawn Feddeman claimed the governor had ‘no knowledge’ of the deal, and noted Romney left Bain in 1999.”
(Elisabeth Beardsley, “Treasurer Asks For Review Of Pension Fund Losses,” Boston Herald, 8/20/03)
Romney Signed SEC Documents For DDi Sale And Retained Interest In Three Bain Funds Involved In
DDi Transaction. “Romney had gone to Salt Lake City in early 1999 to run the Winter Olympics. But he
signed the SEC’s necessary documents for Bain when his company - and he as an individual shareholder -
sold their stakes in DDi in the fall of 2000 and in the winter and spring of 2001. SEC records indicate that
Romney remained well into 2001 as a general partner in three of the four Bain funds that are involved in the
DDi transactions.” (Frank Phillips, “Romney Investment Surfaces In Probe,” The Boston Globe, 8/19/03)
Romney Listed On SEC Records As Bain Capital “General Partner” In 2000-01 When DDi Sales Went
Through. “Records filed at the SEC show Romney signed insider trading forms on behalf of Bain’s venture
capital funds, as general partner, when the funds sold the DDi holdings in 2000 and 2001. Romney’s financial
disclosure forms for 2002 filed with the State Ethics Commission show that he held the position of ‘executive’
at Bain Capital Inc. and made a salary of more than $100,000.” (Frank Phillips, “Bain Capital Deal Sparks Concerns,” The
Boston Globe, 8/20/03)
Romney Claimed To Have No Idea How Much Profit He Made From Selling DDi Stock. “Governor Mitt
Romney yesterday continued to distance himself from a controversial stock sale, saying he took no responsibility
for any role that his former company, Bain Capital, had in touting the stock’s value and that he has no idea what
profit he made when he sold it. ‘I left Bain long before the events,’ Romney said in his first, but brief, public
comments about DDi Corp. …” (Frank Phillips, “Romney Says Profit Unknown In DDi Sale,” The Boston Globe, 8/21/03)
Report: Romney Personally Sold More Than $4 Million In DDi Stock In 2001. “Romney, according to the
Securities and Exchange Commission’s records, sold 182,436 shares of DDi stock in May 2001 for $4.1
million. His profit is unclear.” (Frank Phillips, “Romney Investment Surfaces In Probe,” The Boston Globe, 8/19/03)
Romney Refused To Release Tax Forms Or Profit Records. “Citing privacy reasons, Romney aides said
the governor would not review his 2001 income tax to find out his profit on DDi. He also declined to release
copies of his tax forms.” (Frank Phillips, “Romney Says Profit Unknown In DDi Sale,” The Boston Globe, 8/21/03)
Massachusetts Pension Fund Lost Over $340,000 By Investing In DDi. “One investor that lost heavily on DDi
was the Massachusetts state pension fund, which bought the stock long before Romney was elected governor. In
its initial purchase within weeks of Lehman’s 1-Buy rating, the fund bought 11,300 shares at $30.88 a share. The
initial $349,000 pension investment was sold off for $3,409 in August 2002, at share prices between 18 cents and
36 cents.” (Frank Phillips, “Romney Investment Surfaces In Probe,” The Boston Globe, 8/19/03)
Various Brokerage Houses Settled SEC Investigation For $1.4 Billion For Providing Misleading Analyst
Coverage Of DDi. “DDi is one of the companies cited in a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
investigation into allegations of conflict of interest at U.S. brokerages. Ten brokerages settled those charges in
December without admitting or denying guilt and agreed to pay a total of $1.4 billion.” (Jim Finkle, “Dissecting DDi,” The
Orange County Register, 8/26/03)
SEC: Unnamed Analyst Claimed Bain Capital Was Pushing For Positive Coverage Of DDi Stock Despite
Questionable Financial Prospects. “The SEC complaint cites an analyst, whom it doesn’t name, as saying in an
e-mail written more than two months after the IPO that he was being pressured to issue a positive research report
on DDi. ‘DDi and (Bain Capital) and bankers are obviously pushing for coverage and unhappy’ that no
recommendation had yet been issued, the SEC cited him as saying in the June 28, 2001, e-mail. The analyst said
in that e-mail that he thought the stock could fall to about $20 but also said ‘bankers want a ‘buy’ and are pushing
hard.’ Two days later, Lehman analyst Louis R. Miscioscia advised clients to ‘buy’ DDi, issuing a 12-month target
price of $36 per share. … On Monday, they closed at about 4 cents.” (Jim Finkle, “Dissecting DDi,” The Orange County
Register, 8/26/03)
Bain Capital Purchased Raytheon Unit – Renamed “Alliance Laundry Systems” – In May 1998
In May 1998, Bain Capital Led $358 Million LBO Of Raytheon’s Commercial Laundry Unit, Renaming It
Alliance Laundry Systems. “Alliance Laundry Systems LLC announced today that it has completed the
acquisition of Raytheon Commercial Laundry, the commercial laundry equipment manufacturing business of
Raytheon Company, for approximately $358 million. Alliance Laundry Systems, headquartered in Ripon,
Wisconsin, was founded by the senior management team of RCL and Bain Capital, Inc. of Boston, one of the
nation’s leading private equity firms, for the purpose of this acquisition.” (Alliance Laundry Systems LLC, Press Release,
At The Time, Company Officials Said They Did Not “Anticipate Any Changes In Employment Levels.”
“Alliance Laundry Systems is the largest commercial laundry equipment manufacturer in North America, with
plants in Ripon, Wisconsin; Marianna, Florida and Madisonville, Kentucky. … ‘This acquisition represents the next
chapter in the success story of this business,’ said Jeff Brothers, Senior Vice President Sales and Marketing. ‘We
have no plans to alter the strategies that have made the business successful.’ The Company does not anticipate
any changes in employment levels as a result of this transaction.” (Alliance Laundry Systems LLC, Press Release, 5/5/98)
Under Bain Capital’s Stewardship, Company Closed Plants And Laid Off Workers
In October 1999, Alliance Announced Closing Of Madisonville, KY Plant And Loss Of 300 Jobs. “The
Alliance Laundry Systems Plant, which employs 250 to 300 workers on three shifts, will be closed by the middle of
next year. Employees learned of the closing Monday, when a company spokesman read a one-page
announcement. … Mike Gold of Madisonville, a 15-year-employee, said the news hit very hard for him and his
wife, who has been at the plant for 23 years. ‘This was a big surprise to everybody,’ he said. ‘We thought the
meeting might be about a new warehouse in the area.’” (“Laundry Plant Shutdown To Cost 250 To 300 Jobs,” The Associated
Press, 10/5/99)
Stunned Mayor: “I’m In A State Of Shock.” “If the workforce was blindsided by the announcement, local
officials were also caught off guard when they heard the news. ‘I’m in a state of shock,’ said Madisonville
Mayor Karen Cunningham, who said she had a meeting this week with the company for what she anticipated
would be over efforts to obtain a new warehouse. The interim director the Madisonville-Hopkins County
Economic Development Corp. was just as surprised. ‘We didn’t see it coming,’ admitted Danny Koon.”
(“Laundry Plant Shutdown To Cost 250 To 300 Jobs,” The Associated Press, 10/5/99)
Weeks Earlier, Alliance Had Announced Elimination Of 220 Jobs At Its Ripon, WI Facility – The
Kentucky Plant Closure Brought 185 Of Those Jobs Back. “Less than a month after it eliminated 220
employees, Alliance Laundry will bring 185 jobs back to its Ripon plant by closing a factory in Kentucky. The
company will give first priority to recently terminated employees when hiring for the new positions in Ripon,
said Alliance spokeswoman Patti Anderson-Shew. … Alliance laid off 220 workers Sept. 17, one week after a
contract expired to make home laundry units under the brand name Amana.” (“After Layoff, Alliance Brings Jobs From
Kentucky Plant,” The Associated Press, 10/6/99)
In 2000, Alliance Undertook Corporate “Consolidation” That Eliminated 130 Jobs In Norwood, Ohio.
“Barely three months after buying the Ajax pressing and finishing equipment business from American Laundry
Machinery Inc., Alliance Laundry Systems will eliminate 130 jobs in Norwood and consolidate them into an
existing plant in Florida. The company told employees about the move Tuesday. … [I]t decided to merge the unit
with a plant that makes washer extractors in Marianna, Fla., near Panama City, spokeswoman Patti Andresen-
Shew said. While there will be ‘some potential for transfers,’ the jobs in Norwood will be eliminated, she said.” (Cliff
Peale, “Company Shrinks Work Force,” The Cincinnati Enquirer, 6/8/00)
After Failed Attempt At IPO, Bain Capital Sold Alliance In 2004 For Substantial Profit
Starting In 2002, Bain Tried To Take Alliance Public – Either In Canada As An Income Trust Or In U.S. Via
Income Deposit Securities. “Alliance, a portfolio company of Bain Capital and Bruckmann, Rosser, Sherrill &
Co., had tried to go public via an IPO of income deposit securities, but the IPO never did materialize and Bain
ultimately decided to pursue a sale instead. … In 2002, Bain had initially looked to float Alliance as an income
trust in Canada, the same market that served as the predecessor to the IDS in the U.S. However, tax issues
quashed that idea. When the IDS market started making some noise in the U.S. earlier this year, the investors
again looked to float the company. But like most IDS filings, the Alliance floatation never got off the ground…”
(Kenneth MacFayden, “Teachers Scans IDS Graveyard For Deals,” BuyOuts, 1/3/05)
In December 2004, Bain Capital Sold Alliance Laundry For $450 Million. “Teachers’ Private Capital, the
private investment arm of Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, has agreed to acquire Brentwood, Tenn.-based Doane
Pet Care Co. for $840 million in cash in a secondary buyout, it said Monday, Aug. 29. … The deal marks the
largest private equity transaction Teachers’ Private Capital has carried out as a sole equity sponsor following its
$450 million purchase of Alliance Laundry Holdings LLC from Bain Capital LLC in December 2004.” (Kelly Holman,
“OT Buys Pet-Food Maker,” Daily Deal, 8/30/05)
Bain Capital Reportedly Turned Profit Of 230% On Alliance Deal. “Meanwhile, through the sale, both Bain
and Bruckmann, Rosser, Sherrill & Co. will book a return of more than 230%, according to reports. In 1998,
Bain led the acquisition of Alliance, acquiring the company in a $375.6 million LBO from Raytheon Co., which
held onto a minority stake in the business.” (Kenneth MacFayden, “Teachers Scans IDS Graveyard For Deals,” BuyOuts,
Months After Bain Sold Its Interest, Alliance Laid Off 400 Workers In Florida And Added Roughly 250 Jobs
In Wisconsin
Less Than A Year After Bain’s Sale Of Alliance, The Company Laid Off 400 Workers In Florida By Closing
Its Plant In Marianna. “When Alliance Laundry Systems announced plans to close its Marianna facility last week,
it didn’t take long for employees to begin the search for new employment. … Alliance is moving its commercial
laundry product line manufacturing and design operations from Marianna to its Ripon, Wisc., plant … About 400
Marianna employees will lose their jobs as a result of Alliance’s consolidation. … Alliance expects to add 250
additional jobs to its Ripon plant. Kimbrough said the company is welcoming any Marianna employees who wish
to relocate to Wisconsin.” (Daniel Carson, “Alliance Laundry Phasing Out Operations At Marianna Plant,” The [Panama City, FL] News
Herald, 10/19/05)
Number Of Employees Laid Off In Florida Amounted To Nearly One-Third Of Total Number Of Alliance
Employees. “Alliance Laundry Holdings LLC, parent company of Alliance Laundry Systems LLC, announced
today that it is consolidating its Marianna, Florida and Ripon, Wisconsin operations. … Approximately 400
employees will be affected by the closure of the Marianna facility. … Alliance expects that it will add
approximately 200 manufacturing jobs to its Ripon operations and another 50 engineering, supervisory and
technical service positions to its Ripon staff. Alliance Laundry Systems LLC currently employs 1300
employees worldwide.” (Alliance Laundry Holdings LLC, Press Release, 10/14/05)
Bain Capital Held Undisclosed Stake In Imagitas From 2000-05
In June 2000, Bain Capital Made $5 Million Investment For Undisclosed Stake In Imagitas. “Boston-based
private equity firm Bain Capital last month made a $5 million investment for an undisclosed stake in Imagitas, an
e-government company that specializes in forming online and offline partnerships with all levels of government
agencies. Imagitas, based in Newton, Mass., has seen continual annual growth of over 50% throughout its seven
years of existence.” (Christa Fanelli, “Done Deals: Bain Capital Buys Piece Of Imagitas,” BuyOuts, 7/3/00)
Carlyle Group Also Invested $20 Million In Imagitas. “Imagitas was founded in 1992 by Brett Matthews
and his wife Ginger Salazar as a company that printed mover’s guides for the postal service. … The company
raised more than $39 million in four rounds of funding, including a $20 million investment from Carlyle Venture
Partners and Carlyle Partners II in 2000, the venture and buyout arms of Washington private equity firm
Carlyle Group. … Among the company’s other investors are Bain Capital LLC and Liberty Mutual Group, both
of Boston.” (David Shabelman, “Imagitas Delivered To Pitney Bowes,” Daily Deal, 5/13/05)
Imagitas “Provides Targeted Direct Mailing Services Through Partnerships With State And Federal
Government Agencies.” “Imagitas is a marketing company that provides targeted direct mailing services through
partnerships with state and federal government agencies -- specifically, the US Postal Service and state
Departments of Motor Vehicles. Imagitas services allow such clients as Home Depot, Ford, and AT&T to
advertise to postal customers through the Mover’s Guide and Welcome Kit.” (Hoover’s Company Records, 4/10/07)
“Imagitas Also Provides Vehicle Registration Renewal Guides For State DMVs.” (Hoover’s Company
Records, 4/10/07)
Under Bain’s Leadership, Imagitas Envisioned Broadening Growth Into More Government Agencies And
Making A More Effective Vehicle For Advertisers. “Imagitas’ strategy for growing the business will focus on
continuing to rollout the business into other federal and state government agencies, providing services similar to
those provided to the Post Office, and to improve communications with citizens, and fund it by creating an
effective marketing vehicle for advertisers, said [Bain’s Andrew] Balson. … Bain Capital has been looking to make
an investment in the e-government space for some time.” (Christa Fanelli, “Done Deals: Bain Capital Buys Piece Of Imagitas,”
BuyOuts, 7/3/00)
May 2005: Imagitas Announced It Was Being Acquired By Pitney Bowes For $230 Million. “Looking to
expand its direct mail services, Pitney Bowes Inc. said Thursday, May 12, it would acquire marketing services firm
Imagitas Inc. for $230 million. Pitney Bowes, which makes mail and document management systems, will pay
roughly 2.6 times Imagitas’ 2004 revenues of $87 million. Pitney Bowes’ director of investor relations, Charles
McBride, said the Waltham, Mass.-based target is profitable and that its revenues have grown at a double-digit
clip for at least the past three years.” (David Shabelman, “Imagitas Delivered To Pitney Bowes,” Daily Deal, 5/13/05)
Imagitas Is Being Sued In At Least Six States For Use Of Personal Information For Marketing Purposes
Imagitas Is Currently Target Of Class Action Suits In At Least Six States For Its Use Of Personal
Information Provided By State Motor Vehicle Departments. “Motorists in several states, including Missouri,
are suing a company that sends advertising in vehicle registration notices, saying it violates a federal law that
protects their personal information. Massachusetts-based Imagitas Inc., under contract in Ohio and other states to
mail vehicle registration notices, inserts an advertisement before sending the notices to millions of drivers.”
(“Motorists Sue Over Junk Mail From BMV,” The Associated Press, 3/29/07)
Suits Have Been Filed In Ohio, Massachusetts And Florida, Among Other States. “Lawsuits have been
filed against Imagitas in Ohio, Massachusetts, Missouri, Florida, Minnesota and New York regarding the
marketing that’s done with the vehicle registration notices. Imagitas has asked that the nine lawsuits be
consolidated into one.” (“Motorists Sue Over Junk Mail From BMV,” The Associated Press, 3/29/07)
Ohio Lawsuit Was Filed In September 2006. “Motorists in Cuyahoga, Medina, Geauga and Franklin
counties sued Imagitas last September. The lawsuit contends that they never gave the BMV permission to
release their personal information. ‘This creates a dangerous situation,’ said John R. Climaco, a Cleveland
attorney for the motorists. ‘The state should be controlling the names of drivers.’” (“Motorists Sue Over Junk Mail
From BMV,” The Associated Press, 3/29/07)
o “According To The [Ohio] Lawsuit Filed Aug. 1 [2006], Federal Law Forbids The Use Of Personal
Information For Non-Governmental Purposes Without The Consent Of The Person Identified By
The Information.” (Ron Word, “Motorists Sue Over Ads Placed In Auto Registration Mailings,” The Associated Press, 8/18/06)
Florida Lawsuit Could Potentially Expand To Include More Than Two Million Floridians As Plantiffs.
“Motorists are suing a subsidiary of Pitney Bowes for placing advertising inside automobile registration
packets mailed to more than 2 million Florida car owners. Five motorists are listed as plaintiffs, but it could
become more than two million or more if the class is certified as a class-action lawsuit.” (Ron Word, “Motorists Sue
Over Ads Placed In Auto Registration Mailings,” The Associated Press, 8/18/06)
o “The Lawsuit Alleges That Imagitas Inc. Used Personal Information It Received From The Florida
Division Of Highway Safety And Motor Vehicles ‘To Target And Distribute Advertising Materials.’”
(Ron Word, “Motorists Sue Over Ads Placed In Auto Registration Mailings,” The Associated Press, 8/18/06)
Imagitas Contracts With States To Print And Mail DMV-Related Notices – But Also Includes Targeted
Advertising Materials From Third-Party Sponsors. “Imagitas has had the contract to send the notices since
2005. To do the mailings, the company receives drivers’ names and addresses. Imagitas pays the state to do the
mailing, and receives a fee from the advertisers. Ohio drivers cannot decline to receive the information, said Alfie
Charles, company vice president. The company does not sell or share the driver information it receives from the
Ohio BMV, Charles said. ‘We go to great lengths to protect the information,’ Charles said.” (“Motorists Sue Over Junk
Mail From BMV,” The Associated Press, 3/29/07)
“Included In The Information Provided To Imagitas Is The Name And Address Of The Motor Vehicle Owner
And The Type Of Registered Vehicle.” (Ron Word, “Motorists Sue Over Ads Placed In Auto Registration Mailings,” The
Associated Press, 8/18/06)
Citizens And Their Lawyers Contend Imagitas’ Use Of Names And Addresses For Commercial Purposes
Violates Federal Law. “Jacksonville attorney Norwood ‘Woody’ Wilner told reporters Thursday that the use of
motorists’ names and addresses for commercial purposes is a violation of the federal Driver’s Privacy and
Protection Act. It was passed after the 1989 murder of TV actress Rebecca Schaeffer, whose stalker was able to
track her down using motor vehicle records. ‘This is a question of personal privacy and security,’ Wilner said.” (Ron
Word, “Motorists Sue Over Ads Placed In Auto Registration Mailings,” The Associated Press, 8/18/06)
Imagitas Denies Selling Or Redistributing Personal Data To Other Vendors And Claims It Protects
Citizens’ Privacy. “Imagitas says it has improved service for residents while protecting privacy. ‘There is never
any sale or redistribution of personal data under this program,’ said Imagitas spokesman Alfie Charles.
Advertisers, he said, only receive ‘the opportunity to have their advertisement included in the envelope.’ In return,
the ads provide the funding ‘to ensure that the state is able to eliminate its annual printing expenses for this
mailing.’” (Paul Wenske, Op-Ed, “Combining State Business, Junk Mail Draws Lawsuit,” Kansas City Star, 4/2/07)
In 1993 Bain Capital Purchased Kansas City Steel Company And Renamed It “GS Technologies”
Bain Capital Bought Kansas City-Based Steel Manufacturer Armco Worldwide In 1993, Renaming It GS
Technologies. “Bain Capital provided the financing for a management-led buyout in 1993 of Armco Worldwide
Grinding Systems of Kansas City, which was later renamed GS Technologies.” (Robert Cushman, “GS Industries
President Leaves Shortly After Merger,” Kansas City Star, 12/18/95)
GS Technologies Had Ventures In Missouri, Minnesota, Canada And Across The World. “GS
Technologies runs a mini-mill in Kansas City, Mo.; a mill liner business in Minneapolis, consolidated
companies in Chile, Peru and Italy and joint ventures in Canada, Mexico, Australia and the Philippines
producing grinding products for the global mineral processing industry.” (“GS Industries Major Player After Producers
Approve Merger,” The [Charleston, SC] Post And Courier, 10/6/95)
1995 Bain-Led Merger Created Even Larger Company, Now Called “GS Industries”
In 1995, Bain Capital Merged GS Technologies With Parent Company Of South Carolina’s Georgetown
Steel, Creating $1 Billion “GS Industries.” “The merger of two steel producers – including the parent of
Georgetown Steel – has spawned GS Industries, with $1 billion in annual sales and 3,800 employees worldwide.
GS Technologies and Georgetown Industries completed the merger Thursday, creating the largest producer of
steel wire rod in North America. … GS Industries is a privately held firm controlled by Boston-based Bain Capital,
which has owned the GS Technologies unit since November 1993.” (“GS Industries Major Player After Producers Approve
Merger,” The [Charleston, SC] Post And Courier, 10/6/95)
Principal Shareholder In Georgetown Steel Before Bain Buyout Was State-Run Kuwait Investment
Authority. “Georgetown Industries’ operations include the Georgetown-based steel mini-mill, Georgetown
Wire with operations in western Canada, and Florida Wire and Cable in Jacksonville, Fla. Kuwait Investment
Authority will remain the principal shareholder in Georgetown Industries, Regelbrugge has said.” (“GS Industries
Major Player After Producers Approve Merger,” The [Charleston, SC] Post And Courier, 10/6/95)
Bain Capital Owned An Estimated 60% Of GS Industries After 1995 Merger. “GS Industries is the product of
a 1995 merger between Charlotte-based Georgetown Industries and GS Technologies in Kansas City, Mo. … Its
primary shareholder is Bain Capital, a Boston venture capital firm that holds 60% of the company.” (Arati Sontakay,
“Steelmaker Plans Stock Sale,” Charlotte Business Journal, 11/3/97)
According To One Company Manager, Bain’s Goal Was Always To Take GS Industries Public. “GS
Industries Inc. is a private company. In addition to Georgetown Steel, it has a steel mill in Kansas City, Mo., plus
several others in foreign countries. Bain Capital, an investment group based in Boston, bought GS Industries in
1995. According to Georgetown Steel Vice President George White, Bain’s goal is to eventually take the company
public.” (Rosanne Howard, “Mill Holds Its Own Despite Morale Problems,” The Myrtle Beach Sun-News, 9/29/00)
Bain Was Preparing To Take GS Public As Early As 1998. “Charlotte-based GS Industries is interviewing
investment bankers in preparation for an initial public offering that could raise as much as $200 million. The
specialty-steel maker says it may go public as early as next year.” (Arati Sontakay, “Steelmaker Plans Stock Sale,”
Charlotte Business Journal, 11/3/97)
In 1997, GS Industries Endured Labor Disputes At Plants In Kansas City, Missouri And Georgetown,
South Carolina
In December 1997, Workers At Georgetown Steel Plant In South Carolina Went On Month-Long Strike.
“Workers remain off the job this week at a South Carolina steel plant owned by GS Industries Inc., which also
owns a facility in Kansas City. Officials of United Steelworkers of America Local 7898 are contending that 595
hourly employees at Georgetown Steel Corp. are being locked out. Union members stopped working at the plant
last Friday after the union rejected the company’s request that its final offer be put to the vote of the members. …
‘It’s about fairness,’ [Local 7898 President James] Sanderson said. ‘They’re more interested in pleasing their
investors than the people who made this plant profitable for them, the workers.’” (Randolph Heaster, “Steel Union Says
South Carolina Plant Has Locked Out Hourly Employees,” The Kansas City Star, 12/11/97)
“Georgetown Steel, In Georgetown, S.C., Is Under The Same Ownership As GST Steel Co. Of Kansas
City. GST Steel Endured A Three-Month Strike Earlier This Year.” (Randolph Heaster, “Steel Union Says South
Carolina Plant Has Locked Out Hourly Employees,” The Kansas City Star, 12/11/97)
Labor Leader: Bain “Forced A Labor Dispute At Every Location.” “United Steelworkers of America, Local
7898 President James Sanderson … said he believes Bain is anti-labor. At contract negotiation time, ‘they’ve
forced a labor dispute at every location,’ he said.” (Rosanne Howard, “Mill Holds Its Own Despite Morale Problems,” The
Myrtle Beach Sun-News, 9/29/00)
Earlier In 1997, Workers At GS’ Kansas City Plant Walked Off The Job For Three Months. “Workers at GST
Steel Co. overwhelmingly passed a new contract with the company Thursday, ending a 10-week strike. … GST
Steel is owned by GS Industries Inc. of Charlotte, N.C. The parent company is controlled by Bain Capital, a
Boston investment firm that financed a management-led buyout of the steel plant in 1993.” (Randolph Heaster, “10-
Week Strike Ends At GST,” The Kansas City Star, 6/13/97)
Labor Stoppage At Kansas City Plant Was “[T]he Plant’s First Strike Since 1959…” (Randolph Heaster, “10-
Week Strike Ends At GST,” The Kansas City Star, 6/13/97)
“Last Year, GS Endured Strikes At Two Major Plants, Including One At Its Mill In The S.C. Coastal Town Of
Georgetown.” (Stella Hopkins, “Playing To Strengths,” Charlotte Observer, 2/3/98)
In 2001, GS Industries Filed For Bankruptcy, Closed Its Kansas City Plant And Fired 750 Workers
February 2001: GS Industries Filed For Bankruptcy And Announced Closing Of Kansas City Plant,
Eliminating 750 Jobs. “GST Steel Co., whose local ties date to the 19th century, will close as part of a
bankruptcy reorganization, throwing 750 area employees out of work. … In its Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing
Wednesday, GST Steel parent GS Industries Inc. of Charlotte, N.C., cited record imports of low-priced steel,
which have depressed prices, and high labor costs. … In addition to GST Steel, whose formal name is GS
Technologies Operating Co. Inc., four other GS Industries subsidiaries sought refuge Wednesday in bankruptcy
court in Charlotte.” (Dan Margolies And Randolph Heaster, “Shutdown Is End Of An Era,” The Kansas City Star, 2/8/01)
“GS Industries Inc., A Steel-Rod Producer Owned By Boston Private Equity Firm Bain Capital, Will Close
Its Money-Losing Plant In Kansas City, Mo.” (David Carey, “Bain Capital’s GS Industries Shutting Plant,” Daily Deal, 2/9/01)
“When The Plant Closed Earlier This Year … Workers Lost Severance Packages And Health Insurance
Coverage.” (Thomas Farragher and Scott Bernard Nelson, “Business Record Helps, Hinders Romney,” The Boston Globe, 10/24/02)
“[A]ll Workers Employed 10 Years Or More At The Plant Would Receive Eight Weeks’ Severance
Pay…” (Dan Margolies and Randolph Heaster, “Shutdown Is End Of An Era,” The Kansas City Star, 2/8/01)
Plant Closure Came On Top Of Previous Layoffs In 2000. “Rumors had swirled at the GST plant in recent
months about the possibility of a company bankruptcy as well as a plant shutdown. Both union and salaried
employees were laid off late in 2000.” (Dan Margolies and Randolph Heaster, “Shutdown Is End Of An Era,” The Kansas City Star,
Domino Effect: Months Later, Nearby Plant That Relied On GS Industries As Supplier Had To Shut Its
Doors, Throwing More Than 100 People Out Of Work. “The fallout from the shutdown of GST Steel Co.
earlier this year continued last week, when Wire Rope Corp. of America Inc. announced plans to close its
Kansas City plant. Wire Rope’s facility at 2100 Manchester Road has 107 hourly and salaried employees who
will be laid off beginning Jan. 25, said Charles Salanski, president and chief operating officer. … Wire Rope’s
Kansas City plant also was singled out for closing because of the loss of its nearby supplier, GST Steel. Until
it closed in June, GST supplied rods for the Wire Rope facility.” (Randolph Heaster, “Citing Slowdown, Wire Rope To
Close KC Plant,” The Kansas City Star, 11/20/01)
Romney Was CEO Of Bain Capital And Held Financial Stake In Company At Time Of Kansas City Layoffs.
“Although he gave up running day-to-day operations at the venture capital firm in order to head the Salt Lake
Winter Olympics, he remained CEO and held his financial interest in the company through August 2001. That
includes the period when the Ampad factory in Buffalo was closed, and when the Kansas City-based GST Steel
plant was shut down and workers laid off.” (Stephanie Ebbert and Yvonne Abraham, “Camps Spar Over Romney Word Choice,”
The Boston Globe, 10/31/02)
Bain Capital Called “Bully On The Block” As Workers Blamed Romney And His Firm For Plant Closing.
“Out-of-work steelworkers in Kansas City, for example, blame Romney and Bain Capital for decisions that led to
last year’s bankruptcy of a steel mill that opened its doors in 1888. Bain bought the operation, GST Steel Co., in
1993. Workers said the new owners cleaned house and brought in an inexperienced management team. Dan
Misel, who worked at GST Steel for 35 years, said Bain came in ‘like the bully on the block,’ assuming its
managers knew how to run the operation better than anyone already in place.” (Thomas Farragher and Scott Bernard
Nelson, “Business Record Helps, Hinders Romney,” The Boston Globe, 10/24/02)
Romney Was Running Bain Capital When Kansas City Plant Endured 10-Week Strike In 1997 – Its First
Labor Stoppage In Almost 40 Years. “In 1997, two years before Romney left Bain to run the Winter
Olympics, the Kansas City plant endured its first strike in four decades. After a 10-week walkout, union
officials said they offered to work with managers to improve the plant’s competitiveness, but that the Bain-
imposed managers weren’t interested.” (Thomas Farragher and Scott Bernard Nelson, “Business Record Helps, Hinders
Romney,” The Boston Globe, 10/24/02)
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Had To Assume Control Of Two Underfunded GS Pension Plans
Affecting Over 1,000 Former Employees At Kansas City Facility. “The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
today announced that it has taken over two underfunded pension plans covering more than 1,000 people who
worked at the Kansas City, Mo., facility of GS Technologies Operating Co. The company is a subsidiary of GS
Industries Inc., a bankrupt producer of steel rod products. ‘PBGC has stepped in because the company is
liquidating in bankruptcy and the pension plans do not have enough money to pay all benefits,’ said PBGC
Executive Director Steven A. Kandarian.” (Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, Press Release, 8/5/02)
GS Had Roughly $44 Million Worth Of Underfunded Pension Obligations. “The GST Steel Company
Pension Plan and the GS Technologies Pension Plan have a combined underfunding of about $44 million,
according to PBGC estimates. The agency will take over the plan’s assets and use PBGC insurance funds to
pay the guaranteed pension benefits of covered workers.” (Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, Press Release, 8/5/02)
Former Employees Still Suffered, As Roughly 200 Workers Lost Their $400/Month Pension Supplements.
“Although the move will guarantee basic pension payments, former employees still stand to lose as bankrupt
parent company GS Industries Inc. liquidates its assets. About 200 former GST workers who haven’t reached
retirement age will lose a $400 monthly pension supplement that the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. is not
obligated to pay, said John Wiseman, a United Steelworkers of America representative in Independence.” (Stephen
Roth, “Agency Takes Over Pensions Covering Ex-GST Workers,” Kansas City Business Journal, 8/16/02)
Workers’ Access To COBRA Health Coverage Expired Roughly Six Months After GS Industries Filed For
Bankruptcy. “Wiseman said GSI also has informed former employees that their access to health care coverage
through COBRA will expire Sept. 5. … The loss of that coverage could be disastrous for former workers, some of
whom, Wiseman said, have acquired asbestosis from years of working in the decades-old mill. ‘We have people
looking at the prospect of $2,000 to $3,000 per month health care premiums, and they just can’t afford that,’ he
said.” (Stephen Roth, “Agency Takes Over Pensions Covering Ex-GST Workers,” Kansas City Business Journal, 8/16/02)
No GS Industries Representatives Were Available To Comment: “GSI Chief Executive Mark Essig was
unavailable for comment. An employee said GS Industries, based in Charlotte, N.C., has sold all of its assets
and no longer is in business.” (Stephen Roth, “Agency Takes Over Pensions Covering Ex-GST Workers,” Kansas City Business
Journal, 8/16/02)
GS Industries Ceased To Exist In 2003 After Liquidating Its Assets And Closing Up Shop
June 2003: Company Had Five Remaining Employees To “Remove The Nameplates And Lock The Doors”
After Company’s Assets Had Been Sold. “GS Industries filed for Chapter 11 on Feb. 7, 2001, in the U.S.
Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of North Carolina in Charlotte. The company is down to five employees,
and there’s little left to do but remove the nameplates and lock the doors because over its 28 months in
bankruptcy, GS has sold off all assets.” (Greg Johnson, “GS Industries Can Liquidate,” The Deal, 6/16/03)
Northeastern University’s William Mayer: “After Studying Presidential Nominations For 30
Years, I’ve Never Seen Somebody Who Has So Completely Renounced His Past Record When
He Decided To Run For President.” (Jill Zuckman, “Romney’s On A Roll, In The Money And The Polls,” Chicago Tribune,
ABORTION: Romney Was Pro-Choice, Then Not Pro-Choice, Then Pro-Choice Again, Then Pro-Life
In 1994, Romney Backed Federal Funding Of Abortion And Codifying Roe v. Wade. “Romney supports a
federal health care plan option that includes abortion services, would vote for a law codifying the 1972 Roe v.
Wade decision that legalized abortion and backs federal funding for abortions as long as states can decide if they
want the money, [a spokesman] said.” (Ed Hayward, “Anti-Abortion Group Endorses Romney Bid,” Boston Herald, 9/8/94)
1999: Romney Claimed “When I Am Asked If Am I Pro-Choice Or Pro-Life, I Say I Refuse To Accept Either
Label.” (Glen Warchol, “This Is The Place, But Politics May Lead Romneys Elsewhere,” The Salt Lake Tribune, 2/14/99)
2002: Running For Massachusetts Governor, Romney Said He Was “Devoted” To Pro-Choice
Position. “I will preserve and protect a woman’s right to choose, and am devoted and dedicated to honoring my
word in that regard. I will not change any provisions of Massachusetts’ pro-choice laws.” (2002 Romney-O’Brien
Gubernatorial Debate, Suffolk University, Boston, MA, 10/29/02)
2005: Romney Considered Abortion-Rights Supporter By Pro-Life Groups – Aide Claimed His Position
Had Not Changed. “[Massachusetts Citizens for Life] considers Romney to be an abortion-rights supporter, as do
national antiabortion groups such as the Family Research Council. … [Romney aide Eric] Fehrnstrom said the
governor’s position has not changed on either sex education or abortion.” (Scott S. Greenberger, “Roe V. Wade Omitted
From Proclamation,” The Boston Globe, 3/25/05)
2007: Romney Now Claims He Has Always Been Pro-Life. “I am firmly pro-life … I was always for life.” (Jim
Davenport, “Romney Affirms Abortion Opposition During Stop In SC,” The Associated Press, 2/8/07)
IMMIGRATION: Romney Once Backed Path To Citizenship, Said McCain Plan Was “Quite Different” From
Amnesty, But Now Says He Opposes Path To Citizenship And Attacks McCain Plan As “Amnesty”
In 2006, Romney Said Illegal Immigrants Should Have Path To Citizenship. “Gov. Mitt Romney expressed
support … for an immigration program that places large numbers of illegal residents on the path toward
citizenship … Romney said illegal immigrants should have a chance to obtain citizenship.” (Evan Lehmann, “Romney
Supports Immigration Program, But Not Granting ‘Amnesty’,” The Lowell Sun, 3/30/06)
Romney: “Those [Immigrants] That Are Here Paying Taxes And Not Taking Government Benefits
Should Begin A Process Towards Application For Citizenship.” “I don’t believe in rounding up 11 million
people and forcing them at gunpoint from our country … With these 11 million people, let’s have them
registered, know who they are. Those who’ve been arrested or convicted of crimes shouldn’t be here; those
that are here paying taxes and not taking government benefits should begin a process towards application for
citizenship, as they would from their home country.” (Evan Lehmann, “Romney Supports Immigration Program, But Not
Granting ‘Amnesty’,” The Lowell Sun, 3/30/06)
In 2005, Romney Said McCain Immigration Plan Was “Quite Different” From Amnesty And Called Plan
“Reasonable.” “In a November 2005 interview with the Globe, Romney described immigration proposals by
McCain and others as ‘quite different’ from amnesty, because they required illegal immigrants to register with the
government, work for years, pay taxes, not take public benefits, and pay a fine before applying for citizenship.
‘That’s very different than amnesty, where you literally say, “OK, everybody here gets to stay,”‘ Romney said in
the interview. ‘It’s saying you could work your way into becoming a legal resident of the country by working here
without taking benefits and then applying and then paying a fine.’” (Scott Helman, “Romney’s Words Grow Hard On
Immigration,” The Boston Globe, 3/16/07)
Romney Spoke “Approvingly Of Efforts By McCain And Bush To Solve The Nation’s Immigration
Crisis.” “Romney did not specifically endorse McCain’s bill, saying he had not yet formulated a full position
on immigration. But he did speak approvingly of efforts by McCain and Bush to solve the nation’s immigration
crisis, calling them ‘reasonable proposals.’” (Scott Helman, “Romney’s Words Grow Hard On Immigration,” The Boston Globe,
Today Romney Says He Opposes Any “Special Pathway To Citizenship.” “[I] think I’m best off to
describe my own positions. And my positions, I think I’ve just described for you – secure the border, employment
verification and no special pathway to citizenship. I feel that’s the course we ought to take.” (CNN’s “The Situation
Room,” 5/22/07)
Today Romney Refers To McCain-Backed Immigration Reform Bill As “Amnesty.” “The crowd at South
Carolina’s Republican convention … cheered as presidential candidate Romney told them: ‘One simple rule: No
amnesty.’ During his speech and before his remarks, Romney said a proposed new visa for immigrants amounts
to amnesty if it can be renewed indefinitely. ‘If that’s not a form of amnesty, I don’t know what is,’ Romney said. ‘I
think we should not call it the “Z visa,” we should call it the “A visa” because it’s amnesty and that’s what it stands
for.’” (Jim Davenport, “S.C. Republicans Cheer Romney As He Attacks Immigration Bill,” The Associated Press, 5/19/07)
TAX CUTS: Romney Refused To Endorse 2003 Bush Tax Cuts, Now Makes Them Central Part Of His
Boston Herald: Romney “Refused To Take A Position On Bush’s Massive, 10-Year Tax Cut Plan.”
“[R]omney spoke at the 10th annual legislative conference organized by U.S. Rep. Martin T. Meehan (D-Lowell)
and met with the Massachusetts delegation. … Congressional sources said that a point of contention arose when
Romney refused to take a position on Bush’s massive, 10-year tax cut plan.” (Noelle Straub, “Romney Talks Policy With
Bush Staffers, Mass. Delegation,” Boston Herald, 4/11/03)
Romney Said He Wouldn’t Be “Cheerleader” For Tax Relief Plan He Didn’t Agree With. “According to the
observer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, Romney told the delegation that he ‘won’t be a cheerleader’ for
proposals he doesn’t agree with, ‘but I have to keep a solid relationship with the White House.’” (Wayne Washington
and Glen Johnson, “Romney Weighs In – Carefully – On Bush Tax-Cut Plan,” The Boston Globe, 4/11/03)
Romney Spokesman Claimed Tax Cuts Weren’t A State Matter. “Shawn Feddeman, Romney’s
spokeswoman, said the governor has neither endorsed nor opposed the tax cut plan because ‘it’s just not a state
matter.’” (Wayne Washington and Glen Johnson, “Romney Weighs In – Carefully – On Bush Tax-Cut Plan,” The Boston Globe, 4/11/03)
Romney Now Says He Supported The President’s Tax Cuts. “McCain opposed President Bush’s tax cuts,
Romney noted. ‘I supported them,’ the former governor said.” (Lee Bandy, “Romney Targeting McCain,” The State [SC],
NO NEW TAXES PLEDGE: Romney Refused To Sign ATR Pledge Against Raising Taxes In 2002, Eagerly
Signed It In 2007
In 2002, Candidate Romney Refused To Sign ATR Pledge Against Tax Increases. “Four years ago, Mitt
Romney broke with GOP tradition and refused to sign the [Americans for Tax Reform] pledge [to ‘oppose and
veto any and all efforts to increase taxes’].” (Lisa Wangsness, “Healey Will Sign Antitax Pledge,” The Boston Globe, 9/4/06)
Romney “Rebuffed” Calls To Sign Pledge, Drawing Wrath Of Anti-Tax Advocates. “Gubernatorial front-
runner Mitt Romney drew the wrath of GOP anti-tax stalwarts … by refusing a ‘no new tax’ pledge to back his
levy-cutting promises. Breaking with the past three Republican governors, Romney rebuffed perennial calls by
Citizens for Limited Taxation to sign the vaunted pledge.” (David R. Guarino, “Romney Refuses To Sign CLT’s ‘No New Tax’
Pledge,” Boston Herald, 3/28/02)
“Romney’s Gubernatorial Campaign Spokesman, Eric Fehrnstrom, Dismissed Such Pledges At The
Time As ‘Government By Gimmickry.’” (Scott Helman, “Romney Finds ‘No New Taxes’ Promise Suits Him After All,” The
Boston Globe, 1/5/07)
In 2007, Romney Signed Pledge As His Presidential Campaign Began. “Almost five years after he refused to
sign a ‘no new taxes’ pledge during his campaign for governor, Mitt Romney announced … that he had done just
that, as his campaign for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination began in earnest.” (Scott Helman, “Romney
Finds ‘No New Taxes’ Promise Suits Him After All,” The Boston Globe, 1/5/07)
Media Noted Signing Of Pledge Symbolized His Shift In Focus To GOP Primary Voters. “Romney’s
announcement about signing the pledge came on his first day out of office, and it symbolized what’s now his
biggest priority: building support from GOP activists and voters, especially in states with early primaries.” (Scott
Helman, “Romney Finds ‘No New Taxes’ Promise Suits Him After All,” The Boston Globe, 1/5/07)
Concord [NH] Monitor Called It “The Latest Shift For Romney.” “In the latest shift for Romney … he
recently signed a ‘taxpayer protection pledge’ sponsored by the Grover Norquist-led Americans for Tax
Reform. In 2002 … Romney declined to sign a written pledge not to raise taxes.” (Sarah Liebowitz and Eric
Moskowitz, “Romney Pledges To Run A Different Campaign,” Concord Monitor, 1/9/07)
CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM: Romney Now Criticizes McCain-Feingold But Once Called For Abolishing
PACs, Implementing Spending Limits And Taxing Political Donations
The Hill: “[R]omney … Once Touted Dramatic Restructuring Measures Such As Taxing Political
Contributions And Placing Spending Limits On Federal Campaigns.” “Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt
Romney, who strongly criticized campaign-finance regulations in a private meeting with House conservatives last
week, once touted dramatic restructuring measures such as taxing political contributions and placing spending
limits on federal campaigns.” (Alexander Bolton, “Romney’s About-Face On Campaign Funding,” The Hill, 2/8/07)
Romney Proposed Installing 10 Percent Tax On Private Donations To Political Campaigns. “Mr.
Romney campaigned in favor of clean elections, which provides public money to candidates for state office
who meet strict fund-raising requirements. But he suggested an alternative funding method. Instead of
providing campaign funds from state coffers, his plan would tap 10 percent of the fund raising of candidates
who choose to raise money privately.” (Richard Nangle, “Clean Election Advocates Keep Pushing,” Telegram & Gazette
[Worcester, MA], 11/14/02)
Romney Proposed Spending Cap On Congressional Elections. “Romney also said he advocates
spending limits on congressional elections, even suggesting that the current race against Sen. Edward M.
Kennedy should have a $6 million spending cap.” (Frank Phillips, “Romney, Vowing To Live It, Touts Congress Reform
Plan,” The Boston Globe, 7/27/94)
Romney: “I Also Would Abolish PACs … I Don’t Like Them.” “I also would abolish PACs. You
probably have one – I don’t like them. I don’t like the influence of money – whether it’s business, labor or any
other group. I do not like that kind of influence. Lobbyists, I want to register, know who they are. I want to
make sure gifts are limited. I think we have to really become much more vigilant in seeing the impact on
money – and I don’t care how it’s organized – on money on politics.” (Mitt Romney, Remarks To Burlington Business
Roundtable, Burlington, MA, 10/11/94)
Romney Now Attacks Campaign Finance Reform, Calling McCain-Feingold “A Terrible Piece Of
Legislation.” “Romney noted his foe from Arizona wrote the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform law that
restricts certain types of contributions. ‘That’s a terrible piece of legislation,’ Romney said. ‘It hasn’t taken the
money out of politics. ... (But) it has hurt my party.’” (Lee Bandy, “Romney Targeting McCain,” The State, 2/4/07)
REPUBLICAN AFFILIATION: Romney Was Not Republican Until 1993, Has Donated To Democrats, Voted
For Paul Tsongas, Refused To Even Read Contract With America
Romney Voted For Paul Tsongas In ‘92 Presidential Primary. “An Independent until last December, [Romney]
publicizes his brief stint as a Democrat to support ex-senator Paul Tsongas in the 1992 presidential primary. ‘I’m
not a partisan politician,’ he said.” (David Broder, “Kennedy Tries To Polish Faded Image,” The Washington Post, 10/7/94)
Romney Has Made Campaign Contributions To Democrats. “Belmont businessman W. Mitt Romney …
defended donations to Democratic congressional candidates in 1992. ‘I don’t think they’re mortal sins for
Republicans to make contributions to good people and to their friends, irrespective of their party,’ Romney, 46,
told reporters…” (Wayne Woodlief, ‘Romney: Religion No Issue In Senate Race,’ Boston Herald, 2/3/94)
Romney “Warmly Praised” Bill Clinton During ‘94 Senate Race. “[Romney] warmly praised President
Clinton. ‘I think the president does a lot of things that make a lot of sense,’ he said. ‘I support him in many ways.’”
(Scot Lehigh and Frank Phillips, “Round 2 – Sound Without The Fury,” The Boston Globe, 10/28/94)
Romney Campaigned Against The Contract With America And The ‘94 Republican Agenda. “Mr. Romney, a
venture capitalist who has never held elective office, criticized the Republican campaign agenda, the ‘Contract
With America,’ as too partisan. He said he would have gone against the GOP leadership and supported the crime
bill, and would oppose a capital gains tax cut.” (Rod Dreher, “Kennedy Avoids Haymaker In Final Debate With Romney,” The
Washington Times, 10/28/94)
REAGAN LEGACY: Romney Distanced Himself From President Reagan In 1994, Saying He Was An
Independent During Reagan Years, But Now Claims Reagan As His Hero
Romney Panned Contract With America, Refused To Link Himself To Reagan Administration. “In his 1994
debate with Kennedy, Romney … balked when Kennedy tried to link him to the Reagan administration.” (Dan Balz
and Shailagh Murray, “Mass. Governor’s Rightward Shift Raises Questions,” The Washington Post, 12/21/06)
Romney: “I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush. I’m not trying to return to Reagan-
Bush.” (Joe Battenfeld, “Conservative Group Yanks Its Support For Mitt,” Boston Herald, 10/27/94)
Romney Now Claims Reagan As His Political Hero. “‘Ronald Reagan is one of my heroes,’ Romney said as he
praised Reagan’s strategy for winning the Cold War: ‘We win; they lose.’” (Michael Levenson, “Romney Links Gay Marriage,
US Prestige,” The Boston Globe, 2/26/05)
SECOND AMENDMENT: Romney Once Bragged Of Opposing NRA, Promised Not To “Chip Away” At
Tough Gun Laws But Now Seeks NRA Endorsement
Romney Supported Brady Bill And Assault Weapons Ban, Bragging His Stance Was “Not Going To Make
Me The Hero Of The NRA.” “[Romney] said he will take stands that put him at odds with some traditional ultra-
conservative groups, and cited his support for the assault rifle ban and the Brady gun control law. ‘That’s not
going to make me the hero of the NRA,’ he said. ‘I don’t line up with a lot of special interest groups.’” (Andrew Miga,
“Mitt Rejects Right-Wing Aid,” Boston Herald, 9/23/94)
Romney Praised Massachusetts’ Tough Gun Laws, Vowed Not To “Chip Away At Them” As Governor.
“[A]s the GOP gubernatorial candidate in 2002, Romney lauded the state’s strong laws during a debate against
Democrat Shannon O’Brien. ‘We do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts; I support them,’ he said. ‘I won’t chip
away at them; I believe they protect us and provide for our safety.’” (Scott Helman, “Romney Retreats On Gun Control,” The
Boston Globe, 1/14/07)
Romney Explains He Signed Up For Lifetime NRA Membership In August 2006 Because “I’m After The
NRA’s Endorsement. … If I’m Going To Ask For Their Endorsement, They’re Going To Ask For Mine.”
“Expressing familiarity with and support for gun rights is key among Republican presidential contenders … It helps
explain why Romney joined the NRA last August, signing up not just as a supporter but a designated ‘Lifetime’
member … Romney told a Derry, N.H., audience, ‘I’m after the NRA’s endorsement. I’m not sure they’ll give it to
me. I hope they will. I also joined because if I’m going to ask for their endorsement, they’re going to ask for mine.’”
(Glen Johnson, “Romney Calls Himself A Longtime Hunter,” The Associated Press, 4/5/07)
OWNING A GUN: Romney Said He Owned A Gun Himself, Then Admitted It Was Not His Gun
Romney Appealed To Gun Owners For Support, Claiming To Be One Of Them. “[Romney said] he hopes
states would continue to ease regulations on gun owners, and he expressed enthusiasm for guns and hunting. ‘I
have a gun of my own. I go hunting myself. I’m a member of the NRA and believe firmly in the right to bear arms,’
Romney said.” (Scott Helman, “Romney Retreats On Gun Control,” The Boston Globe, 1/14/07)
Romney, In Early 2006: “I Have A Gun Of My Own, I Go Hunting Myself...” (Glenn And Helen Show,, 1/10/07)
Days Later, Romney Admitted That He Did Not Own A Gun. “On Wednesday, Romney said on an Internet
podcast, ‘The Glenn and Helen Show,’ that he hopes states would continue to ease regulations on gun owners,
and he expressed enthusiasm for guns and hunting. ‘I have a gun of my own. I go hunting myself. I’m a member
of the NRA and believe firmly in the right to bear arms,’ Romney said. Asked by reporters at the gun show Friday
whether he personally owned the gun, Romney said he did not. He said one of his sons, Josh, keeps two guns at
the family vacation home in Utah, and he uses them ‘from time to time.’” (Scott Helman, “Romney Retreats On Gun Control,”
The Boston Globe, 1/14/07)
HUNTING: Romney Claimed To Be Lifelong Hunter While Having Been Hunting Twice In His Life, Later
Explaining He Was Frequent Hunter Of “Small Varmints” And Rodents
Romney Has Spoken Of His Hunting Prowess “On Several Occasions.” “The Republican presidential
contender has told audiences on several occasions, most recently this week in gun-savvy – and early voting –
New Hampshire, that he has been a longtime hunter.” (Glen Johnson, “Romney Calls Himself A Longtime Hunter,” The
Associated Press, 4/5/07)
Romney Later Admitted He Has Been Hunting Only Twice In His Life – Once Nearly Fifty Years Ago, Once
At “Fenced Game Preserve” On 2006 Retreat For Political Donors. “[T]he former Massachusetts governor’s
hunting experience is limited to two trips at the bookends of his 60 years: as a 15-year-old, when he hunted
rabbits with his cousins on a ranch in Idaho, and last year, when he shot quail on a fenced game preserve in
Georgia. Last year’s trip was an outing with major donors to the Republican Governors Association, which
Romney headed at the time.” (Glen Johnson, “Romney Calls Himself A Longtime Hunter,” The Associated Press, 4/5/07)
Washington Post Editorial: “Mitt Romney Tried To Look Like A Hunter – And Ended Up Shooting
Himself In The Foot.” (Editorial, “Killer Rabbits,” The Washington Post, 4/10/07)
Romney Revised His Remarks The Next Day, Saying He Has “Always” Hunted “Rodents” And “Small
Varmints.” “Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is taking a second shot at describing his hunting
experience. … Campaigning in Indianapolis on Thursday, Romney said he has hunted small game since his
youth. ‘I’m not a big-game hunter. I’ve made that very clear,’ he said. ‘I’ve always been a rodent and rabbit hunter.
Small varmints, if you will. I began when I was 15 or so and I have hunted those kinds of varmints since then.
More than two times.’” (Emily Udell, “Romney Aims Again To Explain Hunting,” The Associated Press, 4/6/07)
UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE: After Striving To Take Credit For Universal Health Insurance Bill In
Massachusetts, Romney Is Now Running Away From His Own Plan
Romney Staged Elaborate Signing Ceremony With Banners And A Fife-And-Drum Corps. “In a Colonial-era
hall, with a fife-and-drum corps marching in with him, Gov. Mitt Romney (R) signed a bill Wednesday requiring all
Massachusetts residents to purchase health insurance -- portraying the measure as a historic solution to health-
care costs, even as questions emerge about whether the state can afford it. The signing [was] staged with a near-
presidential attention to theatrics and slogan-bearing banners…” (David A. Fahrenthold, “Mass. Marks Health-Care
Milestone,” The Washington Post, 4/13/06)
Romney Said Final Legislation “Incorporates About 95 Percent Of My Original Proposal.” “The final
legislation incorporates about 95 percent of my original proposal. So I think, overall, it is a major step forward.
We will have health insurance for all our citizens without a government takeover and without new taxes
required.” (Jennifer Barrett, “Person Of Faith,”, 6/7/06)
Romney Has Now “Begun To Distance Himself” From His “Signature” Plan. “With signs emerging that his
signature healthcare plan faces hurdles, former governor Mitt Romney has begun to distance himself from the
new law and is suggesting that Democrats will be to blame if the plan falters. … At recent political appearances,
Romney has subtly lowered expectations for the law he championed as governor.” (Rick Klein, “Boston Globe: Romney
Distances Self From Mass. Health Plan,” The Boston Globe, 2/3/07)
Wall Street Journal: Romney Oversold Virtues Of Healthcare Plan, Imposed Government Mandate And
Now Distances Himself From Own Policy. “[Romney] made a big deal of the health-care ‘reform’ he
steered through the Massachusetts legislature last year, and we suppose he deserves credit for trying. But he
oversold the results – to the applause of the national health-care lobby – and imposed an insurance mandate
without reforming the state insurance market. As it unfolds, this law is turning out to be far from a free-market
success. And so now Mr. Romney is distancing himself from it – never mind that he upbraided his critics last
year for not understanding its virtues.” (Editorial, “The GOP Field,” Wall Street Journal, 2/10/07)
Investor’s Business Daily: “He’s Now A Critic Of His Own Biggest Achievement.” “As governor of
Massachusetts he signed a bipartisan law intended to ensure that every resident has coverage. Romney
touted it as an innovative free-market solution. Yet these days, Romney … is much more likely to present his
state’s universal coverage law as not a model to copy but an example for other states to learn from. He’s now
a critic of his own biggest achievement.” (Sean Higgins, “Ex-Gov. Romney Keeps Distance From His Own Mass. Health Plan,”
Investor’s Business Daily, 3/7/07)
CLIMATE CHANGE: Romney Once Claimed Global Warming Debate Was “Pretty Much Over” But Now
Expresses Skepticism And Attacks His Opponents
Romney In 2003: Global Warming Debate “Is Now Pretty Much Over.” “I think the global warming debate is
now pretty much over and people recognize the need associated with providing sources which do not generate
the heat that is currently provided by fossil fuels …” (Jack Coleman, “Massachusetts Governor Urges Use Of Alternative Energy,”
Cape Cod Times, 3/14/03)
Romney: “I concur that climate change is beginning to effect on our natural resources and that now is the
time to take action …” (“Romney OK With Plan On Emissions,” Boston Herald, 7/24/03)
According To Participants, Romney Held 2003 Meeting With Religious Leaders And Said He Was
“Terrified” Over Global Warming, Calling It “Quite Alarming.” “Sister Tess Browne, a Roman Catholic nun,
said she was particularly moved during the meeting when Romney spoke of his concerns that global warming
would jeopardize not just U.S. coastal cities but those in poorer countries, such as Bangladesh. Romney told the
group he was ‘terrified’ about global warming, a phenomenon he described as ‘quite alarming,’ according to notes
taken by one of the participants, Nancy Davidge of the Episcopal Divinity School at Harvard University.” (Peter
Wallsten, “Activists Remember A Different Romney,” Los Angeles Times, 3/25/07)
In February 2007, Romney Said “Scientists Haven’t Entirely Resolved” Global Warming Question.” “I
have to tell you with regards to global warming that that’s something, which, you’re right, the scientists haven’t
entirely resolved, but no question about one thing, it’s getting warmer, and a lot of good reasons for us to use less
energy, to use it more efficiently and to develop sources here in this country that could allow us to be more
independent of foreign sources.” (CNBC’s “Kudlow & Company,” 2/7/07)
Romney Now Says “Some In The Republican Party Are Embracing … The Ideas Of Al Gore.”
“Unfortunately, some in the Republican Party are embracing the radical environmental ideas of the liberal left. As
governor, I found that thoughtful environmentalism need not be anti-growth and anti-jobs. But Kyoto-style
sweeping mandates, imposed unilaterally in the United States, would kill jobs, depress growth and shift
manufacturing to the dirtiest developing nations. Republicans should never abandon pro-growth conservative
principles in an effort to embrace the ideas of Al Gore.” (Romney For President, Press Release, 2/23/07)
GAYS IN THE MILITARY: Romney Once Supported And Now Opposes Allowing Gays And Lesbians To
Serve Openly In The Military
Romney “Went Out Of His Way” To Court Gay Rights Supporters In ‘94 Senate Run, Said “Certain
Privileges” Should Be Offered. “One group [Romney] went out of his way to court [in 1994] was the gay rights
community. While he noted that he opposed same-sex marriage, Romney said that ‘certain benefits and
privileges should be offered to gay couples and lesbian couples.’ … He said he would push gay rights issues if
elected.” (Dan Balz and Shailagh Murray, “Mass. Governor’s Rightward Shift Raises Questions,” The Washington Post, 12/21/06)
In 1994, Romney Endorsed Ability Of Gay Individuals To Serve Openly In Military. “[Romney] called
President Bill Clinton’s ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ military policy ‘the first of a number of steps that will ultimately lead to
gays and lesbians being able to serve openly and honestly in our nation’s military.’” (Dan Balz and Shailagh Murray,
“Mass. Governor’s Rightward Shift Raises Questions,” The Washington Post, 12/21/06)
Romney “Has Since Backed Away” And Now Says He Will Defer To Military Leaders. “Romney has since
backed away … from his previously expansive position on gay people in the military. On that issue, he told
National Review Online, he now defers to military leaders.” (Dan Balz and Shailagh Murray, “Mass. Governor’s Rightward Shift
Raises Questions,” The Washington Post, 12/21/06)
Romney Used To Think “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Policy “Didn’t Make A Lot Of Sense” But Now Supports It.
“[Romney] defended his policy switch on gays in the military. He said when he first heard the phrase ‘don’t ask,
don’t tell,’ he thought it was ‘kind of a silly phrase that didn’t make a lot of sense.’ But the last 10 years have
convinced him that the policy is working and there is no reason to change it, he said.” (Alexa Aguilar, “Romney
Campaigns In Chicago,” Chicago Tribune, 4/12/07)
GAY MARRIAGE: In 2002, Romney Refused To Endorse Constitutional Amendment Banning Gay
Marriage, Saying It Was Too Extreme, But Later Endorsed Amendment Banning Gay Marriage In 2006
Romney Called 2002 Amendment Banning Gay Marriage And Benefits In Massachusetts Too Extreme And
Did Not Support It. “Mitt Romney’s wife, son, and daughter-in-law signed a petition in support of a proposed
constitutional amendment that would ban both gay marriage and domestic-partner benefits in Massachusetts – an
amendment that Romney himself condemned as too extreme after being told of his family’s support for it.” (Rick
Klein, “Romney Kin Signed Petition To Ban Same-Sex Marriage,” The Boston Globe, 3/22/02)
Aide Said Romney Felt The Amendment Was “Unnecessary.” “Romney’s family members signed the
petition to put it on the ballot ‘without reading the fine print,’ [Romney aide Eric] Fehrnstrom said, but he has
no reason to believe they do not support it. ‘Mitt did not know they signed it, and Mitt does not support it,’ he
said. ‘As far as Mitt is concerned, it goes farther than current law, and therefore it’s unnecessary.’” (Rick Klein,
“Romney Kin Signed Petition To Ban Same-Sex Marriage,” The Boston Globe, 3/22/02)
In 2006, Romney Backed Efforts To Pass Constitutional Amendment Banning Gay Marriage In
Massachusetts. “Just two weeks before lawmakers resume a Constitutional Convention to vote on a proposed
ballot initiative to ban same-sex marriage, Gov. Mitt Romney will stand with the supporters of the measure to call
on the Legislature to back it. Romney will join petition backers in a State House press event today to urge the
Legislature to pass the Protection of Marriage Amendment when the Constitutional Convention reconvenes July
12, authorizing a 2008 ballot question asking voters to define marriage as between one man and one woman.”
(Kimberly Atkins and Kate Gibson, “Mitt Joining Supporters Of Anti-Gay Wed Initiative,” Boston Herald, 6/28/06)
STEM CELL RESEARCH: Romney Once Endorsed Embryonic Stem Cell Research And Promised To
“Work And Fight” For It Before Changing His Position
June 2002: Romney “Spoke Extensively” About His Support For Embryonic Stem Cell Research At
Bioethics Forum. “Speaking at a bioethics forum, GOP gubernatorial hopeful Mitt Romney yesterday endorsed
embryonic stem cell research … [Romney] endorsed embryonic stem cell research, saying the controversial
science might one day help treat his wife’s multiple sclerosis in addition to numerous other degenerative
diseases. … Romney spoke extensively about his position on stem cell research, which also involves embryo
destruction.” (Raja Mishra, “Romney Endorses Stem Cell Research, Is Silent On Cloning,” The Boston Globe, 6/14/02)
Romney: “I am in favor of stem cell research. I will work and fight for stem cell research … I’d be happy to
talk to [President Bush] about this, though I don’t know if I could budge him an inch.” (Raja Mishra, “Romney
Endorses Stem Cell Research, Is Silent On Cloning,” The Boston Globe, 6/14/02)
Romney: “We don’t want there to be any impediment to doing [stem cell] research in Massachusetts, any
impediment that would take you to another state.” (Lisa Eckelbecker, “Leaders Deride Drug Imports,” Telegram & Gazette
[Worcester, MA], 4/30/04)
Romney Later Switched Course – In A Move That “Stunned” Observers – And Pressed To Criminalize
Research He Once Endorsed. “At a campaign appearance at Brandeis University in June 2002, Romney
strongly endorsed stem cell research. At that event and in several instances since, he declined to offer an opinion
on embryo cloning … But on Feb. 10, 2005 … Romney came out strongly against the cloning technique … He
vowed to press for legislation to criminalize the work. Romney’s opposition stunned scientists, lawmakers, and
observers because of his past statements endorsing, at least in general terms, embryonic stem cell research.”
(Scott Helman, “Romney’s Journey To The Right,” The Boston Globe, 12/17/06)
Romney’s Stem Cell Views Have “Evolved.” “Romney’s views on stem cell research have evolved over the
past five years. … A few conservatives have questioned whether Romney and his supporters are trying to muddy
his views.” (Scott Helman, “Romney’s Stem Cell View May Upset The Right,” The Boston Globe, 2/11/07)
FAVORITE BOOK: Romney Insisted L. Ron Hubbard’s “Battlefield Earth” Was His Favorite Novel, Then
Said Mark Twain’s “Huckleberry Finn” Was His Favorite
On Monday, Romney Said His Favorite Novel Is L. Ron Hubbard’s “Battlefield Earth.” ROMNEY:
“Favorite book… Well, has to be the Bible.” FOX NEWS’ MARTHA MCCALLUM: “And an interesting response to
his favorite novel.” ROMNEY: “Actually the one by L. Ron Hubbard, I hate to think … I’m not in favor of his religion
by any means, but he wrote a book called ‘Battlefield Earth’ that was a very fun science fiction book.” (Fox News’
“Fox & Friends,” 4/30/07)
Romney Later Reversed Himself, Saying “Huckleberry Finn” Was Favorite Fiction Book And “Battlefield
Earth” Was Favorite Science Fiction Book. “Asked about his comments during a Fox News interview Monday
that L. Ron Hubbard’s Battlefield Earth is his favorite novel, Romney said Huckleberry Finn is his favorite fiction
and that the book by Hubbard, who founded Scientology, is his favorite science fiction reading.” (Mary Anne Ostrom,
“Education Should Determine Immigrants’ Legal Status, Mitt Romney Says,” The [San Jose, CA] Mercury News, 5/1/07)
Romney Incorrectly Claimed Hubbard Hadn’t Yet Founded Scientology When He Wrote “Battlefield
Earth.” “It’s a great science-fiction book … He hadn’t founded Scientology at that point.” (Mary Anne Ostrom,
“Education Should Determine Immigrants’ Legal Status, Mitt Romney Says,” The [San Jose, CA] Mercury News, 5/1/07)
Hubbard Founded Scientology In 1950s. “A one-time science fiction writer, Mr. Hubbard founded
Scientology in the early 1950’s.” (Edwin McDowell, “Court Halts Distribution Of Hubbard Biography,” The New York Times,
Hubbard Wrote Battlefield Earth In 1980. “L. Ron Hubbard wrote Battlefield Earth in 1980 as he described
it, ‘It is the only one I ever wrote to amuse myself. It also celebrates my golden wedding with the muse. Fifty
years a professional – 1930–1980.’” (Battlefield Earth Website,, Accessed 5/2/07)
FAVORITE MOVIE: Romney Has Changed Positions On His Favorite Film In Recent Years
Romney Once Said “O Brother Where Art Thou” Was His Favorite Movie, Now Says It Is “Raiders Of The
Lost Ark.” “Speaking of Romney, he has been making the rounds on the national TV circuit, providing endless
fodder for critics who paint him as a constant flip-flopper. In yet another example, CNN profiled the 2008
presidential field and Romney listed his favorite movie as ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark.’ But as recently as 2003,
Romney told media outlets that his favorite was the George Clooney flick ‘O Brother Where Art Thou.’” (Dave
Wedge, “Your Mitt Moment, Priceless,” Boston Herald, 3/4/07)
BBC’s Katty Kay: “[T]his issue of authenticity, he’s falling down on that. And if people are looking for something
that’s authentic, and he has already flip-flopped on his social conservative values, then that’s going to be a
problem for him.” (NBC’s “The Chris Matthews Show,” 2/11/07)
WFXT-TV’s Joe Battenfeld: “[B]efore you see the new Mitt Romney unveil himself here tomorrow, we want to
give you a look at the old Mitt Romney.” (WFXT’s “Fox 25 News At 10,” 2/12/07)
Battenfeld: “[W]atch Romney squirm. It’s the most revealing look yet at Romney way before his
transformation into a pro-life Ronald Reagan wanna-be.” (WFXT’s “Fox 25 News At 10,” 2/12/07)
The Atlantic’s Andrew Sullivan: “Romney makes John Kerry look immoveable.” (Andrew Sullivan, “The Latest Romney
Switcheroo II,”’s The Daily Dish, 2/8/07)
Sullivan: “[Romney] makes Bill Clinton look like a rock of principle. (Andrew Sullivan, “Romney’s Draft-Deferment,” The
Atlantic’s The Daily Dish Blog, 5/11/07)
Democratic Strategist Susan Estrich: “Mitt Romney makes [John] Kerry look like a model of consistency.”
(Susan Estrich, Op-Ed, “Rudy’s Game,” Creators Syndicate, 2/16/07)
Boston Globe’s Scot Lehigh: “Certainly Massachusetts’ former governor would present a broad target for the
sort of flip-flop attacks that bedeviled John Kerry in 2004.” (Scot Lehigh, “United In Ambivalence,” The Boston Globe, 5/25/07)
Boston Herald’s Howie Carr: “Mitt’s a lot more adept at doing the old soft shoe around his flip-flops than [John]
Kerry.” (Howie Carr, Op-Ed, “Mitt’s Game Plan Looking Like Flip Side Of Kerry’s,” Boston Herald, 2/9/07)
Carr: “[Romney] was privately against George W. Bush’s early tax cuts before he was publicly for them. He
was also for gay rights before he was against them, and he supported campaign finance reform before he
denounced it. Not to mention he was pro-choice before he was pro-life. He wouldn’t sign the local no-new-
taxes pledge in 2002 before he signed Grover Norquist’s national one in 2007.” (Howie Carr, Op-Ed, “Mitt’s Game
Plan Looking Like Flip Side Of Kerry’s,” Boston Herald, 2/9/07)
National Review’s Mark Hemingway: “Romney now claims to be pro-life … but many find his conversion story
far from convincing.” (Mark Hemingway, “Mitt Romney’s Endurance Race,” National Review Online, 2/13/07)
American Spectator’s “Washington Prowler”: “[Romney] appears willing to sell out his core convictions to
win.” (“Romney’s Abortion Positions,” American Spectator’s AmSpec Blog, 2/19/07)’s Bruce Wilson: “Romney arrived at his pro-life decision in such a backwards manner that
it’s difficult to take his explanation seriously.” (Bruce Wilson, “Mitt Romney’s Flip-Flop: Like Father, Like Son?”,
Political Consultant Paul Begala: “[H]e’s not ready for prime time. … [O]nce again, Mitt stepped in it.” (MSNBC’s
“Imus In The Morning,” 3/21/07)
Amb. Richard Blankenship, Former Romney Supporter: “The changes in [Romney’s] core beliefs gave rise to
some concerns. You have to have an anchor in life.” (Adam Smith, “GOP Fundraiser Jumps From Romney To Giuliani,” St.
Petersburg [FL] Times, 3/22/07)
Salt Lake City Mayor and Bush Impeachment Advocate Rocky Anderson (D): “I would fully expect Mitt
Romney to distance himself from me, especially now that he’s changing his position on so many issues.” (Thomas
Burr, “Candidate Mitt: Rocky Who?” Salt Lake Tribune, 3/23/07)
National Review Online’s Yuval Levin: “Flip flops on abortion are a fairly common feature of political resumes in
the past few decades. But Romney’s flip flops are both more recent and apparently more frequent than most.”
(Yuval Levin, “Will The Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up?” National Review’s The Corner, 2/19/07)
The New Republic’s Michelle Cottle: “In modern U.S. politics, it takes work to distinguish oneself as an
exceptional opportunist. Romney has met that challenge.” (Michelle Cottle, “The Press Makes Too Much Of McCain’s
Temperament,” The New Republic Website, 5/25/07)
Human Events’ Matt Naugle: “[K]eeping track of Romney’s blunders is an overwhelming task.” (Matt Naugle,
“Romney Bungles Castro Quote In Miami,” Human Events Website, 3/19/07)
Weekly Standard’s Fred Barnes: “[I] don’t think [Christian conservatives are] going to be a problem. He has
other problems – being from Massachusetts and flip-flopping on issues, those are problems for him.” (Fox News’
“Special Report,” 2/8/07)
The Hill’s Dick Morris: “Should the right seek a real alternative to Giuliani, Romney’s flip-flops will likely
disqualify him.” (Dick Morris, Op-Ed, “Hillary And Rudy Could Wrap It Up This Year,” The Hill, 2/7/07)
Boston Herald’s Shelly Cohen: “[Romney] has a spotty record as a fiscal conservative. He has an even spottier
record of flip-flopping on social issues.” (Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom,” 2/13/07)
Boston Globe’s Joan Vennochi: “How much trust can Republican primary voters reasonably invest in a
politician who changed so many positions? How good is Romney’s word today?” (Joan Vennochi, Op-Ed, “Mitt Romney’s
Skeletons In The Closet,” The Boston Globe, 5/27/07)
Roll Call’s Mort Kondracke: “[F]lip-flopping is a big issue. [Romney], at one point, refused to sign the no-tax
pledge, the Grover Norquist no-tax pledge, now he’s signed it. You know, there’s just all kinds of changes from
Massachusetts to running for national office as a conservative.” (Fox News’ “Special Report,” 2/8/07)
Des Moines Register’s David Yepsen: “He’s got to shake the implication he’s flip-flopped to make himself more
appealing to the religious conservatives.” (David Yepsen, “Romney Faces Meaty Questions On Social Issues,” Des Moines
Register, 2/13/07)
National Review’s Rich Lowry: “For all the trouble the flip-flops have given him, let’s face it, we wouldn’t even
be talking about him if he were a one-term pro-choice former governor of Massachusetts.” (Rich Lowry, “Romney And
The State Of The Race,” National Review’s The Corner, 2/15/07)
Lowry: “[R]omney doesn’t yet have what a top-tier candidates needs, which is a compelling narrative for his
candidacy (I didn’t hear it in his announcement speech yesterday). Instead, his critics are writing that narrative
for him as an opportunist and every time Romney continues to do what he did to get here – move right on
everything – it only plays into the negative narrative.” (Rich Lowry, “Romney And The State Of The Race,” National
Review’s The Corner, 2/15/07)
Washington Post: “This posturing [on hunting] became a particular problem for Mr. Romney in large part
because it reinforced the existing narrative of the governor as a politician willing to change his ideological stripes
to fit the political environment of the moment.” (Editorial, “Killer Rabbits,” The Washington Post, 4/10/07)
Politico’s Elizabeth Wilner: “[Romney] might just be smooth enough to survive this clumsy mess of inconvenient
residency and conveniently timed changes of heart.” (Elizabeth Wilner, “Romney Ducks And Dodges Over Mass.,” The Politico,
Wilner: “Abortion. Stem cell research. Immigration. The drip-drip of Romney’s timely conversions to
conservative positions goes on.” (Elizabeth Wilner, “Romney Ducks And Dodges Over Mass.,” The Politico, 5/29/07)
Syndicated Columnist Deroy Murdock: “With his angular jaw and slicked-back, dark hair, Romney is the GOP’s
George Clooney. Who needs the White House? Romney should become a movie star. He already is a skilled
actor.” (Deroy Murdock, “Mitt May Only Act Part Of Reagan,” Boston Herald, 2/16/07)
Murdock: “Romney is either a rock-ribbed conservative who played a Rockefeller Republican to get elected
in Massachusetts, or a limousine liberal portraying a conservative to win the 2008 GOP nomination. This fine
thespian has so lost himself in both these roles that no one really knows where the performer ends and the
characters begin.” (Deroy Murdock, “Mitt May Only Act Part Of Reagan,” Boston Herald, 2/16/07)
Murdock: “Romney should warm up to Reagan. After all, Reagan made it big by moving from acting into
politics. Romney’s best bet may be to make that same journey – in reverse.” (Deroy Murdock, “Mitt May Only Act Part
Of Reagan,” Boston Herald, 2/16/07)
New York Daily News: “Tough to beat GOP presidential aspirant Mitt Romney on sheer opportunism. After
flipping his positions on abortion (he had a conversion after looking into stem-cell research), gun control (he’s
been a life-long National Rifle Association member since August) and gay marriage (he liked gay Republicans
fine when he was running for Massachusetts governor), now he’s flipped on immigration.” (Editorial, “The Many Faces
Of Mitt,” [New York] Daily News, 5/22/07)
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas and Jonathan Darman: “…Romney’s turnaround on the burning social issues of
gay rights, stem-cell research and abortion has raised questions about the candidate’s sincerity – a dangerous
doubt at a time when voters seem to crave authenticity.” (Jonathan Darman and Evan Thomas, “Mitt Romney: Too Good To Be
True?” Newsweek, 2/26/07)
Washington Post’s Richard Cohen: “I have been following the zigs and zags of Mitt Romney, the former
Massachusetts governor and now Republican presidential candidate, watching him grow progressively less
progressive, sort of making himself up as he goes along.” (Richard Cohen, Op-Ed, “The Talented Mr. Romney,” The
Washington Post, 2/20/07)
Cohen: “[A] total flip from always legal to always illegal (the clear message he’s sending abortion foes) can
have only one explanation: Potomac fever.” (Richard Cohen, Op-Ed, “The Talented Mr. Romney,” The Washington Post,
Cohen: “In fact, to watch Romney … was to see a thoroughly counterfeit man. If he were a coin, a vending
machine would spit him out.” (Richard Cohen, Op-Ed, “The Talented Mr. Romney,” The Washington Post, 2/20/07)
National Review’s John Podhoretz: “Romney comes out of nowhere to rise into the first tier of candidates,
raises $6 million in a night, gives a bad speech in his maiden appearance in the right-wing big leagues, chickens
out on spelling out a firm position on Iraq, gets tagged as a flip-flopper, loses steam, goes up on the air with an ad
to shore up his declining support, and starts frontally attacking other candidates to bring up their negatives.” (John
Podhoretz, “Mitt Snit,” National Review’s The Corner, 2/21/07)
Washington Post’s Ruth Marcus: “[I]t was also hard to see how a man with deeply held convictions on abortion
rights – either for or against – could take a position so calibrated and inconclusive.” (Ruth Marcus, “Mitt Romney’s
Extreme Makeover, The Washington Post, 2/21/07)
Marcus: “Listening to Romney that day was like watching a chameleon in the fleeting moment that its color
changes to suit its environment.” (Ruth Marcus, “Mitt Romney’s Extreme Makeover, The Washington Post, 2/21/07)
Newsweek: “[Romney] seems to lack good fingertips for the subtleties of politics.” (Evan Thomas et al, “Is Mitt Romney
Ready For Prime-Time Politics?” Newsweek, 4/16/07)
Associated Press’s Liz Sidoti: “Republican Mitt Romney titled his book on how he saved the scandal-ridden
2002 Olympics ‘Turnaround.’ Now, as he runs for president, he’s trying to fight the perception that he’s committed
a few too many turnarounds.” (Liz Sidoti, “Romney Tries To Overcome Inconsistencies,” The Associated Press, 2/27/07)
Sidoti: “The former Massachusetts governor’s equivocations on major issues – and outright position changes
on others – threaten to derail his nascent 2008 campaign.” (Liz Sidoti, “Romney Tries To Overcome Inconsistencies,” The
Associated Press, 2/27/07)
Sidoti: “As previous White House hopefuls have learned, once a candidate is perceived to have a pattern of
inconsistency, labels like flip-flopper and waffler are extremely difficult to shake.” (Liz Sidoti, “Romney Tries To
Overcome Inconsistencies,” The Associated Press, 2/27/07)
Slate’s Daniel Gross: “For Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, the transition from moderate, gay-
friendly, abortion-tolerating Massachusetts governor to a certified social conservative isn’t going smoothly.
YouTube and Google have exposed Romney’s shifting policy positions and relatively recent history of liberal
behavior.” (Daniel Gross, Op-Ed, “The CEO Candidate,”, 2/27/07)
Gross: “Romney’s flip-flops have been aggravated by his clumsy responses.” (Daniel Gross, Op-Ed, “The CEO
Candidate,”, 2/27/07)
Gross: “Disavowing his remarks in the 1994 Kennedy debate, [Romney] said: ‘Of course, I was wrong on
some issues back then. I think most of us learn with experience.’ Yes, as an unformed man of 47, this CEO,
father, and multimillionaire was in the thrall of foolish, immature ideas.” (Daniel Gross, Op-Ed, “The CEO Candidate,”, 2/27/07)
Gross: “It’s not surprising that Romney has fled from his public record and is running to the right. What’s
surprising is that the man who has usually been so competent is proving to be rather poor at execution, and
timing.” (Daniel Gross, Op-Ed, “The CEO Candidate,”, 2/27/07)
New York Sun’s Ryan Sager: “Mr. Romney, however, somehow got pegged by the national press as ‘the
smooth one.’ They dubbed him Matinee Mitt. Clearly, it’s the hair that fooled them. In fact, a study of the
campaign so far shows that Mr. Romney is the most gaffe-prone of all the Republican candidates.” (Ryan Sager,
“Romney’s Energy Gaffe,” The New York Sun, 4/20/07)
The Hill’s A.B. Stoddard: “Romney thinks he has found a winner in campaign finance reform. … Unfortunately,
one can readily access enough contradictory statements from Romney’s pre-conversion period of his career to
find that campaign finance reform is indeed another one of Mitt’s Murky Issues.” (A.B. Stoddard, “No Momentum For Mitt,”
The Hill’s Pundits Blog, 4/26/07)
Democrat Consultant Bruce Reed: “Mitt Romney is the Jay Gatsby of American politics – a fiction within a
fiction who was born in the Midwest, made his fortune in the East, and never stops reinventing himself to impress
those he meets along the way.” (Bruce Reed, “Announcing The Mitt Romney Look-Alike Contest,” Slate’s “The Has Been” Blog,, 5/29/07)
In late 2002, Romney described himself as “a progressive-on-social-issues governor of Massachusetts.”
Romney left the state GOP weaker than when he took over as governor, with the party described as being “at
its weakest point in years.”
During 1998 panel on urban issues, Romney addressed need for Boston business communities to work
together and claimed “Hillary Clinton is very much right, it does take a village.”
In 1994, Romney opposed the Contract with America without even reading it.
Romney has made political contributions to Democratic candidates, saying he places friendship above
Romney appeared in 2003 TV ad endorsing Democrat Rocky Anderson – who has been outspoken in calling
for President Bush’s impeachment over Iraq war – for reelection as Salt Lake City mayor; Romney featured
an Anderson testimonial in his own TV ads while running for governor in 2002.
Romney proclaimed he wasn’t a Republican during the Reagan years, saying “I was an independent during
the time of Reagan-Bush. I’m not trying to return to Reagan-Bush.”
Romney was an independent until deciding to run for the Senate in 1994.
Romney voted for Paul Tsongas in the 1992 Democratic presidential primary.
Romney has surrounded himself with policy advisers – like Gregory Mankiw, Vin Weber, Kerry Healey, Bill
Weld and more – who do not share his beliefs on key issues.
Top Romney campaign aides and surrogates have ties to several recent Washington ethics scandals.
Romney’s spending decisions as chairman of the Republican Governors Association during 2006 election
cycle “raised eyebrows” in light of his presidential aspirations.
In Late 2002, Romney Described Himself As “Progressive On Social Issues”
Romney Called Himself “A Progressive-On-Social-Issues Governor Of Massachusetts.” “I’ve given my
heart and energy to become governor of Massachusetts. I would like to do a good job and beyond that I haven’t a
clue … and I don’t know that the world is pining for a progressive-on-social-issues governor of Massachusetts.”
(Joe Battenfeld, “Romney’s Bay State Win Boosts National Image,” Boston Herald, 11/10/02)
Romney Claims To Be Recent “Convert” To Social Conservatism
1994 Romney: Pro-Choice, Pro-Universal Health Care, Anti-Contract With America, Supported Gays In The
Boy Scouts. “On conservative talk shows, Romney was being derided today for ‘throwing the fight,’ by blurring
his differences with the Democrat. Eager to show that he is a moderate independent and no ideologue, Romney
stressed his support for universal health insurance and abortion rights, criticized the Republican ‘Contract With
America’ promoted by the party’s congressional leaders and, at Faneuil Hall, was more outspoken than Kennedy
in arguing that the Boy Scouts should not exclude homosexual youths.” (David Broder, “Once Again, Kennedy’s The One To
Beat,” The Washington Post, 10/26/94)
“Who Is The Real Mitt Romney…” “Twelve years ago, Romney boasted that he would be more effective in
fighting discrimination against gay men and lesbians than Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), distanced himself
from some conservative policies of the Reagan administration, and proudly recalled his family’s record in support
of abortion rights. The apparent gulf between the candidate who ran for the Senate in 1994 and the one getting
ready to run for president has raised questions as to who is the real Mitt Romney.” (Dan Balz and Shailagh Murray,
“Mass. Governor’s Rightward Shift Raises Questions,” The Washington Post, 12/21/06)
Romney Failed In Attempts To Build Up State GOP In Massachusetts
Romney Left The State GOP Weaker Than When He Took Over As Governor. “[Romney’s] efforts to
challenge the Democrats and promote Republican candidates for the legislature failed. His partner in the
statehouse, Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey, lost a bid to succeed him. And Romney is leaving office with the state GOP
weaker than when he arrived.” (David Broder, “Romney Leaving Mass. With Mixed Record,” The Washington Post, 11/26/06)
Boston Herald’s Brett Arends: [Romney] left the state GOP dead in the water.” (Brett Arends, Op-Ed, “Mitt Shoots
Holes In His Credibility,” Boston Herald, 4/11/07)
Romney’s “Major” 2004 Campaign Efforts In Massachusetts Failed Abysmally. “Frustrated by seeing big
parts of his program roadblocked, Romney mounted a major effort to change the makeup of the legislature in his
midterm election in 2004. He campaigned and financed races in dozens of districts, spending $3 million, and
when the returns came in, Republicans had two fewer seats than before – leaving the Democrats with an
overwhelming, veto-proof majority in both the state House and Senate.” (David Broder, “Romney Leaving Mass. With Mixed
Record,” The Washington Post, 11/26/06)
At End Of Romney Administration, State GOP “At Its Weakest Point In Years.” “Patrick’s victory over Healey
marked a kind of repudiation of the Romney legacy in Massachusetts. The Republican Party there, never robust,
is now at its weakest point in years.” (David Broder, “Romney Leaving Mass. With Mixed Record,” The Washington Post, 11/26/06)
Romney Has Made Political Contributions To Democratic Candidates
Romney Donated To U.S. Rep. Dick Swett (D-NH). “Willard Mitt Romney donated $250 in 1992 to then-U.S.
Rep. Dick Swett’s (D.-N. H.) successful re-election campaign. The one-term congressman served another term
before losing to Republican Charles Bass in 1994. Two years later, Swett ran unsuccessfully against Republican
Bob Smith for one of the Granite State’s U.S. Senate seats.” (Deroy Murdock, “Mitt Romney’s Swett Problem,”, 3/6/07)
Romney Aide: “I Think He Was Friendly” With Swett. “[W]hy did Romney support those Democrats in the
first place? ‘I don’t know,’ Madden says. ‘I don’t have an understanding of that. I think he was friendly with
Dick Swett.’” (Deroy Murdock, “Mitt Romney’s Swett Problem,”, 3/6/07)
Romney Donated To U.S. Rep. John LaFalce (D-NY) And U.S. Senate Candidate Doug Anderson (D-UT). “In
1992, the former Massachusetts governor and current Republican presidential contender also donated $250 to
Rep. John J. La Falce (D.-N.Y.) and $1,000 to Douglas Delano Anderson, an unsuccessful Democratic primary
candidate for the U.S. Senate seat held by Utah Republican Jake Garn, who retired that year.” (Deroy Murdock, “Mitt
Romney’s Swett Problem,”, 3/6/07)
“[H]ow About The $250 To LaFalce? Madden Replies: ‘I Don’t Know The Particulars Of That Particular
Donation.’” (Deroy Murdock, “Mitt Romney’s Swett Problem,”, 3/6/07)
Romney: “I Place My Friendship Above Politics.” “Romney said yesterday he donated to the two
congressmen at the request of friends. ‘I place my friendship above politics. I have not been intent on plotting a
political resume,’ he said…” (Frank Phillips, “GOP Hopeful Faces Queries From Own Party,” The Boston Globe, 2/2/94)
Romney Defended His Donations: “I Don’t Think They’re Mortal Sins.” “Belmont businessman W. Mitt
Romney … defended donations to Democratic congressional candidates in 1992. ‘I don’t think they’re mortal sins
for Republicans to make contributions to good people and to their friends, irrespective of their party,’ Romney, 46,
told reporters…” (Wayne Woodlief, “Romney: Religion No Issue In Senate Race,” Boston Herald, 2/3/94)
Romney Voiced Agreement With Hillary Clinton’s “It Takes A Village” Comment
Boston Globe Reported That During 1998 Panel On Urban Issues, Romney Claimed “Hillary Clinton Is
Very Much Right, It Does Take A Village.” “I saw an article recently in Commonwealth magazine where Michael
Porter from the Harvard Business School said … that in Boston, unlike any city he had visited, he said something
troubling to me, he said our sectors don’t work together. We seem to view each other with suspicion and
skepticism. … Hillary Clinton is very much right, it does take a village, and we are a village and we need to work
together in a non-skeptical, non-finger-pointing way…” (“For City Problems, Future Solutions,” The Boston Globe, 3/1/98)
Romney Was An Independent Until Deciding To Run For The Senate In 1994
Romney Considered ‘94 Senate Run As An Independent Before Dismissing It – Not Because He Wanted
To Be A Republican, But Because It Was Impractical. “When Romney decided to run, Republicans exchanged
quizzical looks: ‘We didn’t know a single Republican when we jumped in in December,’ his wife, Ann, says. As a
registered independent, Romney had voted in the Democratic presidential primary in 1992 to support Paul E.
Tsongas (though he backed George Bush in the general election, he says). He briefly considered running for the
Senate seat as an independent as well, his wife says, before rejecting the idea as impractical.” (Ronald Brownstein,
“Kennedy in The Fight Of His Life,” Los Angeles Times, 10/7/94)
Romney Voted In 1992 Democratic Presidential Primary
Romney Voted For Paul Tsongas In The 1992 Democratic Presidential Primary. “[Romney] wasn’t a strong
party man. He had been a registered independent all his life. He still was, as he pondered the Kennedy challenge.
He had even voted for Paul Tsongas in the 1992 Massachusetts Democratic presidential primary.” (Ben Bradlee Jr.,
“Romney Seeks New Chapter In Success,” The Boston Globe, 8/7/94)
At The Time, Romney Claimed He Voted For Tsongas Because He Was From Massachusetts And
Preferred His Ideas To Those Of Bill Clinton. “Romney confirmed he voted for former US Sen. Paul Tsongas in
the state’s 1992 Democratic presidential primary, saying he did so both because Tsongas was from
Massachusetts and because he favored his ideas over those of Bill Clinton. He added he had been sure the GOP
would renominate George Bush, for whom he voted in the fall election.” (Scot Lehigh and Frank Phillips, “GOP’s Romney
Declares, Says Kennedy Out Of Date,” The Boston Globe, 2/3/94)
Romney Distanced Himself From Ronald Reagan And George H.W. Bush
Romney Proclaimed He Wasn’t A Republican During The Reagan Years, Adding “I’m Not Trying To To
Return To Reagan-Bush.” Kennedy attempted to link Romney several times during the debate to conservatives
such as Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) and accused him of trying to return the country to the policies of the Reagan-
Bush administrations. Romney objected to the characterizations, saying: ‘I was an independent during the time of
Reagan-Bush. I’m not trying to return to Reagan-Bush.’” (Joe Battenfield, “Conservative Group Yanks Its Support For Mitt,”
Boston Herald, 10/27/94)
Romney Now Claims To Be A Reagan Republican. “‘Ronald Reagan is one of my heroes,’ Romney said as
he praised Reagan’s strategy for winning the Cold War: ‘We win; they lose.’” (Michael Levenson, “Romney Links Gay
Marriage, US Prestige,” The Boston Globe, 2/26/05)
Romney Disavowed Contract With America, Ran Away From GOP For Most Of His Career
Romney Opposed The Contract With America Without Even Reading It. “Republican US Senate hopeful Mitt
Romney yesterday distanced himself from a GOP leadership move to rally congressional candidates behind a
‘contract with America’ – a 10-point manifesto that embraces welfare cuts, tax cuts and a beefed-up military. …
Romney aides, hoping to keep their candidate out of the controversy the contract has generated and as far from
Washington politics as possible, said the GOP hopeful, who is seeking to unseat US Sen. Edward M. Kennedy,
has not read the document and had no plans to support it.” (Frank Phillips And Chris Reidy, “Romney Silent On GOP Plan,”
The Boston Globe, 10/1/94)
Romney Campaigned Against The ‘94 Republican Agenda. “Mr. Romney, a venture capitalist who has never
held elective office, criticized the Republican campaign agenda, the ‘Contract With America,’ as too partisan. He
said he would have gone against the GOP leadership and supported the crime bill, and would oppose a capital
gains tax cut.” (Rod Dreher, “Kennedy Avoids Haymaker In Final Debate With Romney,” The Washington Times, 10/28/94)
“Romney … Disassociated Himself From Reagan And Bush Policies And Said He Would Be
Independent Of Republican Senate Leaders.” (Editorial, “Kennedy-Romney, One More Time,” The Boston Globe,
Romney Supported Abortion Rights And Gays In The Boy Scouts. “Eager to show that he is a moderate
independent and no ideologue, Romney stressed his support for universal health insurance and abortion rights …
and, at Faneuil Hall, was more outspoken than Kennedy in arguing that the Boy Scouts should not exclude
homosexual youths. (David Broder, “Once Again, Kennedy’s The One To Beat,” The Washington Post, 10/29/94)
“Romney … Is Socially Liberal In The Tradition Of Many Massachusetts Republicans.” (“Election ‘94: How
The Mighty May Fall,” Christian Science Monitor, 11/1/94)
Romney Praised Bill Clinton. “Romney used the question to distance himself from the Republican Party
leadership in Washington and to paint himself as an independent figure. … The GOP candidate warmly praised
President Clinton. ‘I think the president does a lot of things that make a lot of sense,’ he said. ‘I support him in
many ways.’” (Scot Lehigh and Frank Phillips, “Round 2 – Sound Without The Fury,” The Boston Globe, 10/28/94)
“In Texas, Romney Would Be Lynched As A Socialist In No Time.” (Molly Ivins, Op-Ed, “In The East, Even
Republicans Sound Liberal On The Stump,” The Sunday Oregonian, 10/30/94)
1994 Senate Debate: Romney “Praised Kennedy Almost As Much As He Criticized Him.” “Last night at
Holyoke Community College, [Romney] minded his manners so carefully that he praised Kennedy almost as
much as he criticized him. As was the case in Tuesday night’s confrontation in Boston’s Faneuil Hall, the
challenger failed to challenge.” (Martin Nolan, “Well-Mannered Challenger Neglects To Offer Challenge,” The Boston Globe, 10/28/94)
Romney Was Anxious To Accept Over $550,000 In Funding From National Republicans… “Both parties …
may contribute a maximum of nearly $559,000 to their Senate candidates in Massachusetts. Carney said
Republicans planned to offer Romney the maximum, and when Romney’s consultant, Charles Manning, was
asked if Romney planned to accept it, he said, ‘Yes, yes, yes.’ However, Manning said the committee’s money
would be about all the help Romney would accept from Washington other than individual campaign contributions.”
(Bob Hohler, “National Parties Plan To Pour Money Into Campaign,” The Boston Globe, 9/22/94)
…But Refused To Appear With Them On The Trail. “Even Republican national leaders, several of whose aides
indicated they were anxious to campaign for Romney, will not be welcome, according to Manning. ‘Frankly, we
expect all the possible presidential candidates to want to come up and campaign with Mitt, but we plan on quietly
saying, “Thank you, but no thank you,”‘ he said. ‘I don’t think there is anyone Washington can send us who is
going to help Mitt.’” (Bob Hohler, “National Parties Plan To Pour Money Into Campaign,” The Boston Globe, 9/22/94)
Prominent Conservative Group Un-Endorsed Romney’s 1994 Campaign
“Conservative Victory Committee” Headed By L. Brent Bozell Withdrew Support For Romney In 1994,
Saying He Backed A “Left-Wing Agenda” And It Made “No Difference” If Romney Or Kennedy Won. “A
national conservative group yesterday attacked Republican U.S. Senate candidate Mitt Romney for espousing a
‘left-wing agenda’ and urged its followers not to support his candidacy. The group said Romney’s nationally
televised debate performance against Sen. Edward M. Kennedy showed he is ‘anti-family’ and running away from
conservative Republican themes. ‘It makes no difference who wins (the Senate race),’ said L. Brent Bozell,
executive director of the Conservative Victory Committee, a fiercely conservative fund-raising group. ‘Romney is
not going to be a fighter for a conservative agenda.’” (Joe Battenfeld, “Conservative Group Yanks Its Support For Mitt,” Boston
Herald, 10/27/94)
Bozell: “I’m Sorry We Ever Raised A Penny For His Campaign.” “[Bozell] said he now regrets asking his
group members to contribute to Romney because the debate ‘demonstrated very clearly that (Romney) has
more in common with liberal Democrats than he does with conservatives.’ … ‘I’m sorry we ever raised a
penny for his campaign,’ Bozell said in a statement.” (Joe Battenfeld, “Conservative Group Yanks Its Support For Mitt,”
Boston Herald, 10/27/94)
Other Conservatives “Also Were Reportedly Upset With Romney” Over His Liberal Positions. “Other
conservative leaders in Washington also were reportedly upset with Romney for voicing support on Tuesday
night for gay rights, abortion rights and forcing employers to release information on their hiring record of
women and minorities.” (Joe Battenfeld, “Conservative Group Yanks Its Support For Mitt,” Boston Herald, 10/27/94)
Romney Campaign Dismissed Bozell’s Group As Right-Wing Organization Perpetrating A “Silly …
Gimmick” To “Try To Get Publicity.” “Romney adviser Charles Manning last night dismissed Bozell’s group as
a right-wing organization that has not been involved in Romney’s campaign. ‘This is the type of gimmick that
groups like this use to try to get publicity and it’s really silly,’ Manning said.” (Joe Battenfeld, “Conservative Group Yanks Its
Support For Mitt,” Boston Herald, 10/27/94)
In 2003, Romney Endorsed Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson’s Reelection Campaign And Appeared
In TV Ad For Him – Anderson Is A Liberal Democrat Who Supports Impeaching President Bush
Romney Endorsed Anderson (D) And Appeared In Television Ad Touting Anderson’s Virtues. “Governor
Mitt Romney, whose first foray into national politics ended in a minor political fiasco last week, is endorsing
another out-of-state political figure, but this time, it’s a Democrat with left-leaning social positions who is a strong
critic of the Iraq war. Romney has made an ad praising Rocky Anderson, the liberal Salt Lake City mayor who is
seeking a second term. He praises Anderson’s work with him on the 2002 Winter Olympics and gives the mayor
credit for playing a big role in saving the once-troubled games.” (Frank Phillips, “Romney Backs New Candidate,” The Boston
Globe, 10/7/03)
“[Anderson] Has Republican Support Too. There’s Mitt Romney Of 2002 Winter Olympic Fame Who
Starred In One Of The Mayor’s TV Spots.” (Heather May and Linda Fantin, “GOP Strategy: Dump Rocky,” Salt Lake
Tribune, 10/12/03)
Romney Spokesman Said Romney’s “Very Special” Relationship With Anderson Transcended
Politics. “[A]ides said that, because of their work together, the governor has a ‘very special’ relationship with
Anderson, who endorsed him in the race for governor last year. ‘Sometimes personal friendships transcend
politics,’ said Eric Fehrnstrom, Romney’s director of communications. ‘That is certainly the case with Mitt
Romney and Rocky Anderson.’” (Frank Phillips, “Romney Backs New Candidate,” The Boston Globe, 10/7/03)
Anderson Called For President Bush’s Impeachment, Accusing Bush Of “Incredible Abuses Of Power,”
Misleading Nation Into “Tragic, Unbelievable War” And “Heinous Human Rights Abuses.” ANDERSON:
“We think if impeachment were ever justified, this certainly is the time … This president, by engaging in such
incredible abuses of power, breaches of trust with both the Congress and the American people, and misleading
us into this tragic, unbelievable war, the violation of treaties, either international or our Constitution – our own
domestic law, and then his role in heinous human rights abuses, I think all of that together calls for impeachment
and certainly would communicate to the rest of the world that is not who we are as the American people.”
(Alexander Mooney, “Salt Lake City Mayor Calls For Bush’s Impeachment,”, 3/19/07)
Anderson: “[W]hat the founders and those who engaged in the ratification debate had clearly in mind … is
that these are political crimes.” (Alexander Mooney, “Salt Lake City Mayor Calls For Bush’s Impeachment,”, 3/19/07)
Anderson Compared Those Standing Behind President Bush To Those Who Stood Behind Hitler. “There
are those who have said, ‘Stand behind our President, right or wrong.’ … Never has so much evil been
perpetuated than from following that call. A culture of blind obedience is a culture of immorality. Nazi Germany
was a society comprised of millions of people who did not question and who did not object. They followed. They
followed blindly. … People were not gathering together to say ‘No more.’ Rather, they were calling out ‘Heil Hitler,’
abdicating to political leaders the moral choices they each could have – and should have – made as individuals.”
(Mayor Rocky Anderson, Remarks In Salt Lake City, UT, 4/29/06)
Anderson Is “Key Spokesman” And Honorary Board Member For Pro-Gay Marriage Group Freedom To
Marry. “The Salt Lake City mayor recently accepted a post as a ‘key spokesman’ for a new pro-gay-marriage
group called Freedom to Marry. Anderson’s duties as a member of the organization’s honorary board, known as
‘Voices of Equality,’ include helping ‘end discrimination in civil marriage’ and eventually ‘influence the decision
makers,’ according to a letter asking for his support.” (Heather May, “Rocky Takes Gay Support National,” Salt Lake Tribune,
Anderson “Raised Rainbow Flag Over City Hall.” “Rocky Anderson has been the grand marshal of a gay pride
parade. He has raised the rainbow flag over City Hall and delivered rousing speeches about gay rights. Now, he
has gone national.” (Heather May, “Rocky Takes Gay Support National,” Salt Lake Tribune, 1/23/04)
In 2002, Anderson Appeared In 30-Second Television Ad Endorsing Romney’s Campaign For Governor.
“Republican Mitt Romney’s latest television commercial in his race for governor of Massachusetts features an
endorsement from a self-described ‘liberal Democrat’ – Salt Lake Mayor Rocky Anderson. The former Olympic
chief’s choice for the 30-second spot is curious, considering that the controversial Anderson is a virtual unknown
in Massachusetts, a state where Democrats dominate politics like the GOP does in Utah.” (Lisa Riley Roche, “Romney
Uses Rocky’s Backing,” Deseret News, 10/15/02)
Anderson’s Ad: “Take It From This Liberal Democrat … If You Want An Amazing Leader, Vote For Mitt
Romney.” “In the commercial, Anderson introduces himself as a ‘proud Democrat.’ ‘People often say I’m a
Massachusetts-type Democrat. To me, that’s a compliment.’ … Then the mayor, who still sports his former
longer hairstyle in the commercial, asks viewers to ‘take it from this liberal Democrat. If you want an amazing
leader, vote for Mitt Romney.’” (Lisa Riley Roche, “Romney Uses Rocky’s Backing,” Deseret News, 10/15/02)
Romney Campaign Was “Extremely Pleased” With Anderson’s Endorsement And TV Ad. “‘We’re
extremely pleased that (Anderson) has crossed party lines to endorse Mitt’s candidacy for governor. People
who know Mitt Romney and have worked with him know best what type of governor he will make for the
people of Massachusetts,’ Fehrnstrom said.” (Lisa Riley Roche, “Romney Uses Rocky’s Backing,” Deseret News, 10/15/02)
Romney Has Had To Distance Himself From Prominent Campaign Advisers Who Differ With Him On
Critical Issues
Disagreements With His Own Advisers Are “Especially Perilous” For Romney Due To His Inexperience
And Charges Of Flip-Flopping. “Such internal philosophical disagreements are especially perilous to Romney,
who is fighting charges he himself has flip-flopped over abortion rights, gay rights and embryonic stem cell
research, among other topics. … Outside advisers can help candidates learn the nuances of public policy. That’s
important for Romney, a former venture capitalist with only one term of elective office on his resume. Topics such
as Social Security, the war in Iraq and alternative energy are relatively new to him.” (Glen Johnson, “Romney Finds
Advisers Both Help And Hurt,” The Associated Press, 6/19/07)
Romney Aide Kevin Madden Denigrated Level Of Advisers’ Contributions To The Campaign. MADDEN:
“Advisers are limited to exactly that – advice. Advisers are tasked with helping the process along, but the policy is
decided by the boss and the boss in this case is Governor Romney, and what he says goes.” (Glen Johnson, “Romney
Finds Advisers Both Help And Hurt,” The Associated Press, 6/19/07)
Immigration Reform: Gregory Mankiw
Gregory Mankiw Is Co-Chair Of Romney Presidential Campaign’s Economic Advisory Council. (Romney For
President, Press Release, 3/7/07)
In June 2007, Mankiw Authored Dallas Morning News Op-Ed With Other Conservative Leaders Supporting
Senate Immigration Reform Bill. Conservative leaders co-authoring the column with Mankiw included former
Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, former RNC chairman Ken Mehlman, former White House speechwriter Michael Gerson.
(Greg Mankiw et al, Op-Ed, “Conservatives: We Must Band Together On Immigration Bill,” Dallas Morning News, 6/5/07)
Op-Ed: “This is the most far-reaching and thoughtful reform of our immigration system in four decades and
one that will significantly enhance American competitiveness. As with any political compromise,
improvements can be made. But the basic framework is one that conservatives should support. Indeed, for
conservatives who opposed last year’s immigration bill, this package represents a step forward.” (Greg Mankiw
et al, Op-Ed, “Conservatives: We Must Band Together On Immigration Bill,” Dallas Morning News, 6/5/07)
Op-Ed: “The benefits of the bill far outweigh its shortcomings. We believe it offers the only realistic way
forward, and urge conservatives – and all Americans – to embrace the promise it holds out.” (Greg Mankiw et al,
Op-Ed, “Conservatives: We Must Band Together On Immigration Bill,” Dallas Morning News, 6/5/07)
Op-Ed: “Is this amnesty? We don’t think so. And surely it is in America’s interest to know these workers’ real
names, vet their backgrounds and get them paying their full freight in taxes. Eventually, once the current
backlog of legal applicants is cleared, these newly registered workers will have an opportunity to earn
citizenship. But this will take at least 13 years and another $4,000 fine. Heads of households will have to
return to their home countries to apply.” (Greg Mankiw et al, Op-Ed, “Conservatives: We Must Band Together On Immigration
Bill,” Dallas Morning News, 6/5/07)
Op-Ed: “The Senate package addresses all three needs in a manner that advances conservative values. It
will make America safer and restore the rule of law. Indeed, it will make sure that the law is enforced first,
before any other provisions of the legislation take effect. A key improvement over last year’s bill, the package
is built around a set of enforcement benchmarks that must be met before a single guest worker is hired or
illegal immigrant legalized.” (Greg Mankiw et al, Op-Ed, “Conservatives: We Must Band Together On Immigration Bill,” Dallas
Morning News, 6/5/07)
Romney Had “To Distance Himself” From Mankiw Following Mankiw’s Support For Immigration Bill. “Mitt
Romney is happy to get Greg Mankiw’s economic advice – except when it’s economic advice conflicting with
immigration advice the Republican presidential contender has also received. Highlighting the challenge a far-flung
campaign faces when it comes to message discipline, Romney has had to distance himself from his top
economics adviser after Mankiw — a Princeton-trained economist now teaching at Harvard — voiced his support
for an immigration bill Romney strongly opposes.” (Glen Johnson, “Romney Finds Advisers Both Help And Hurt,” The Associated
Press, 6/19/07)
Immigration Reform: Vin Weber
Vin Weber Is Policy Chairman For Romney’s Presidential Campaign. (Romney For President, “Governor Mitt Romney
Announces Vin Weber As Policy Chairman,” Press Release, 1/16/07)
Weber And Top Romney Advisor Cesar Conda Signed 2006 Wall Street Journal Op-Ed Arguing For “A
Guest-Worker Program And Path To Citizenship For Undocumented Workers.” “A number of Romney’s
advisers have taken public positions that seem more in tune with his former stance [on immigration] than his
current one. Former Minnesota Representative Vin Weber, a Washington lobbyist who is Romney’s policy
chairman, and Cesar Conda, an economic adviser who was domestic policy chief for Vice President Dick Cheney,
were among several Republicans to sign a July 2006 Wall Street Journal opinion article that called for a guest-
worker program and path to citizenship for undocumented workers. Greg Mankiw, former chairman of Bush’s
Council of Economic Advisers and another top Romney adviser, was responsible for the 2005 economic report of
the president that made the case for open borders.” (Heidi Przybyla, “Romney Shifts On Immigration, Sharpening Contrast With
McCain,” Bloomberg, 3/29/07)
Op-Ed Signed By Weber And Conda In 2006 Argued That “The Only Practical Way To Deal With” The
Tough Problem Of Immigration Is “A Comprehensive Solution.” “Conservatives have always prided
themselves on acknowledging, in the words of John Adams, that ‘Facts are stubborn things.’ Well, immigration --
both the robust annual flow required to keep our economy growing and the 12 million illegal immigrants already in
the country -- is a fact of life in the U.S. today. And the only practical way to deal with these stubborn realities is
with a comprehensive solution, one that includes border security, interior enforcement, a guest worker program
and status for the illegal immigrants already here.” (Jack Kemp et al, Op-Ed, “A Conservative Statement For Immigration Reform,”
The Wall Street Journal, 7/10/06)
Op-Ed: “The best way -- the only way -- to realize President Reagan’s vision is through comprehensive
immigration reform legislation. We urge the House and Senate to work out their differences and meet the
demand of the American people that we act on this critical issue in a comprehensive way.” (Jack Kemp et al, Op-
Ed, “A Conservative Statement For Immigration Reform,” The Wall Street Journal, 7/10/06)
Immigration Reform: Cesar Conda
Cesar Conda Is A Top Economic Advisor To Romney’s Presidential Campaign. (Dan Balz and Zachary A. Goldfarb,
“Economics Experts Join Romney’s PAC,” The Washington Post, 11/29/06)
Conda And Romney Campaign Policy Chairman Vin Weber Signed 2006 Wall Street Journal Op-Ed
Arguing For “A Guest-Worker Program And Path To Citizenship For Undocumented Workers.” “A number
of Romney’s advisers have taken public positions that seem more in tune with his former stance [on immigration]
than his current one. Former Minnesota Representative Vin Weber, a Washington lobbyist who is Romney’s
policy chairman, and Cesar Conda, an economic adviser who was domestic policy chief for Vice President Dick
Cheney, were among several Republicans to sign a July 2006 Wall Street Journal opinion article that called for a
guest-worker program and path to citizenship for undocumented workers. Greg Mankiw, former chairman of
Bush’s Council of Economic Advisers and another top Romney adviser, was responsible for the 2005 economic
report of the president that made the case for open borders.” (Heidi Przybyla, “Romney Shifts On Immigration, Sharpening
Contrast With McCain,” Bloomberg, 3/29/07)
Op-Ed Signed By Conda And Weber In 2006 Argued That “The Only Practical Way To Deal With” The
Tough Problem Of Immigration Is “A Comprehensive Solution.” “Conservatives have always prided
themselves on acknowledging, in the words of John Adams, that ‘Facts are stubborn things.’ Well, immigration --
both the robust annual flow required to keep our economy growing and the 12 million illegal immigrants already in
the country -- is a fact of life in the U.S. today. And the only practical way to deal with these stubborn realities is
with a comprehensive solution, one that includes border security, interior enforcement, a guest worker program
and status for the illegal immigrants already here.” (Jack Kemp et al, Op-Ed, “A Conservative Statement For Immigration Reform,”
The Wall Street Journal, 7/10/06)
Op-Ed: “The best way -- the only way -- to realize President Reagan’s vision is through comprehensive
immigration reform legislation. We urge the House and Senate to work out their differences and meet the
demand of the American people that we act on this critical issue in a comprehensive way.” (Jack Kemp et al, Op-
Ed, “A Conservative Statement For Immigration Reform,” The Wall Street Journal, 7/10/06)
Global Warming: Glenn Hubbard
Glenn Hubbard Is Co-Chair Of Romney Presidential Campaign’s Economic Advisory Council. (Romney For
President, Press Release, 3/7/07)
In May 2007, Hubbard Wrote Op-Ed In Wall Street Journal Supporting Emissions Trading Program To
Combat Global Warming. “The case for action to combat global climate change has grown increasingly
compelling in recent years. Sadly the same can not be said for specific proposals to address the problem. Ideas
grounded in sound science and good economics have been lacking. One recent change is a proposal to balance
a need for policy action with a mechanism for prudent economic risk management. I refer to new
recommendations by the National Commission on Energy Policy for an emissions trading program that
safeguards the economy. This is the idea behind proposed legislation by Sens. Jeff Bingaman (D., N.M.) and
Arlen Specter (R., Pa.) … Despite this uncertainty, most serious students of climate change believe that the
likelihood of adverse climate change is sufficiently great to warrant action. … The NCEP proposal meets this test
of taking serious action while not imposing economic risks greater than the threat of climate change itself. It
comprehensively addresses all U.S. emission of CO2 and other climate change-related gases. It does this using
one system: tradable permits. In such a system, the use of coal, oil and natural gas will require permits in
proportion to their CO2 emissions, typically sold along with the fuel -- so individuals need not deal with the permit
market. … A serious response to climate change must begin by turning our emissions downward without betting
the bank. The NCEP proposal does both, and its commitment to measured policy responses adds a breath of
economic fresh air.” (R. Glenn Hubbard, Op-Ed, “Capitalism Against Climate Change,” The Wall Street Journal, 5/31/07)
Abortion: James Bopp
James Bopp Is Special Adviser On Life Issues To Romney’s Presidential Campaign. (Romney For President,
“Governor Mitt Romney Announces Support Of James Bopp, Jr.,” Press Release, 1/30/07)
Bopp Is “Really Not Sure” Where Abortion Fits On Romney’s Agenda, Noting “He’s Still On A Journey.”
“Will any of these candidates really advocate to end abortion, or are they just paying lip service on an important
issue to the base? … ‘I don’t know yet about Romney,’ [Romney advisory James] Bopp admits. ‘I’m not really
sure where [abortion] will ultimately fit in his agenda. He’s still on a journey.’” (Jonathan Martin, “Abortion Wars (Cont.),”
Politico,, 2/21/07)
Social Issues: Kerry Healey
Healey Serves As Senior Advisor To Romney’s Presidential Campaign. “Six months after they quietly left
office together, former Gov. Mitt Romney and Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey are back on the same team. Healey has
joined Romney’s presidential committee as a senior adviser and will travel across the country stumping for the ex-
governor in his battle for the 2008 GOP presidential nomination.” (Dave Wedge, “Healey Joins Romney Team To Stump On
Campaign Trail,” Boston Herald, 6/15/07)
Healey Participated In Romney’s Debate Prep For June 5 New Hampshire Debate, Is Pictured In
Wolfeboro With Romney And Other Top Advisors. (Romney For President Website,,
Healey Described As “A Liberal On Social Issues.” “Ms. Healey will run as a liberal on social issues (though
she may not be caught using that nowadays-incendiary word) and a conservative on fiscal issues.” (Editorial, “Healey
In The Running,” The Providence Journal, 2/18/06)
Healey: “I Have Been Very Clear From The Very Beginning Of My Career, And Honestly Throughout My
Life, I Am Extremely Pro-Choice.” “Romney, who believes Roe v. Wade should be reversed to leave the issue
to states to decide, said through a spokeswoman Tuesday that he would sign a South Dakota bill banning
abortion, even in cases of rape or incest, if he were governor there. … ‘I have been very clear from the very
beginning of my career, and honestly throughout my life, I am extremely pro-choice,’ Healey said after a
Massachusetts Biotech Council forum … When asked if Romney’s comments were disturbing, Healey said, ‘of
course, but what I am saying is if I were governor I would not have that opinion.’” (Kimberly Atkins, “Healey Way Left Of
Mitt’s Abort Ban,” Boston Herald, 3/2/06)
Healey: “I’m Deeply Committed To Solving Underlying Social Problems Through Government.” “[Healey]
describes herself as a fiscal conservative and social moderate. ‘I’m deeply committed to solving underlying social
problems through government,’ she said.” (John J. Monahan, “Top Gov. Candidates: Who They Are, What They Say,” Sunday
Telegram [Worcester, MA], 10/29/06)
As Lieutenant Governor, Healey Made Point Of Noting Her Support For Expanded Access To Morning-
After Pill, Civil Unions For Gay Couples And Embryonic Stem Cell Research. “In July 2005, when Romney
vetoed a bill expanding access to emergency contraception, Healey said she favored the legislation and had
urged the governor to sign it into law. (The legislature later overrode Romney’s veto.) In September 2005, Healey
said that although she opposes marriage for gays and lesbians, she backs civil unions – unlike Romney, who’s
against both. And in February, before a Massachusetts Biotechnology Council forum in Cambridge, the Healey
campaign issued a statement noting that the LG supports embryonic stem-cell research; in 2005, Romney vetoed
(unsuccessfully) a bill aimed at bolstering such research.” (Adam Reilly, “Hard Sell,” The Phoenix [Boston, MA], 3/10/06)
Healey Criticized Catholic Charities For Seeking Exemption From Gay Adoption Mandate. “Healey’s
moderate stylings reached new heights last week. When Romney indicated, through a spokeswoman, that he
would have signed South Dakota’s new abortion ban – which allows for exception only to save a woman’s life –
Healey termed herself ‘extremely pro-choice.’ Then, for good measure, she rapped Catholic Charities’ push for
permission to cease working with would-be adoptive parents who are gay and lesbian: such an exemption, she
said, would almost certainly be illegal.” (Adam Reilly, “Hard Sell,” The Phoenix [Boston, MA], 3/10/06)
Healey Backed State Law Requiring Catholic Charities To Consider Gay Couples As Adoptive Parents,
Saying Institution Had To “Abide By The Laws Of This State.” “In another break with her boss, Lt. Gov.
Kerry Healey said Thursday she wouldn’t support any legislation to exempt Catholic social services agencies
from a law requiring them to consider gays as adoptive parents. … She said she wouldn’t lobby for an
exemption for the church or support any legislation that provides it. ‘I believe that any institution that wants to
provide services that are regulated by the state has to abide by the laws of this state, and our anti-
discrimination laws are some of the most important,’ Healey said.” (Jay Lindsay, “Healey Breaks With Romney On Gay
Adoption Exemption,” The Associated Press, 3/2/06)
Healey Warned Exempting Catholic Group Would Threaten One Of “The Most Important Principles Of
Our Society … The Issue Really Is The Proper Division Between Church And State.” “[T]he lieutenant
governor warned that giving Catholic Charities an exemption from the state’s anti-discrimination law when it
comes to placing adoptive children with gay parents threatens one of ‘the most important principles of our
society.’ ‘The issue really is the proper division between church and state,’ Healey said.” (Steve LeBlanc, “Healey
Jettisons Romney Legacy On Social Issues,” The Associated Press, 3/17/06)
In 2006, Healey “Distanced Herself” From Romney’s New-Found Conservatism And Appeared At
Abortion-Rights Gathering After Accepting State Party Endorsement For Governor. “Romney, whose
reception by the crowd was muted compared with the rousing reception he got at the 2002 convention, called on
activists to rally behind Healey. He described himself as ‘personally prolife’ last year, while Healey has distanced
herself from his conservative stances and his style of governing. She appeared at a GOP abortion-rights
gathering yesterday after the convention.” (Frank Phillips and Scott Helman, “I Ask You To Stand With Us In This Election,” The
Boston Globe, 4/30/06)
Healey Was Not A Registered Republican Until Deciding To Seek Her First State Office In 1998. “[Healey]
lived in Beverly three years before deciding to take a run for state representative in 1998. She switched from an
unenrolled voter to the Republican Party to challenge a Democratic incumbent and lifelong resident of the town.
She lost badly, with 30 percent of the vote, but tried again in 2000, losing with 36 percent.” (John J. Monahan, “Top
Gov. Candidates: Who They Are, What They Say,” Sunday Telegram [Worcester, MA], 10/29/06)
Healey Disagreed With Romney’s Decision To Veto Measure Requiring $75 Registration Fee For Sex
Offenders And Subsequent Veto Of $750,000 Toward Reducing Sex Offender Classification Backlog.
“[Healey] said she disagreed with Romney’s decision in 2003 to veto a $75 fee that would have been imposed on
convicted sex offenders. She also said she disagreed with another veto to spend $750,000 collected from the
fees to reduce a backlog of sex offenders waiting at the time to be classified by the state. The Legislature
overrode those vetoes. … ‘No, I did not,’ Healey said when asked if she supported Romney’s vetoes.” (Glen
Johnson, “Healey Signs Sex Crimes Statute Extension Into Law,” The Associated Press, 9/21/06)
Healey “Declined To Endorse” Romney’s Claim On How Much He Raised Fees As Governor. “[Healey]
called Patrick’s charge that the Romney-Healey administration raised taxes and fees by $985 million ‘ridiculous,’
although she declined to endorse a $260 million figure cited Tuesday by Gov. Mitt Romney.” (Casey Ross, “Gov Rivals
Spar Over Taxing Topic,” Boston Herald, 9/28/06)
Social Issues: Bill Weld
Former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld “Has Emerged As A Major Backer Of Mitt Romney,” Serves As
Campaign’s New York State Co-Chair. “Former Massachusetts governor William F. Weld has emerged as a
major backer of Mitt Romney, despite a long friendship with Rudolph W. Giuliani, the former New York City mayor
who is a potential Romney rival in the race for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination. … Weld is
cochairman of Romney’s campaign in New York state.” (Brian C. Mooney, “Weld Backs Romney For Oval Office,” The Boston
Globe, 1/9/07)
Weld Participated In Romney’s Debate Prep For June 5 New Hampshire Debate, Is Pictured In
Wolfeboro With Romney And Top Advisors. (Romney For President Website,, 6/5/07)
Weld Strongly Opposed Putting Gay Marriage Ban On Massachusetts Ballot In 2008, Calling It A
“Distraction.” “Former Gov. William F. Weld … said Tuesday he hoped legislators would vote this week to kill a
proposed constitutional amendment banning gay marriage in Massachusetts. Weld, in the Statehouse on behalf
of Lehman Brothers, an investment banking firm, said: ‘I hope it doesn’t go on the ballot.’ He said if a
constitutional convention votes Thursday to allow the measure on the November 2008 ballot, ‘I think it’s going to
be a distraction for the next 18 months.’ Weld was an avid supporter of gay rights while serving as governor from
1991 to 1997, and he later attended the wedding of his former chief of staff, Kevin Smith, who is gay.” (“Former
Governor Weld Says He Hopes Gay Marriage Ban Defeated,” The Associated Press, 6/12/07)
Weld “Supports Abortion Rights And Gay Marriage.” (Michael Gormley, “Weld Drops Out Of New York Governor’s
Race,” The Associated Press, 6/6/06)
In June 2007, Weld Lobbied GOP State Legislator Against Amendment Allowing Voters To Decide On Gay
Marriage In State. “With the Constitutional Convention just hours away, a proposal to allow voters to decide the
future of same-sex marriage in Massachusetts was hanging by a thread in the Legislature last night. … Some
unexpected movement could come in the Senate, where an overwhelming majority, 32 of 40 members, voted last
year to block the amendment from the ballot. Two more senators, Democrat Michael Morrissey of Quincy and
Republican Robert Hedlund of Weymouth, are now saying they are reconsidering and may oppose sending the
amendment to the voters. … Some of the state’s major political figures have joined with Patrick, DiMasi, and
Murray. US Senator Edward M. Kennedy has placed calls to Democratic legislators. Former governor William F.
Weld, a Republican who was an early advocate of gay rights, also reached out to at least one GOP lawmaker,
placing a call to Hedlund.” (Frank Phillips, “Tight Vote Looms On Same-Sex Marriage Lobbying Intense On Both Sides,” The Boston
Globe, 6/14/07)
Weld Appointed Judge Who Wrote Opinion Legalizing Gay Marriage In Massachusetts, Said He Was
“Proud And Happy” With Her Stand On Gay Marriage. “Weld said he was ‘proud and happy’ Supreme Judicial
Court Chief Justice Margaret Marshall, whom he appointed, took a stand backing gay marriage so ‘we could all be
here today.’” (Ann E. Donlan, “GOP: Gay Old Party,” The Boston Herald, 6/23/04)
Weld Endorsed Court’s Gay Marriage Decision, Later Officiated At Same-Sex Wedding. “In 2003, shortly
after the state Supreme Judicial Court delivered the ruling that led to the practice of gay marriage here, Weld
endorsed the decision, and later officiated at a same-sex marriage.” (Statehouse News Service, 6/12/07)
In 1994 Senate Race, Romney Was Described As A Virtual Clone Of Weld. “If anyone is more like Bill Weld
than Mitt Romney, it is not for lack of effort on Romney’s part. … Ask Weld where he stands on taxes, on capital
punishment, on welfare reform, on abortion, on gay rights, on the role of government, on term limits. The answers
he gives will save you a call to Romney headquarters, for the GOP Senate nominee mirrors Weld right down the
line.” (Don Aucoin, “Seeking Star Power Of His Own, Romney Teams Up With Weld,” The Boston Globe, 10/21/94)
Romney’s Deference To Weld’s Positions “Verg[ed] On The Comical.” “At times Romney’s deference to
Weld verges on the comical, as when he recently answered a question on gay marriage by saying: ‘I am sure
Weld will study it and evaluate it and I will endorse his position on that.’” (Don Aucoin, “Seeking Star Power Of His
Own, Romney Teams Up With Weld,” The Boston Globe, 10/21/94)
ABORTION: Jennifer Dunn
Romney Has Named Former Rep. Jennifer Dunn (R-WA) To Top Advisory Role On His Presidential
Campaign. “Today, Governor Mitt Romney announced that former Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn (R-WA) will
serve as a National Co-Chair of Women for Mitt. Congresswoman Dunn will help organize the National Women
for Mitt effort and spread Governor Romney’s message of strong conservative leadership. She will also serve as
Washington State Honorary Finance Chair.” (Romney For President, Inc., Press Release, 6/26/07)
Romney: Dunn Has “Deep Understanding Of The Important Issues Of Our Day.” ROMNEY: “For twelve
years, Congresswoman Dunn served the people of her district by championing the cause of a stronger
America. I am confident that her deep understanding of the important issues of our day will provide an
invaluable service to my campaign and help spread my message across Washington state and the country.”
(Romney For President, Inc., Press Release, 6/26/07)
Dunn Has Faced Past Scrutiny From Conservatives For Being Pro-Choice. “Republicans will try to bridge
conflicts among personalities, ideologies and competing interest groups when they assemble Nov. 18 to elect
their new House leadership team in the post-Gingrich era. … Rep. Jennifer Dunn of Washington state faces
opposition from some GOP conservatives because she is pro-choice on abortion.” (Ralph Z. Hallow, “GOP Leadership
Candidates Represent Array Of Interests,” The Washington Times, 11/9/98)
Dunn Claimed “Labels” Such As Pro-Choice Or Pro-Life Are Part Of The “Problem” In Abortion Debate.
CNN’s ROBERT NOVAK: “Most people are either – call themselves either pro-choice for pro-life. Which are you?”
DUNN: “Well I think those labels are half the problem in our discussion of a tough issue like this. I’m a libertarian
and that just means government shouldn’t get in on either side in this issue. I don’t think we shouldn’t [sic] spend
people’s taxpayer money to pay for abortions. You can leave that to groups Planned Parenthood, private groups.”
(CNN’s “Evans, Novak, Hunt & Shields,” 11/14/98)
In 2001, Dunn “Emerged As One Of The Leaders” In Effort To Convince President Bush To Allow Federal
Funding For Embryonic Stem Cell Research. “Washington Rep. Jennifer Dunn, a Republican conservative with
close ties to President Bush, has emerged as one of the leaders in the effort to convince the White House to allow
continued federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. … Dunn declined Wednesday to talk about her
support for the research. But she spearheaded a letter to Bush signed by 37 other Republican House members …
urging the president not to ban federal funding. ‘We know there is great pressure from some to change the current
policy,’ the letter said. ‘But we truly believe that such a change would not be in the interests of the health and
welfare of the people we represent.’” (Les Blumenthal, “Dunn Lobbies White House To Continue Stem Cell Research Funding,”
Scripps Howard News Service, 7/11/01)
In Addition To Lobbying The President, Dunn Also Spoke With Then-HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson
And Adviser Karl Rove About Funding Embryonic Stem Cell Research. “Dunn has also talked with the
secretary of health and human services, Tommy Thompson, and presidential adviser Karl Rove about funding for
the research. … Tom Alexander, a Dunn spokesman, said the congresswoman didn’t want to discuss the issue
and declined to release a copy of the letter, which was obtained elsewhere by McClatchy Newspapers. ‘The letter
was intended to be private correspondence between her, her colleagues and the president,’ Alexander said. ‘She
has been on record supporting this research that could help millions of Americans.’” (Les Blumenthal, “Dunn Lobbies
White House To Continue Stem Cell Research Funding,” Scripps Howard News Service, 7/11/01)
Pro-Life Advocate: Dunn “Disappoints The Pro-Life Movement And Always Has.” “‘We’re not surprised,’
Dan Kennedy, the chief executive officer of Human Life of Washington, said of Dunn’s support for embryonic stem
cell research. ‘Jennifer Dunn has a lot of good qualities, but she disappoints the pro-life movement and always
has.’” (Les Blumenthal, “Dunn Lobbies White House To Continue Stem Cell Research Funding,” Scripps Howard News Service, 7/11/01)
Romney’s Fundraising Ability Led Him To Be Selected To RGA Leadership In 2004, Assumed
Chairmanship For 2006 Cycle
Romney’s Fundraising Prowess Reportedly Led To His Selection As RGA Vice Chairman In 2004, “Putting
Him In Line To Head The Politically Influential Organization As He Weighs Whether To Run For President
In 2008.” “Governor Mitt Romney is expected to be chosen vice chairman of the Republican Governors
Association this week, putting him in line to head the politically influential organization as he weighs whether to
run for president in 2008, GOP strategists said yesterday. Romney, who has helped the organization raise more
than $1 million from Massachusetts corporations, would be in a position to become chairman of the association in
2006, offering him access to a national network of governors and Republican-leaning donors. … [S]everal GOP
strategists pointed out that Romney has helped raise money for it. Romney cochaired a fund-raiser for the group
on Feb. 23 in Washington that featured President Bush. He also hosted a fund-raiser in Boston in fall 2003.
Massachusetts corporations and companies with a major presence in the Bay State have stepped up their
donations to the governors’ association significantly since Romney was elected in 2003, campaign finance
records show. Donors include MassMutual Financial Group, which has given more than $300,000 over the last
two years, and Fidelity Investments, which contributed $185,000.” (Frank Phillips and Yvonne Abraham, “GOP Governors Eye
Romney For Post,” The Boston Globe, 11/16/04)
Romney Used RGA To Expand His Donor Base And Collect Presidential Chits
Romney Endured Criticism Throughout 2006 Election Season For Using RGA Chairmanship To Advance
His Own Presidential Ambitions. “As chairman of the Republican Governors Association, Mitt Romney has
directed the organization’s largest contributions to candidates in three states that are key to any presidential run,
enhancing his exposure in politically important precincts as he prepares for a 2008 run for president. The heavy
investment in those three states -- Florida, Michigan, and Iowa -- underscores the extent to which Romney is
using the governors’ association to build his presidential résumé. Romney is traveling the nation under the
auspices of the association and getting to know the deep-pocketed donors who play crucial roles in presidential
candidacies.” (Rick Klein, “Romney Directs GOP Cash To Campaign States,” The Boston Globe, 10/1/06)
Romney’s Decision To Spend Millions Of RGA’s Money Under Strategically Questionable Circumstances
In Florida, Michigan And Iowa “Raised Eyebrows In Political Circles”
Romney Donated $1 Million To Charlie Crist (R-FL), Even Though Crist Held A 3–1 Cash Lead Over His
Opponent. “[S]ome of the choices of where to send the association’s money have raised eyebrows in political
circles. Two weeks ago, Romney traveled to Florida to deliver a $1 million check to Republican gubernatorial
nominee Charlie Crist, even though polls have shown Crist holding a steady lead. Even without the governors’
association’s contribution, Crist had nearly tripled the fund-raising kitty of his opponent, Democrat Jim Davis,
suggesting the association’s money might be better spent in other contests.” (Rick Klein, “Romney Directs GOP Cash To
Campaign States,” The Boston Globe, 10/1/06)
Romney Donated $1 Million To Dick DeVos (R-MI), Who Had Already Given $16 Million To His Own
Campaign. “Also getting $1 million is Dick DeVos, who is running for governor in Michigan, a closely divided state
that holds early presidential primaries -- and where Romney’s father served as governor. Though DeVos’s race
against Democratic Governor Jennifer Granholm is tight, DeVos is hardly strapped for cash, since he has already
pumped more than $16 million of his Amway fortune into the race.” (Rick Klein, “Romney Directs GOP Cash To Campaign
States,” The Boston Globe, 10/1/06)
Cook Political Report’s Jennifer Duffy: “We laughed at the Michigan money … It’s like Romney’s third
home state, after Utah and Massachusetts.” (Rick Klein, “Romney Directs GOP Cash To Campaign States,” The Boston
Globe, 10/1/06)
Romney Gave An Unusually Large Donation Of $750,000 To Jim Nussle (R-IA). “Romney is directing about
$750,000 to Iowa, where Representative Jim Nussle, the chairman of the House budget committee, is locked in a
campaign that’s widely considered a toss-up. While the tightness of the election makes the state a good target for
governors’ association money, the donation is noteworthy for its size, given that Iowa is a sparsely populated
state with low advertising costs.” (Rick Klein, “Romney Directs GOP Cash To Campaign States,” The Boston Globe, 10/1/06)
Jason Roe, Romney Deputy Campaign Manager And Former Chief Of Staff To Rep. Tom Feeney,
“Resigned Abruptly” Amid Disclosure Of Abramoff Ties
Jason Roe, Former Feeney Chief Of Staff, “Resigned Abruptly” From Position As Romney Deputy
Campaign Manager After FBI Inquiries Into Abramoff Ties. “The document the FBI has requested from the
Times is an e-mail from Feeney’s former chief of staff, Jason Roe, who was answering questions about the
Scotland trip last year. Roe resigned abruptly Tuesday from his new job as deputy campaign manager for
presidential candidate Mitt Romney.” (Anita Kumar, “Cost Hidden For Feeney Trip,” St. Petersburg Times, 4/25/07)
Roe “Functioned As The Campaign’s Top Daily Operating Officer.” “Ex-MA Gov. Mitt Romney’s deputy
campaign manager has resigned, a Romney aide confirmed to the Hotline Tuesday. Jason Roe, who
functioned as the campaign’s top daily operating officer, told campaign officials today that he planned to
leave.” (Marc Ambinder,” National’s Journal’s Hotline “On Call” Blog, “Romney’s Deputy Campaign Manager Resigns,”, 4/24/07)
FBI Contacted Newspaper Inquiring About Roe’s Role In Abramoff Scandal. “The FBI contacted the Times
last week to ask for the February 2006 email that Feeney’s then chief of staff Jason Roe wrote to the newspaper
in response to a series of questions about interactions between Feeney and Abramoff. The Times has referred
the FBI’s request to its attorney.” (Anita Kumar, “Feeney’s Office Said The Congressman Is Cooperating Voluntarily,” St. Petersburg
Times, 4/23/07)
In 2005, “Roe Vehemently Denied Any Improper Relationship With Abramoff.” “‘Any assertion that this
office knew Abramoff paid for the Scotland trip is a g--d----- lie,’ Roe wrote in the email being sought by the
FBI. The email was quoted in a newspaper article last year. In last year’s email, Roe vehemently denied any
improper relationship with Abramoff as a result of the trip.” (Anita Kumar, “Feeney’s Office Said The Congressman Is
Cooperating Voluntarily,” St. Petersburg Times, 4/23/07)
Rep. Tom Feeney, Traveled On Controversial Scottish Golf Vacation With Abramoff, Contacted By FBI
About Role
Rep. Tom Feeney Serves On Romney’s “Congressional Whip Team.” (Romney For President, “Governor Mitt Romney
Announces Congressional Whip Team,” Press Release, 2/6/07)
Rep. Feeney Took 2003 Scottish Golf Vacation Funded By Abramoff, Disclosed Only $5,000 Of $20,000 In
Expenses. “Lobbyist Jack Abramoff treated Rep. Tom Feeney and others to a Scotland trip in 2003 that began
with a trans-Atlantic flight on a private jet and featured twice-daily golf at world-famous locales. New court
documents released Tuesday show Abramoff’s expenses for the luxury trip averaged about $20,000 per person
for each of the eight people who went, not the $5,000 Feeney estimated in the travel report he filed in Congress.”
(Anita Kumar, “Cost Hidden For Feeney Trip,” St. Petersburg Times, 4/25/07)
Feeney Disclosure Filing Mirrored Congressional Aide Who Pled Guilty To Conspiracy. “A guilty plea
entered Tuesday by former congressional aide Mark Zachares revealed new details about the extravagant
four-day trip that illustrated the influential reign of Abramoff, now in prison for defrauding clients. Zachares
pleaded guilty to conspiracy and admitted in documents, among other things, that the travel report he filed
upon returning from Scotland was filled with lies that were coordinated by Abramoff. Zachares had said the
trip was paid for by a conservative think tank, the National Center for Public Policy Research, that it had cost
$5,643 and that the purpose was fact finding. All three were lies, according to the documents. Feeney, 48, an
Orlando-area Republican who has been contacted by the FBI as part of the Abramoff investigation, reported
precisely the same details in his travel report on the Scotland trip.” (Anita Kumar, “Cost Hidden For Feeney Trip,” St.
Petersburg Times, 4/25/07)
FBI Contacted Feeney About Role In Abramoff Investigation, Requested Documents From Local
Newspaper. “The FBI has asked U.S. Rep. Tom Feeney for information about his dealings with Jack Abramoff as
part of its ongoing investigation into the lobbyist convicted of defrauding clients. FBI agent Kevin Luebke refused
to say whether Feeney, a Republican from the Orlando area, is under federal investigation. Federal agents also
have asked the St. Petersburg Times for an email sent to the newspaper by Feeney’s office describing a golfing
trip the congressman took with Abramoff to Scotland in 2003.” (Anita Kumar, “Feeney’s Office Said The Congressman Is
Cooperating Voluntarily,” St. Petersburg Times, 4/23/07)
“Feeney’s Office Released A Statement To The St. Petersburg Times On Monday Acknowledging That
He Has Been Contacted By The FBI In The Inquiry.” (Anita Kumar, “Cost Hidden For Feeney Trip,” St. Petersburg
Times, 4/25/07)
“The Documents Filed In U.S. District Court In Washington Refer To Feeney, The Only Current Member Of
Congress To Have Gone On The Four-Day Trip, As ‘Representative #3.’” (Anita Kumar, “Cost Hidden For Feeney
Trip,” St. Petersburg Times, 4/25/07)
Three Congressmen Took Abramoff Golfing Trip: Feeney, Former Rep. Tom DeLay, And Former Rep.
Bob Ney, Now Serving Jail Time For Abramoff Related Corruption. “Feeney, once the speaker of the
Florida House, is one of three men who were U.S. House members when they accompanied Abramoff to
Scotland on trips that included rounds of golf at the legendary Royal & Ancient Golf Club at St. Andrews. The
others are former Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio, who is serving prison time for corruption related to his Abramoff
relationship, and former House Republican Leader Tom DeLay, indicted in an unrelated Texas case for
alleged improper fundraising, is under investigation.” (Anita Kumar, “Cost Hidden For Feeney Trip,” St. Petersburg Times,
Rep. Dennis Hastert, Under Scrutiny For Ties To Abramoff, Criticized Criticized For “Insufficient
Attention” To Corruption In Congress
Rep. Dennis Hastert Serves On Romney’s “Congressional Whip Team.” (Romney For President, “Governor Mitt
Romney Announces Congressional Whip Team,” Press Release, 2/6/07)
Hastert Held Fundraiser At Abramoff’s Restaurant One Week Before Writing Letter For His Clients. “House
Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., held a fundraiser at Abramoff’s Signatures restaurant in Washington on June 3,
2003, that collected at least $21,500 for Hastert’s Keep Our Majority political action committee from the lobbyist’s
firm and tribal clients. Seven days later, Hastert wrote Norton urging her to reject the Jena tribe of Choctaw
Indians’ request for a new casino.” (John Solomon, “Lawmakers Pressured Interior While Getting Large Donations,” The Associated
Press, 11/18/05)
“Hastert Failed For Two Years To Disclose His Use Of Abramoff’s Restaurant The Week Before His
Letter Or To Reimburse For It As Legally Required. Hastert Blames A Paperwork Oversight And
Recently Corrected It.” (John Solomon, “Lawmakers Pressured Interior While Getting Large Donations,” The Associated Press,
“Hastert Was Criticized For Insufficient Attention To Ethical Lapses That Eventually Embroiled The Party
In A Series Of Corruption Scandals And Helped Turn Voters Against Republicans.” (Mike Dorning and Christi
Parsons, ‘Accidental Speaker’ Calls It Quits,’ Chicago Tribune, 11/9/06)
Hastert Presided Over Fall Of Reps. Cunningham And Ney. “On Hastert’s watch, [former Rep. Duke]
Cunningham pleaded guilty to accepting millions in bribes from government contractors and [former Rep.
Bob] Ney agreed to plead guilty to corruption in the influence-peddling case involving Abramoff.” (Bob Dart,
“Scandal Makes Hastert Newly Vulnerable,” Cox News, 10/8/06)
Hastert Failed To Come Down On Rep. DeLay Amid Ethical Scandals. “[Hastert] dismissed the House
Ethics Committee chairman after it admonished then-Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) and hesitated to
press for DeLay’s resignation after the Texan became embroiled in the Jack Abramoff lobbying corruption
scandal.” (Mike Dorning and Christi Parsons, ‘Accidental Speaker’ Calls It Quits,’ Chicago Tribune, 11/9/06)
House Ethics Committee “Harshly Criticized” Hastert For Role In Foley Scandal. “The [Ethics Committee
report on the Foley Scandal] harshly criticized Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., saying the evidence showed he was
told of the problem months before he acknowledged learning of Foley’s questionable e-mails to a former
Louisiana page. It rejected Hastert’s contention that he couldn’t recall separate warnings from two House
Republican leaders.” (Larry Margasak, “Panel Blasts Hastert In Foley Scandal,” The Associated Press, 12/9/06)
“[I]nvestigators Said Evidence Supports The Conclusion That Hastert’s Top Aide Had Been Told
About Foley’s Conduct In Late 2002 Or Early 2003.” (Larry Margasak, “Foley Panel: GOP Didn’t Protect Pages,” The
Associated Press, 12/9/06)
Ethics Committee Report: “The Investigative Subcommittee finds a significant number of instances where
members (of Congress), officers or employees fails to exercise appropriate diligence and oversight, or should
have exercised greater diligence and oversight, regarding issues arising from the interaction between former
Rep. Mark Foley and current or former House pages.” (Larry Margasak, “Foley Panel: GOP Didn’t Protect Pages,” The
Associated Press, 12/9/06)
Grover Norquist Tied To Jack Abramoff Scandal For Laundering Indian Tribe Funds Through Organization
Grover Norquist “Signaled Approval Of Romney By Introducing Him” At CPAC. “Grover Norquist, president
of Americans for Tax Reform, has not endorsed a candidate, but he signaled approval of Romney by introducing
him at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington last month.” (Molly Hennessey-Fiske, “GOP
Candidates Face Litmus Test: Tax Cuts,” Los Angeles Times, 4/9/07)
Norquist’s Americans For Tax Reform Used As “Conduit” For Funds From Abramoff’s Clients To
“Surreptitiously Finance Grass-Roots Lobbying Campaigns.” “Among the organizations used by Abramoff
was Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform. According to an investigative report on Abramoff’s lobbying released
last week by the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, Americans for Tax Reform served as a ‘conduit’ for funds that
flowed from Abramoff’s clients to surreptitiously finance grass-roots lobbying campaigns. As the money passed
through, Norquist’s organization kept a small cut, e-mails show.” (Susan Schmidt and James V. Grimaldi, “Nonprofit Groups
Funneled Money For Abramoff,” The Washington Post, 6/25/06)
Norquist And Staff Advocated For Abramoff Clients In Public Without Disclosing Encouragement
From Abramoff. “The e-mails also show that Norquist and his staff -- along with the leaders of other groups -
- were encouraged to submit newspaper pieces and news releases, which Abramoff offered to draft,
advocating for Abramoff clients. ,,, Abramoff e-mails show him encouraging Norquist and Americans for Tax
Reform and other organizations to become active on behalf of his client. In 2000, the Washington Times
published a Norquist op-ed piece touting Channel One.” (Tom Hamburger, “Abramoff Ties May Jeopardize Nonprofits’ Tax
Status,” Los Angeles Times, 10/13/06)
“[Abramoff Used] Americans For Tax Reform To Hide The Fact That Indian Tribes With Gambling
Casinos Were The Source Of Funds For Campaigns Opposing State Gambling Enterprises.” (Tom
Hamburger, “Abramoff Ties May Jeopardize Nonprofits’ Tax Status,” Los Angeles Times, 10/13/06)
Barbara Comstock Defended Scooter Libby, Tom DeLay, Jerry Lewis In Corruption Cases
“An Adviser To Romney’s Political Action Committee, Barbara Comstock …” (Glen Johnson, “Conservatives Say
Massachusetts Governor Needs To Explain Record On Gay Rights,” The Associated Press, 12/13/06)
Comstock Serves As Rep. Jerry Lewis’ Spokeswoman For Investigation And Lewis Paid Her Firm Nearly
$20,000. “In the division of legal labor for Lewis, Comstock – whose firm has received nearly $20,000 for her work
– serves as the spokeswoman for questions related to the probe. The lead attorney from Gibson, Dunn and
Crutcher is Robert Bonner, a former U.S. attorney from Los Angeles, the office leading the Lewis investigation.”
(Paul Kane, “Lewis’ Legal Bills Soar Past $800K,” Roll Call, 10/31/06)
Federal Investigators Looking Into Lewis Securing Earmarks For Clients Of Lobbyist Friend While
Accepting Their Campaign Contributions. “Federal investigators are examining Lewis’ association with
lobbyists who have secured millions of dollars in congressional earmarks for their clients. Lobbyists and their
clients have contributed heavily to Lewis’ political war chests, records show. Lewis has denied any
wrongdoing. But the investigation is taking a toll on his campaign treasury.” (Richard Simon, “Legal Fees Are Drain On
Lewis’ War Chest,” Los Angeles Times, 10/18/06)
Lewis Being Investigated For Steering Earmarks To Clients Of Former Rep. Bill Lowery’s (R-CA)
Lobbying Firm. “All told, Lewis has spent fully two-thirds of the $1.2 million raised by his campaign
committee in the 2006 election cycle on legal bills related to the investigation into his relationship with ex-Rep.
Bill Lowery (R-Calif.), a close friend who founded a now-defunct lobbying firm that specialized in obtaining
earmarks from the Appropriations subcommittee on Defense while Lewis chaired that panel, as well as
earning grants for local municipalities in and around Lewis’ district.” (Paul Kane, “Lewis’ Legal Bills Soar Past $800K,”
Roll Call, 10/31/06)
No Charges Have Been Filed, But In May 2006 FBI Issued Subpoenas Seeking Documents From
Lobbying Firm Clients. “Lewis faces scrutiny as part of a wide-ranging federal investigation into a
Washington, D.C., lobbying firm and the use of congressional earmarks, special funding projects that
lawmakers insert into legislation. In May, a federal grand jury subpoenaed documents from several Inland
cities and counties about their decision to hire the lobbying firm formerly known as Copeland, Lowery,
Jacquez, Denton & White and its relationship with Lewis. Lewis has not been accused of any wrongdoing,
and no charges have been filed as part of the investigation.” (Duane W. Gang, “Democrat Hints At Try For Rep. Lewis’
Seat,” The [Riverside, CA] Press Enterprise, 3/1/07)
In Mid-May 2006, FBI Examined Lewis’ Financial Disclosure Statements. “[T]he FBI has examined the
financial disclosure statements of Lewis, his wife, one current staffer and one former staffer. But those
subpoenas were issued in the spring and the financial records were examined in mid-May, pushing the
investigation out of the spotlight in the months since.” (Paul Kane, “Lewis’ Legal Bills Soar Past $800K,” Roll Call, 10/31/06)
Barbara Comstock Represented Scooter Libby. “Comstock, a lobbyist at the Blank Rome Government
Relations firm, represents indicted ex-veep Chief of Staff Scooter Libby …” (Mary Ann Akers, “Heard On The Hill,” Roll Call,
Libby Convicted Of Multiple Felonies. “I. Lewis Libby Jr., the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick
Cheney, was convicted today of lying to a grand jury and to F.B.I. agents investigating the leak of the identity
of a C.I.A. operative in the summer of 2003 amid a fierce public dispute over the war in Iraq. Mr. Libby, 56,
who once wielded great authority at the top levels of government, is the highest-ranking White House official
to be convicted of a felony since the Iran-Contra scandals of the 1980s.” (Neil A. Lewis, “Libby Guilty Of Lying In C.I.A.
Leak Case,” The New York Times, 3/6/07)
Barbara Comstock Represented Former Rep. Tom DeLay. “Comstock, a lobbyist at the Blank Rome
Government Relations firm, represents … DeLay, who’s already been indicted in Texas and is treading choppy
waters in the Congressional bribery scandal.” (Mary Ann Akers, “Heard On The Hill,” Roll Call, 1/9/06)
DeLay Resigned Amid Federal Criminal Investigation And Indictment In Texas On Money Laundering
Charges. “The pending resignation of former House majority leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.), once one of the
most powerful lawmakers in Washington, comes amid a federal criminal investigation that already has
reached into his inner circle of longtime advisers. DeLay faces a trial later this year on money-laundering
charges in Texas that stems from an October 2005 indictment related to corporate contributions to state
elections in 2001 and 2002. Since then, two former aides and one of his most prominent contributors have
pleaded guilty in a separate federal probe to crimes including conspiracy; wire, tax and mail fraud; and
corruption of public officials.” (R. Jeffrey Smith, “Federal Probe Has Edged Closer To Texan,” The Washington Post, 4/4/06)
Taxes And Fees
Romney: “the only way you can have tax cuts is if people stop spending money” in waste. (Tape 9)
Romney: “There was about $260 million in fees that we raised.” (Very Bad Video, Tape 5).
Romney: Gas tax holiday “crazy” (Tape 5).
Social Issues
Romney, discussing GA pheasant hunting trip, says he’s hunted “many times.” (Tape 9)
Romney: “I have expressed support for assault weapons bill” and says his position is the “same as Kerry and
Kennedy on this.” (Tape 73)
Romney agrees with reporter that “same sex couples can be good parents.” (Tape 2)
Romney “wouldn’t take a position” on Schiavo. (Tape 51)
Romney “would include stem cell funding in the economic stimulus bill.” (Tape 51)
Romney, post epiphany, says because of campaign pledge, there will be “moratorium” on abortion related issues
with respect to Massachusetts law. (Tape 23)
Romney discusses how the Congress passed the stem cell bill the same as the one he proposed (Tape 23).
Romney on abortion, saying he will enforce pro choice laws of MA. (Tape 23).
Romney discusses MA’s gay marriage amendment, saying he won’t campaign for it and is not actively engaged
or pushing the ballot initiative. (Tape 23).
Romney: “I support abortion in the case of rape and incest and the life of the mother.” (Tape 25)
Romney: “My own view is that every hospital should provide to rape victims information about emergency
contraceptives.” (Tape 25)
Romney: “I believe every hospital should provide information about emergency contraceptives to victims of rape.”
(Tape 25)
Romney talks about revisiting immigration policy, mentioning President Bush and guest workers without saying he
supports or opposes, does not mention McCain. (Tape 9)
Romney: “those who are here contrary to the law should seek to establish legal residence, and if they do so, Id be
delighted to provide support.” (Tape 32)
Flip Flops
Romney: You’ll have to allow me the opportunity to change my view on that (Tape 13)
Energy And Climate Change
Romney says we may be contributing to global warming. (Pretty Bad Video, Tape 30)
Discusses his climate protection plan, which is “designed to reduce greenhouse gases (Tape 43).
Romney discusses American manufactured cars, saying its ok to buy cars with foreign nameplate. (Pretty Bad
Video, Tape 30).
Says CAFÉ standards need to be raised
Romney: This bill makes progress on CO2 emissions. (Tape 18)
Romney said “we’d all vote for Canada” to secure energy for America. (Tape 13)
Romney: “All the benefits of the cap and trade program should be able to be realized.” (Tape 25)
Criticizes Other States
Houston and Florida and US looks the same with Wal Mart and big box stores. (Tape 45)
During a BRAC press conference, Romney mocks military bases in Wyoming (Tape 38)
Romney says, “Shame on us for letting Providence pass us” (referring to Worcester, MA dropping from the
second largest city in New England to the third largest, Tape 38).
Praises Mass.
Don’t talk down Massachusetts (Tape 7)
Romney says: “I can’t imagine anything more fun than being the governor of the great commonwealth of MA.”
(Very Bad Video, Tape 12)
Romney: “Let’s not do something the U.N. said not to do.” (Tape 51)
After bill signing, Democrat goes to take picture with Romney. Romney goes, “I better not see this in your
campaign literature.” Dem replies, “I remember a time when you wanted to be in pictures with me.” (Tape 2)
Makes a joke about putting old people in the greenhouse and watering them every day (Tape 23).
Makes a joke at press conference about asking about “his waterskiing ability, given [his] tan.” (Tape 43)
Defends traveling for politicians and senators. (Tape 18)
Q&A on presidential ambitions (Full – Tape 21)
Will not seek reelection press conference (Full – Tape 18)
Flip Flops
Multiple videos of attacking Kerry for flip flops.
Social Issues
Romney: “you’ll never find a statement anywhere that I support civil unions.” (Tape 97)
Romney: “I would rather have civil unions (than gay marriage).” (Tape 97)
Massachusetts Praise, Criticizing Other States
Scolds “polluters from the mid-western states.” (Tape 17)
Says MA will takeover RI, CT, and NH. (mult.)
Repeatedly cites the “Houstonization” of cities sprawling and people getting fat. (Tape 57)
Retells story that, just like hell, Arizona would be paradise with more water and good people. (Tape 60)
Romney mocks high taxes and rolling blackouts in CA. (Tape 75)
Taxes And Fees
Romney: “Pay me more taxes!” (Tape 17)
His fee increases were “aimed at business” and the state revenues increased “$60 million from closing loopholes
on business.” (Tape 67)
Romney: “We will certainly grow our spending.” (Tape 50)
Romney says he increased fees $59 million. (Tape 60)
Romney: “our own assessment of fee increases in $330 million dollars.” (Tape 75)
Romney: “anytime you raise taxes, fees, etc, no question it is hard on all working people.” (Tape 75)
Romney says, “Did we have to make cuts? Of course. Raise a few fees? Absolutely!” (Tape 94)
Romney: “total increases of $16 million dollars.” (Tape 88)
Romney: “Closing loopholes will generate $70 million for the commonwealth.” (Tape 88)
Abortion And Life Issues
Says his education plan is not abstinence only, but is abstinence plus sex ed, “abstinence also.” (Tape 10)
Affirmative Action
Says he is “committed and devoted to 7 executive orders” that established affirmative action in MA government.
(Tape 80)
Campaign Finance Reform
Romney: McCain-Feingold created with good intent. (Tape 39)
Reporter: “Are you a right-wing ideologue?” Romney: “NO!” (Tape 66)
Romney: “My position and common cause are going to line up straight down the road.” (Tape 59)
Flip Flops
Rips Kerry for flip flopping on the isses. (Tape 63)
Mocks Kerry for flip flops, War on Terror, marrying rich women, and says he should stay in Massachusetts. (Tape
At BC04 press conf. says people should support Bush because he’s consistent, but Kerry flip flops. (Tape 78)
At event with Kennedy family, says Ted Kennedy Jr. “expected a conversion experience.” (Tape 62)
Romney explains his proposal for “video lottery gaming” in MA. (Tape 66)
Gay Adoption/Marriage
Romney: “you’ll never find a statement anywhere that I support civil unions.” (Tape 97)
Romney: “I would rather have civil unions (than gay marriage).” (Tape 97)
Romney praises town clerks and Mayor Menino for issues same sex marriage certificates and says protesters are
“pedaling hate.” (Tape 59)
Romney says he “ordered justices of the peace to marry gay couples.” (Tape 59)
Romney: “Gay marriage is legal in MA and im delighted to have [Bill Weld] back and celebrating that legal union.”
(Tape 59)
Romney says he may attend some gay weddings, but is out of town for the first he was invited to. (Tape 59)
Romney discusses gay marriage and says he wants “civil union type benefits, which I prefer.” (Tape 77)
Health Care
Romney: “Health care plan does not have implications beyond Massachusetts” and he won’t push it. (Tape 39)
Romney: “I’ve seen proposals out of Washington that said ‘if you come to America and go to college, why you’re
in the front of the line to become a citizen.’ I think that’s a great idea.” (Tape 36)
Romney says illegal immigrants should not be allowed to get drivers licenses. (Tape 77)
Judicial Nominations
Romney: “Clinton or Bush would die to have my success rate on judicial nominees.” (Tape 36)
Romney: “Not good to send an impression that denigrates the commonwealth.” (Tape 15)
Romney: “I love this place. I love Massachusetts.” (Tape 93)
Taxes And Fees
Romney: “Pay me more taxes!” (Tape 17)
Romney: “We’ll close loopholes for more revenue.” (Tape 67)
His fee increases were “aimed at business” and the state revenues increased “$60 million from closing loopholes
on business.” (Tape 67)
Romney explains his support for a tax on online software sales. (Tape 52)
Romney: “We will certainly grow our spending.” (Tape 50)
Romney: He has “no current plan to reduce excise taxes on cars.” (Tape 63)
Romney discusses closing tax loopholes. (Tape 52)
Romney says he’s “open to local taxes.” (Tape 66)
Romney: “the difference between drivers license fees and taxes are hard to determine.” (Tape 60)
Romney says he increased fees $59 million. (Tape 60)
Romney: “our own assessment of fee increases in $330 million dollars.” (Tape 75)
Romney says fees are not broad based, and that license fees are pretty close to being taxes so he didn’t raise
them. (Tape 75)
Romney doesn’t know what question about blind fee increase is about. (Tape 75)
Romney: “anytime you raise taxes, fees, etc, no question it is hard on all working people.” (Tape 75)
Romney says, “Did we have to make cuts? Of course. Raise a few fees? Absolutely!” (Tape 94)
Romney: “total increases of $16 million dollars.” (Tape 88)
Romney: “Closing loopholes will generate $70 million for the commonwealth.” (Tape 88)
Romney: “No question we have a large state government.” (Tape 88)
Awkward Moments
Romney at youth basketball game and gym class with awkward sit-ups/warm-up routine. (Tape 67)
Romney begins to discuss “acute hair situation.” (Meant Acute Care Situation) (Tape 55)
Romney says the Harlem Globetrotters have trouble making touchdowns. (Tape 62)
Criticizes Sen. Santorum for saying Boston was the reason for church molestation. (Tape 39)
At BC04 press conference says its part of the process for senators to campaign and defends Kerry. (Tape 78)
Romney: “I don’t want people outside this room to hear that.” (Tape 61)
Romney: “local governments are frequently the problem.” (Tape 75)
Romney: “you don’t get a lot of honesty from politicians.” (Tape 75)
Romney mocks Kerry, saying he threw his “yarmulke into the ring.” (Tape 68)
Advocates seat belt law as “a very personal matter” and tells story of neighbor who rolled car. (Tape 91)
Criticizing Other States And Cities
Scolds “polluters from the mid-western states.” (Tape 17)
Comments that you can buy (make?) “BMW’s for less than U.S. cars in Detroit.” (Tape 17)
Announces “the takeover of Rhode Island.” (Tape 17)
Repeatedly cites the “Houstonization” of cities sprawling and people getting fat. (Tape 57)
Retells story that, just like hell, Arizona would be paradise with more water and good people. (Tape 60)
Romney mocks high taxes and rolling blackouts in CA. (Tape 75)
Romney says he bet with Pataki on ALCS, winner gets CT. (Tape 75)
Romney said he and his buddies at Bain would “launch hostile takeover of NH.” (Tape 68)
Other Press Events
Health care bill signing (no sound)
Press conference where he declines to run for reelection.
Romney: I “haven’t urged my own children to enlist.” In the military (Tape 36)
Romney, hailing a new construction project on cape cod: “by virtue of being elected governor, I got my pet peeve
taken care of and a pet project done.” (Tape 3)
Romney: “I’m wary of anyone who parlays background, money, and hair to political success.” (Tape 78)
Romney: “I thought becoming rich and famous would make me happy. Boy was I right.” (Tape 78)